03439nam 22005531 450 991079782120332120150729171605.01-4725-9168-21-4742-2035-51-4725-9169-010.5040/9781474220354(CKB)3710000000528187(EBL)4187242(SSID)ssj0001580295(PQKBManifestationID)16257694(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001580295(PQKBWorkID)14342569(PQKB)10988015(MiAaPQ)EBC4187242(OCoLC)1166351153(UtOrBLW)bpp09259662(MiAaPQ)EBC6160731(EXLCZ)99371000000052818720151229d2016 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrGenealogies of speculation materialism and subjectivity since structuralism /edited by Armen Avanessian and Suhail MalikNew York :Bloomsbury,2016.1 online resource (367 p.)Includes index.1-4742-7129-4 1-4725-9167-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction: Speculative Genealogies / Armen Avanessian and Suhail Malik -- Part I. Genealogy. Chapter 1. Foreign Territory: The Promises and Perils of Speculative Realism / Steven Shaviro ; Chapter 2. Reflections of a Rotten Nature: Hegel, Lacan and Material Negativity / Adrian Johnston ; Chapter 3. For a Realist Systems Theory: Luhmann, the Correlationist Controversy and Materiality / Levi R. Bryant ; Chapter 4. Deleuze: Speculative and Practical Philosophy / Sjoerd van Tuinen -- Part II. Languages of Speculation. Chapter 5. Iteration, Reiteration, Repetition: A Speculative Analysis of the Sign Devoid of Meaning / Quentin Meillassoux ; Translated by Robin Mackay and Moritz Gansen ; Chapter 6. Language Ontology / Armen Avanessian ; Chapter 7. The Realist Novel and 'The Great Outdoors': Towards a Literary-Speculative Realism / Arne De Boever ; Chapter 8. Materialist Reason and its Languages. Part One: Absolute Reason, Absolute Deconstruction / Suhail Malik -- Part III. Science. Chapter 9. Underlabouring for Science: Althusser, Brassier, Bhaskar /Nathan Coombs ; Chapter 10. Formalism, Materialism and Consciousness / Dorothea Olkowski ; Chapter 11. Subtending Relations: Bacteria, Geology and the Possible / Myra J. Hird and Kathryn Yusoff -- Index."Genealogies of Speculation looks to break the impasse between the innovations of speculative thought and the dominant strands of 20th century anti-foundationalist philosophy. Challenging emerging paradigms of philosophical history, this text re-evaluates different theoretical and political traditions such as feminism, literary theory, social geography and political theory after the speculative turn in philosophy. With contributions from leading writers in contemporary thought this book is a crucial resource for studying cultural and art-theory and continental philosophy."--Bloomsbury Publishing.RealismWestern philosophy, from c 1900 -Realism.149/.2Avanessian ArmenUtOrBLWUtOrBLWBOOK9910797821203321Genealogies of speculation3691056UNINA