04094nam 2200757 450 991079802650332120230808212245.03-11-043690-63-11-043402-410.1515/9783110436907(CKB)3710000000579923(EBL)4338539(SSID)ssj0001591087(PQKBManifestationID)16287250(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001591087(PQKBWorkID)14830107(PQKB)10333406(PQKBManifestationID)16200770(PQKBWorkID)14830106(PQKB)24002332(MiAaPQ)EBC4338539(DE-B1597)455518(OCoLC)928889778(DE-B1597)9783110436907(Au-PeEL)EBL4338539(CaPaEBR)ebr11146779(CaONFJC)MIL888940(EXLCZ)99371000000057992320160210h20162016 uy 0engur|nu---|u||utxtccrAspects of (Post)colonial linguistics current perspectives and new approaches /edited by Daniel Schmidt-Brücken, Susanne Schuster and Marina WienbergBerlin, [Germany] ;Boston, [Massachusetts] :De Gruyter,2016.©20161 online resource (284 p.)Koloniale und Postkoloniale Linguistik =Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics ;Volume 9Description based upon print version of record.3-11-044222-1 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and indexes.Front matter --Contents --Preface --Arabic language guides written for the British Army during the British occupation of Egypt, 1882–1922 --Baku Russian: Colonial heritage in a post-colonial era --Postcolonial language ideologies: Writing in Chabacano --Hybridized discourse markers in Cameroonian French? The example of déjà --Kolonial-Deutsch and Français Tirailleur --The status of Dutch in post-colonial Suriname --From Accra to Nairobi – The use of pluralized mass nouns in East and West African postcolonial Englishes --A colonial grammar or arte --The role of domain and face-to-face contact in borrowing --Representing bicultural knowledge systems and epistemic decolonization --Moanus or Titan? On Ludwig Cohn’s amateur linguistics --Index of Authors --Index of Languages --Index of SubjectsResearch in Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics has experienced a significant increase in contributions from varying fields of language studies, gaining the attention of scholars from all over the world. This volume aims to showcase the variety of topics relevant to the study of language(s) in colonial, postcolonial and decolonial contexts. A main reason of this variety is that the new paradigm invites and necessitates research on different subject matters such as language typology, grammar and cross-linguistics, meta-linguistics and research on language ideology, discourse analysis and pragmatics. The contributions of this volume are selected, peer-reviewed papers which were partly invited and partly given at the First Bremen Conference on Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics, held in September 2013.Koloniale und postkoloniale Linguistik ;Volume 9.Languages in contactPostcolonialismHistorical linguisticsGrammar.Language Contact.Postcolonial Language Ideologies.Languages in contact.Postcolonialism.Historical linguistics.306.44ES 555SEPArvkSchmidt-Brücken DanielSchuster Susanne1965-Wienberg MarinaMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910798026503321Aspects of (Post)colonial linguistics3747757UNINA