03875nam 2200553 450 991079813340332120230803214158.092-9254-682-1(CKB)3710000000640460(EBL)4504136(SSID)ssj0001645954(PQKBManifestationID)16416988(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001645954(PQKBWorkID)13278201(PQKB)10222190(MiAaPQ)EBC4504136(EXLCZ)99371000000064046020160712h20142014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA comparative infrastructure development assessment of the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Thailand /Asian Development BankMetro Manila, Philippines :Asian Development Bank,2014.©20141 online resource (61 p.)Description based upon print version of record.92-9254-681-3 Includes bibliographical references.Cover; Contents; Tables and Figures; Tables; 1 Physical Indicators, Republic of Korea and Thailand, 2011; 2 Transport Indicators, Republic of Korea and Thailand, 2011; 3 Information and Communication Technology Goods and Service Exports, Republic of Korea and Thailand, Selected Years; 4 Cellular Phone Subscriptions per 100 Inhabitants, Republic of Korea and Thailand, Selected Years; 5 Internet and Broadband Connections, Republic of Korea and Thailand, 2012; 6 Energy Indicators, Republic of Korea and Thailand, 2012; 7 Energy Use, Republic of Korea and Thailand, 1990-20108 Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Republic of Korea and Thailand, 2005-20099 Gross Domestic Product per Unit of Energy Use, Republic of Korea and Thailand, Selected Years; Figures; 1 Crop Production, Rice Production, and Irrigated Area Indexes, Thailand, 1988-2011; 2 Irrigation and Rice Production, Republic of Korea, 1955-1998; 3 Sources of Infrastructure Financing, Republic of Korea, 1993-2010; 4 Central Government Infrastructure Investment, Republic of Korea, 2004-2010; 5 Trends in the Number of Public-Private Partnership Projects, Republic of Korea, 1994-2010; Foreword; AcknowledgmentsExecutive SummaryAbbreviations; I. Infrastructure in the Republic of Korea and Thailand; A. Overview; B. Transport; C. Information and Communication Technology; D. Energy; E. Water and Sanitation; II. Institutional Arrangements; A. Transport; B. Information and Communication Technology; C. Energy; D. Water and Sanitation; E. Public-Private Partnerships; III. Infrastructure and Competitiveness; A. Transport; B. Information and Communication Technology; C. Energy; D. Water and Sanitation; IV. Pricing of Infrastructure Services; A. Transport User Pricing; B. Energy User PricingC. Water Use PricingV. Investments and Financing; A. Private Participation through Public-Private Partnerships; B. Future Needs for Private Finance; VI. Lessons; A. Transport; B. Information and Communication Technology; C. Energy; D. Water and Sanitation; VII. Recommendations; A. General; B. Transport; C. Information and Communication Technology; D. Energy; E. Water and Sanitation; ReferencesInfrastructure (Economics)Infrastructure (Economics)Korea (South)Infrastructure (Economics)ThailandInfrastructure (Economics)Infrastructure (Economics)Infrastructure (Economics)363Asian Development Bank.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910798133403321A comparative infrastructure development assessment of the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Thailand3728702UNINA