05116nam 2200937 450 991079778460332120230808212347.00-520-96101-310.1525/9780520961012(CKB)3710000000494940(EBL)4068982(SSID)ssj0001662422(PQKBManifestationID)16447718(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001662422(PQKBWorkID)14994625(PQKB)10268503(MiAaPQ)EBC4068982(DE-B1597)520747(OCoLC)928891533(DE-B1597)9780520961012(Au-PeEL)EBL4068982(CaPaEBR)ebr11153306(EXLCZ)99371000000049494020160216h20162016 uy 0engurnnu---|u||utxtccrThe last great strike Little Steel, the CIO, and the struggle for labor rights in New Deal America /Ahmed WhiteOakland, California :University of California Press,2016.©20161 online resource (411 p.)Includes index.0-520-28561-1 0-520-28560-3 Front matter --CONTENTS --ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --Introduction: LABOR, LITTLE STEEL , AND THE NEW DEAL --1. Like a Penitentiary: STEEL AND THE ORIGINS OF THE OPEN SHOP --2. They Should Honor Us: WORK AND CONFLICT IN THE OPEN SHOP ERA --3. Sure, We Have Guns: THE OPEN SHOP IN THE DEPRESSION ERA --4. I Never Gave That Guy Nothin': THE NEW DEAL AND THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF LABOR RELATIONS --5. To Banish Fear: THE CAMPAIGN TO ORGANIZE STEEL --6. The Spirit of Unrest: FROM STALEMATE TO WALKOUT --7. In the Name of the People: THE INCIDENT ON MEMORIAL DAY --8. What Had to Be Done: THE STRUGGLE AT THE MILL GATES --9. A Change of Heart: CORPORATE POWER AND NEW DEAL STRIKEBREAKING --10. Let's Bust Them Up: LAST STRUGGLES AND DEFEAT --11. A Steel Strike Is Not a Picnic. THE ANATOMY OF FAILURE --12. Kind of a Victory: NEW DEAL LABOR LAW ON TRIAL --13. Unreconciled: WAR, VICTORY, AND THE LEGACIES OF DEFEAT --Conclusion: THESE THINGS THAT MEAN SO MUCH TO US --Appendix --ABBREVIATIONS --NOTES --BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE --INDEXIn May 1937, seventy thousand workers walked off their jobs at four large steel companies known collectively as "Little Steel." The strikers sought to make the companies retreat from decades of antiunion repression, abide by the newly enacted federal labor law, and recognize their union. For two months a grinding struggle unfolded, punctuated by bloody clashes in which police, company agents, and National Guardsmen ruthlessly beat and shot unionists. At least sixteen died and hundreds more were injured before the strike ended in failure. The violence and brutality of the Little Steel Strike became legendary. In many ways it was the last great strike in modern America. Traditionally the Little Steel Strike has been understood as a modest setback for steel workers, one that actually confirmed the potency of New Deal reforms and did little to impede the progress of the labor movement. However, The Last Great Strike tells a different story about the conflict and its significance for unions and labor rights. More than any other strike, it laid bare the contradictions of the industrial labor movement, the resilience of corporate power, and the limits of New Deal liberalism at a crucial time in American history.Little Steel Strike, U.S., 1937Iron and steel workersLabor unionsUnited StatesHistory20th centuryNew Deal, 1933-1939United StatesHistory1933-19451930s labor disputes.20th century america.20th century labor movement.american history.american steel.capitalism.deadly labor disputes.depression era labor.industrial labor movements.industrial labor.labor history.labor organization.labor rights.labor riots.labor strikes of the 1930s.labor studies.last great strike.last major strike in america.little steel strike.little steel.new deal reforms.social history.steel industry.union history.union rights.united steel workers.us labor movement.Little Steel Strike, U.S., 1937.Iron and steel workersLabor unionsHistoryNew Deal, 1933-1939.331.892/8691097309043White Ahmed1970-1543395MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910797784603321The last great strike3796833UNINA