01001nam0 2200301 450 00000805720090203151929.00-321-32127-820070705d2005----km-y0itay50------baengUSy-------001yyUML 2 and the unified process,practical object-oriented analysis and designJim Arlow and Ila Neustadt2nd ed.Upper Saddle RiverAddison Wesleyc2005XXI, 592 p.ill.24 cmThe Addison-Wesley object technology series2001The Addison-Wesley object technology series001000022483Elaboratori elettroniciLinguaggioUML005.11720Arlow,Jim67874Neustadt,Ila67875ITUNIPARTHENOPE20070705RICAUNIMARC000008057P1 005-U/539642PIST2007UML 2 and the Unified Process45587UNIPARTHENOPE02895 am 2200721 n 450 991041801600332120191214979-1-03-654304-3979-1-03-654305-010.4000/books.larhra.4361(CKB)4100000011314415(FrMaCLE)OB-larhra-4361(NjHacI)994100000011314415(PPN)248499122(EXLCZ)99410000001131441520200623j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGouverner l’Église catholique au xxe siècle. Perspectives de recherche /Christian Sorrel, Bruno Dumons[S.I] LARHRA2019[Lyon] :LARHRA,2015.1 online resource (159 p.) Chrétiens et sociétés ;29979-1-0915-9214-7 979-1-0915-9213-0 Les historiens se sont intéressés tardivement à la question de la gouvernance ecclésiale. La journée d’étude organisée par le LARHRA à Lyon en 2013 avait pour but d’envisager les e jeux d’échelles structurant le gouvernement de l’Église catholique au xxe siècle. L’examen de plusieurs niveaux (romain, national, diocésain, congréganiste) dans l’espace de la catholicité européenne est apparu comme un moyen d’ouvrir la voie vers une histoire plus large, transnationale, du catholicisme contemporain au sein duquel circulent des modèles de gouvernance et de nouvelles figures de pouvoir fondant leur légitimité sur le savoir et l’expertise.Chrétiens et sociétés.Documents et mémoires ;29.Nourritures terrestresNourritures terrestres ReligionHistoryépiscopatdiocèsecatholicisme contemporaincurie romainepastoralecarrière épiscopaleReligionHistoryépiscopatdiocèsecatholicisme contemporaincurie romainepastoralecarrière épiscopale234.163Dumons Bruno1288723Guise-Castelnuovo Antoinette1299403Herbinet Vincent1367026Mokry Stephan1367027Pettinaroli Laura884084Planzi Lorenzo1309707Raison du Cleuziou Yann1288215Sorrel Christian1081829Dumons Bruno1288723FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910418016003321Gouverner l’Église catholique au xxe siècle. Perspectives de recherche3389787UNINA04105nam 2200721 450 991079841140332120230126215557.00-231-54242-910.7312/sima17726(CKB)3710000000828789(EBL)4588216(OCoLC)957126873(SSID)ssj0001646432(PQKBManifestationID)16418589(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001646432(PQKBWorkID)14939106(PQKB)11529663(PQKBManifestationID)16374870(PQKBWorkID)14939045(PQKB)23775922(MiAaPQ)EBC4588216(DE-B1597)479864(OCoLC)979577930(DE-B1597)9780231542425(Au-PeEL)EBL4588216(CaPaEBR)ebr11247444(CaONFJC)MIL959725(EXLCZ)99371000000082878920160826h20162016 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrData love the seduction and betrayal of digital technologies /Roberto SimanowskiNew York :Columbia University Press,2016.©20161 online resource (177 p.)Includes index.0-231-17726-7 Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface -- Part I. Beyond the NSA Debate -- 1. Intelligence Agency Logic -- 2. Double Indifference -- 3. Self-Tracking and Smart Things -- 4. Ecological Data Disaster -- 5. Cold Civil War -- Part II. Paradigm Change -- 6. Data-Mining Business -- 7. Social Engineers Without a Cause -- 8. Silent Revolution -- 9. Algorithms -- 10. Absence of Theory -- Part III. The Joy of Numbers -- 11. Compulsive Measuring -- 12. The Phenomenology of the Numerable -- 13. Digital Humanities -- 14. Lessing's Rejoinder -- Part IV. Resistances -- 15. God's Eye -- 16. Data Hacks -- 17. On the Right Life in the Wrong One -- Epilogue -- Postface -- Notes -- IndexIntelligence services, government administrations, businesses, and a growing majority of the population are hooked on the idea that big data can reveal patterns and correlations in everyday life. Initiated by software engineers and carried out through algorithms, the mining of big data has sparked a silent revolution. But algorithmic analysis and data mining are not simply byproducts of media development or the logical consequences of computation. They are the radicalization of the Enlightenment's quest for knowledge and progress. Data Love argues that the "cold civil war" of big data is taking place not among citizens or between the citizen and government but within each of us.Roberto Simanowski elaborates on the changes data love has brought to the human condition while exploring the entanglements of those who-out of stinginess, convenience, ignorance, narcissism, or passion-contribute to the amassing of ever more data about their lives, leading to the statistical evaluation and individual profiling of their selves. Writing from a philosophical standpoint, Simanowski illustrates the social implications of technological development and retrieves the concepts, events, and cultural artifacts of past centuries to help decode the programming of our present.InternetSocial aspectsInternetMoral and ethical aspectsDigital communicationsSocial aspectsPrivacy, Right ofInternetSocial aspects.InternetMoral and ethical aspects.Digital communicationsSocial aspects.Privacy, Right of.302.23/1MS 7965rvkSimanowski Roberto1093408Cayley John643532Pichon Brigitte1520567Rudnytsky Dorian1520568MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910798411403321Data love3759209UNINA01970nam0 22003973i 450 VAN026422520231213031519.448N978354047761720231002d1989 |0itac50 baengDE|||| |||||L-Functions and the Oscillator RepresentationStephen RallisBerlinSpringer1989xvi, 240 p.24 cm001VAN01022502001 Lecture notes in mathematics210 Berlin [etc.]Springer124511-XXNumber theory [MSC 2020]VANC019688MF22-XXTopological groups, Lie groups [MSC 2020]VANC020459MF11F27Theta series; Weil representation; theta correspondences [MSC 2020]VANC021421MF11F70Representation-theoretic methods; automorphic representations over local and global fields [MSC 2020]VANC021444MF22E50Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields [MSC 2020]VANC025029MF22E55Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over global fields and adèle rings [MSC 2020]VANC029214MFAutomorphic formsKW:KLie groupsKW:KRepresentation TheoryKW:KBerlinVANL000066RallisStephenVANV04414356906Springer <editore>VANV108073650ITSOL20240614RICAhttps://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0077894E-book – Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o ShibbolethBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICAIT-CE0120VAN08NVAN0264225BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08CONS e-book 6888 08eMF6888 20231019 L-functions and the oscillator representation78526UNICAMPANIA00705nam0-2200253 --450 991086358550332120240624180033.020240624d1960----kmuy0itay5050 baengUS 001yy<<An >>outline of chemical geneticsBernard S. StraussPhiladelphiaLondonW.B. Saunders1960IX, 188 p.25 cmGenetica57523itaStrauss,Bernard S.64547ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910863585503321A MIC 23389291/2024FAGBCFAGBCOutline of chemical genetics379235UNINA