04040nam 2201189z- 450 991055760970332120231214133440.0(CKB)5400000000045305(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/79677(EXLCZ)99540000000004530520202203d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierInnovation and Evidence for Achieving TB Elimination in the Asia-Pacific RegionBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (238 p.)3-0365-2551-3 3-0365-2550-5 The World Health Organization’s (WHO) END-TB strategy has set the world on course to climb the highest of medical mountains by 2035, with a targeted peak of reductions in TB deaths by 95%, TB cases by 90%, and no burdens of catastrophic expenses on families due to TB. Eliminating TB in the Asia-Pacific region, which has 62% of all estimated TB patients globally, will require innovation, rigorous research, and sustained investment. This special issue connects original research and viewpoints on pertinent approaches for improving TB care and prevention in the Asia-Pacific region.HumanitiesbicsscSocial interactionbicsscpediatric TBverbal screeningcontact tracingresourcessputumhealth promotionoperational researchindigenous populationmultidrug-resistant tuberculosishousehold contactscreeningTB diagnosisyieldoperations researchcontactscontact investigationMDR-TBpublic-private mix modelpublic-private partnershipmissing casesSORT ITTB diagnosticslaboratory methodscase detectionXpert UltraSTRBangladesh regimentuberculosispost-tuberculosis morbidity and mortalityTB preventive therapylatent TB infectionAsia Pacificrifapentine-isoniazidincidencehousehold contacts tracingEnd TBsustainable development goalsSouth-East AsiaWestern Pacific Regionnational TB programsocio-economic determinantsdiabetes mellitusTB-DMadverse drug reactionsunfavourable outcomelymph node TBbone TBTB eliminationextrapulmonary tuberculosisprivate sectorintermediary agencyreferralnotificationViet Namactive case findingcommunity outreachIndonesiakey populationinnovationTB REACHcommunity health workersmobile X-ray screeningTBchest X-rayactive TB case-findingdiagnostic algorithmHumanitiesSocial interactionDuCros Philippedt1314050Hussain HamidahedtViney KerriedtDuCros PhilippothHussain HamidahothViney KerriothBOOK9910557609703321Innovation and Evidence for Achieving TB Elimination in the Asia-Pacific Region3645779UNINA04246oam 2200877I 450 991079992010332120230725031353.01-136-82488-X1-283-15142-197866131514211-136-82489-80-203-83080-610.4324/9780203830802 (CKB)2670000000093627(EBL)692389(OCoLC)730151724(SSID)ssj0000521500(PQKBManifestationID)11330811(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000521500(PQKBWorkID)10518181(PQKB)10125907(MiAaPQ)EBC692389(Au-PeEL)EBL692389(CaPaEBR)ebr10477501(CaONFJC)MIL315142(OCoLC)742514674(EXLCZ)99267000000009362720180706d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCities, borders, and spaces in intercultural American literature and film /Ana Ma. Manzanas and Jesus BenitoNew York :Routledge,2011.1 online resource (177 p.)Routledge transnational perspectives on American literature ;14Description based upon print version of record.1-138-84966-9 0-415-88721-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction : lingering on Times Square -- Chiastic spaces: ports of entry, ports of exit -- The migrational city in Chuck Palahniuk's "Slumming" : a story by lady baglady, and Helena Viramontes's "The Cariboo Cafe" -- Unbound cities, concentric circles : Karen Tei Yamashita's Tropic of orange -- Borderlands : middle spaces, hybrid bodies -- The rhetoric of spatial cutting : borders, scars, open wounds -- Terminal thinking : border narratives, airport narratives, and the logic of detention -- Postscript conclusion : from The Great Wall to Babel.Thus book examines the spatial morphologies represented in a wide range of contemporary ethnic American literary and cinematic works. Drawing from Henri Lefebvre's theorization of space as a living organism, Edward Soja's writings on the postmetropolis, Marc Augé's notion of the non-place, Manuel Castells' space of flows, and Michel de Certeau's theories of walking as a practice, the volume extends previous theorizations by examining how spatial uses, appropriations, strictures, ruptures, and reconfigurations function in literary texts and films that represent inhabitants of racial-ethnic bRoutledge transnational perspectives on American literature ;14.American literatureMinority authorsHistory and criticismAmerican literature21st centuryHistory and criticismAmerican literature20th centuryHistory and criticismCities and towns in literatureSpace in literaturePlace (Philosophy) in literatureBorderlands in literatureCities and towns in motion picturesSpace in motion picturesPlace (Philosophy) in motion picturesBorderlands in motion picturesAmerican literatureMinority authorsHistory and criticism.American literatureHistory and criticism.American literatureHistory and criticism.Cities and towns in literature.Space in literature.Place (Philosophy) in literature.Borderlands in literature.Cities and towns in motion pictures.Space in motion pictures.Place (Philosophy) in motion pictures.Borderlands in motion pictures.810.9/358209732Manzanas Calvo Ana Ma(Ana Maria),610856Benito Sanchez Jesus610855MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910799920103321Cities, borders, and spaces in intercultural American literature and film3877906UNINA02796oam 2200553 n 450 991063409600332120230613165316.02-7535-9158-X10.4000/books.pur.177612(CKB)4100000012898947(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-177612(PPN)26724553X(FR-PaCSA)88938423(FRCYB88938423)88938423(EXLCZ)99410000001289894720241012d2022 u| |freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLe bonheur au xviiie siècle /Guilhem Farrugia, Michel DelonRennes :Presses universitaires de Rennes,2022.1 online resource (222 pages)2-7535-4047-0 Le bonheur a-t-il été une idée neuve du xviiie siècle ? Prolongeant les travaux antérieurs, en particulier de Robert Mauzi dans L’idée du bonheur dans la littérature et la pensée françaises au xviiiesiècle, le présent recueil se propose une exploration de cette « idée-force » qui « éclaire l’unité du siècle » et qui « recouvre toutes les contradictions du temps ». Plusieurs domaines sont minutieusement explorés : littéraire, social, politique, philosophique, esthétique et éthique. Cette notion complexe et polysémique est approchée chez des auteurs tels que Rousseau, Diderot, Casanova ou Rétif de La Bretonne. Les divers axes et perspectives de recherche suggèrent l’expansion de cette idée-slogan : théories de la fiction, histoire des idées, poétique des genres et regards croisés. En soulignant la solidarité entre le mouvement des idées et l’analyse de la société et des arts, les contributions réunies ici font émerger la sensibilité d’une époque, les représentations et les expériences collectives et individuelles.Arts & HumanitiesLiterature (General)littératureArts & HumanitiesLiterature (General)littératureCoudreuse Anne686228Crogiez Labarthe Michèle1361461Delon Michel377450Eirik Fauskevåg Svein1361462Farrugia Guilhem752522Igalens Jean-Christophe1361463Loty Laurent1297683Mall Laurence591913Manuel Ibeas Juan1361464Richard-Pauchet Odile1288600Vasak Anouchka1299893Vázquez Lydia1325627FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910634096003321Le bonheur au xviiie siècle3380054UNINA06443nam 22018133a 450 991036775960332120250203235428.09783039215089303921508610.3390/books978-3-03921-508-9(CKB)4100000010106121(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/43391(ScCtBLL)b5b6374d-bbd7-45f7-a290-323595591560(OCoLC)1163855557(EXLCZ)99410000001010612120250203i20192019 uu engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierClimate Variability and Climate Change Impacts on Land Surface, Hydrological Processes and Water ManagementYongqiang Zhang, Hongxia Li, Paolo ReggianiBasel, Switzerland :MDPI,2019.1 electronic resource (460 p.)9783039215072 3039215078 During the last several decades, Earth´s climate has undergone significant changes due to anthropogenic global warming, and feedbacks to the water cycle. Therefore, persistent efforts are required to improve our understanding of hydrological processes and to engage in efficient water management strategies that explicitly consider changing environmental conditions. The twenty-four contributions in this book have broadly addressed topics across four major research areas: (1) Climate and land-use change impacts on hydrological processes, (2) hydrological trends and causality analysis faced in hydrology, (3) hydrological model simulations and predictions, and (4) reviews on water prices and climate extremes. The broad spectrum of international contributions to the Special Issue indicates that climate change impacts on water resources analysis attracts global attention. We hope that the collection of articles presented here can provide scientists, policymakers and stakeholders alike with insights that support sustainable decision-making in the face of climate change and increasingly scarce environmental resources.coal miningclimate variabilityDPR Korearunoff mapHaihe River Basincompound extremesvariation in percentage of flood-season precipitationprecipitationMongoliaBudyko frameworkwater pricingmodelland use changequantitative analysiscoal mining concentrated watershedtrendsriver dischargerunoffwater resources managementkarstcascade joint operation chartTime series modelfloodYellow River DeltaThree Gorges Projectcontribution and sensitivity analysisdistributed hydrological modelthe Loess Plateautopsoilair temperaturenatural streamflow variationXinjiangYangtze Riverland surface changesustainable water managementpower operationsplot scaletemperatureLarge-scale climate indicesMann-Kendall testeco-regionhuman activitieswater securityinter-basin water transfer projectwater managementaverage annual runoffpredictionsSelenga river basinquantile regressionestuarine wetlandsrunoff changesTFPW-MKscenario simulationstreamflowindicatorsnowfall to precipitation ratiomultivariate distributionhydroclimatic analysisspatiotemporal change analysisevapotranspirationThree Gorges Damhydrological simulationLake Baikal basinCMIP5damhydrological processesGRACESHMtrend analysisland coverclimate changehighland agricultural field areawater conflictsPan evaporationhydrologylarge scale basinremote sensingYellow RiverSWATGISWRF modelhydrological droughtEthiopiabenefitsgrid-basedWeihe River BasinReservoir inflow forecastingmultiple regression modeljackknife validationelasticity coefficientdiffuse pollutant dischargestreamflow reductionMATOPIBA agricultural frontierland use and climate changeLULCCClimate variabilityHEC-RASPUBsimulated rainfalltrends and patternsHRU-basedrainfall-runoff experimentsSWCMEnsemble empirical mode decompositionfreshwater availabilitymacro scale modelingArtificial intelligence modelintra-annual climate changeeconomicshydrological modelHydro-Informatic Modelling System (HIMS)droughtSWAT modelarid regionland use/cover changelitter layerBudyko equationflood controlZhang Yongqiang1297609Li HongxiaReggiani PaoloScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910367759603321Climate Variability and Climate Change Impacts on Land Surface, Hydrological Processes and Water Management4319706UNINA