03140nam 2200721 a 450 991080745800332120240418021946.01-283-21243-997866132124360-8122-0558-810.9783/9780812205589(CKB)2550000000051312(SSID)ssj0000648958(PQKBManifestationID)11442410(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000648958(PQKBWorkID)10600906(PQKB)11575186(OCoLC)759158217(MdBmJHUP)muse8360(DE-B1597)449245(OCoLC)979748676(DE-B1597)9780812205589(Au-PeEL)EBL3441503(CaPaEBR)ebr10491960(CaONFJC)MIL321243(OCoLC)748533473(MiAaPQ)EBC3441503(EXLCZ)99255000000005131220750424d1974 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHistory of the Lombards /Paul the Deacon ; translated by William Dudley Foulke ; edited by Edward Peters1st ed.Philadelphia :University of Pennsylvania Press,[1974]1 online resource (xxi, 332 pages)The Middle Ages seriesTranslation of De gestis Langobardorum.0-8122-1079-4 Bibliography: p. 315-329.Frontmatter --TABLE OF CONTENTS --A NOTE ON THE TITLE OF THIS REPRINT EDITION --EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES --INTRODUCTION --BOOK I --BOOK II --BOOK III --BOOK IV --BOOK V --BOOK VI --APPENDIX. SOME SOURCES 1S9D ANALOGS --A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE, 2003History of the Lombards, by Paul the Deacon (c. 720-c. 799), is among the most important and oldest accounts of the Germanic nation. The book preserves many ancient myths and popular traditions and draws from sources that are now lost. The history traces the changing fortunes of the Lombards, the last of the migratory Germanic peoples to enter the western part of the old Roman Empire, from their first appearance in the West in the sixth century to the middle of the eighth century. The popularity of Paul the Deacon's book has endured over the centuries and, although there have been numerous translations and editions, this remains the only one in English.Middle Ages series.LombardsItalyHistorySourcesGermanic peoplesItalyHistorySourcesMiddle AgesSourcesItalyHistory476-774SourcesLombardsHistoryGermanic peoplesHistoryMiddle Ages945.01Paulthe Deacon,ca. 720-799?254652Foulke William Dudley1848-1935.1666910Peters Edward202722MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910807458003321History of the Lombards4026417UNINA