04529 am 2200841 n 450 9910306639703321201811012-35613-290-210.4000/books.ausonius.9936(CKB)4100000007522731(FrMaCLE)OB-ausonius-9936(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/53187(PPN)234055278(EXLCZ)99410000000752273120190408j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMentalités et choix économiques des Romains /Jean Andreau, Jérôme France, Sylvie PittiaPessac Ausonius Éditions20181 online resource (257 p.) 2-910023-43-5 Dans le domaine des études sur l’économie antique, et plus particulièrement romaine, de nombreuses enquêtes ont porté sur les intérêts économiques des divers milieux sociaux et notamment des élites sénatoriales, équestres et municipales, ainsi que des groupes statutaires liés à leurs affaires (esclaves, affranchis). Toutefois, les choix et les modes de pensée de ces agents économiques, la façon dont ils prenaient leurs décisions, les motivations qui les y amenaient et la place qu’ils tenaient respectivement dans la réalisation de ces décisions ont été relativement négligés. Pourtant, ni la documentation ni les outils conceptuels ne font défaut pour aborder ces questions, et les recherches consacrées aux économies modernes, préindustrielles et industrielles en ont montré tout l’intérêt. C’est cette lacune que ce livre souhaite contribuer à combler, à partir des travaux et des débats menés dans le cadre d’un programme de recherches du Centre Gustave Glotz (UMR 8585, Paris). In the study of the ancient economy, and in particular the Roman economy many investigations have focused on the economic interests of different social categories: most obviously of the senatorial, equestrian, and municipal élites, but also of the status groups which were implicated in their affairs (slaves, freedmen). On the other hand, the choices and modes of thought of these economic agents, the way in which the reached their decisions, the motivations which drove them, and the role which the different groups played in realising their decisions - all these have been relatively neglected. Nevertheless, neither the documentation nor the conceptual tools are lacking with which to approach these problems, and existing research, dedicated to modern, industrial, and pre-industrial economies, has demonstrated the considerable interest of such questions. This book is intended as a contribution to the making good of this lacuna. It derives from research and…ClassicsHistoryéconomie antiquechoix économiqueélite sénatorialenotable romainhomme d'affairesnégociantlien de parentédécision économiqueAntiquitééconomie antiquehomme d'affairesnégociantdécision économiqueAntiquitélien de parentéchoix économiquenotable romainélite sénatorialeClassicsHistoryéconomie antiquechoix économiqueélite sénatorialenotable romainhomme d'affairesnégociantlien de parentédécision économiqueAntiquitéAndreau Jean139630Aubert Jean-Jacques176165Dondin-Payre Monique267403France Jérôme412979Ioannatou Marina505774Maucourant Jérôme724454Pittia Sylvie305590Thomas Yan259874Verboven Koenraad486390Andreau Jean139630France Jérôme412979Pittia Sylvie305590FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910306639703321Mentalités et choix économiques des Romains3025227UNINA02995nam 22005655 450 991080011420332120240607004223.03-031-49175-010.1007/978-3-031-49175-7(MiAaPQ)EBC31072106(Au-PeEL)EBL31072106(DE-He213)978-3-031-49175-7(CKB)29958397300041(EXLCZ)992995839730004120240116d2024 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdvances in Minerals Research /edited by Shadia Jamil Ikhmayies1st ed. 2024.Cham :Springer Nature Switzerland :Imprint: Springer,2024.1 online resource (321 pages)Advances in Material Research and Technology,2662-477XPrint version: Ikhmayies, Shadia Jamil Advances in Minerals Research Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,c2024 9783031491740 1 Introduction to Mineral Research -- 2. Use of Ultrasound in Physical and Chemical Mineral Processing Operations -- 3. Advanced techniques on fine and coarse particle flotation -- 4. Differentiation between natural quartz based on thermoluminescence properties -- 5. Silicones and their Applications.This book offers background material, reviews, and researched findings into the realms of minerals, mining, metallurgy, and engineering. Firstly, it elucidates fundamental mineral concepts, mining techniques, and mineral processing methods; secondly, it unveils cutting-edge insights on fine and coarse particle flotation, unveiling breakthrough technologies for enhanced efficiency; and thirdly, it explores the innovative applications of ultrasound and thermoluminescence in mineral processing, offering a holistic view of the latest advancements. This book sheds light on the versatile uses of silicones, the intricacies of bentonite clay, and the production pathways, properties, and applications of hydroxyapatite. Furthermore, the book provides invaluable insights into biomimetic biomineralization, the synthesis of low-carbon bio-cements, and the pioneering strides in mineral-based phase change materials. .Advances in Material Research and Technology,2662-477XMaterials scienceMineralogyChemical engineeringMaterials ScienceMineralogyChemical EngineeringMaterials science.Mineralogy.Chemical engineering.Materials Science.Mineralogy.Chemical Engineering.620.11Ikhmayies Shadia Jamil1453529MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910800114203321Advances in Minerals Research3876768UNINA