01995oam 2200361z 450 991080765260332120230310174230.00-87808-034-10-87808-098-8(CKB)4100000007814131(MiAaPQ)EBC5718790(EXLCZ)99410000000781413120200127h20092009 uy 0engtxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierApostolic function in 21st century missions /Alan R. JohnsonPasadena, Calif. :William Carey Library,2009.©20091 online resource (vii, 258 pages) illustrations0-87808-011-2 The growing lack of clarity about missions The notion of paradigms and missions Apostolic function : the paradigm of missionary identity Insights from frontier mission missiology Problems and contributions from frontier mission missiology The power of integrating paradigms Issues related to the "where" question in missions"In Apostolic function in 21st century missions, Alan R. Johnson introduces the idea of apostolic function as the paradigm of missionary self-identity that reminds us to focus our efforts on where Christ is not named. He then examines in detail the "where" paradigm in missions, frontier mission missiology, with a sympathetic critique and a review of the major contributions of unreached people group thinking. Johnson concludes by illustrating his notion of seeking to integrate missions paradigms and discussing of issues that relate specifically to the "where" questions of missions today."--Back coverApostolic function in twenty-first century missionsMissionsTheoryMissionsTheory.266/.994Johnson Alan R1692411BOOK9910807652603321Apostolic function in 21st century missions4069491UNINA