03902nam 2200565 450 991079756610332120230807193028.090-04-30592-010.1163/9789004305922(CKB)3710000000470371(EBL)4003958(SSID)ssj0001552664(PQKBManifestationID)16171750(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001552664(PQKBWorkID)12733212(PQKB)10027052(MiAaPQ)EBC4003958(OCoLC)914445848(nllekb)BRILL9789004305922(EXLCZ)99371000000047037120210425d2015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe battle of the Gods and Giants redux papers presented to Thomas M. Lennon /edited by Patricia Easton and Kurt SmithLeiden ;Boston :Brill,[2015]1 online resource (355 p.)Brill's studies in intellectual history,0920-8607 ;v. 248Description based upon print version of record.90-04-30591-2 Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-341) and index.Preliminary Material -- Introduction: Explanatory Narratives in the History of Philosophy /Patricia Easton -- Pascal, Piety, and Les Roannez /Richard Watson -- What is Ancient in French Cartesianism? /Tad M. Schmaltz -- Leibniz, Plato, and 'The Dignity of Our Mind' /Nicholas Jolley -- Lennon on Descartes and Skepticism /José R. Maia Neto -- A Defense of Cartesian Clarity and Distinctness /Kurt Smith -- Descartes' Logic and the Paradox of Deduction /Brian Rogers and Alan Nelson -- Cartesian Trialism on Trial: The Conceptualist Account of Descartes' Human Being /Lawrence Nolan -- Spinoza, Maimonides, and Prophecy /Steven Nadler -- Malebranche, Freedom, and the Divided Mind /Julie Walsh -- Hobbes on Moral Virtue and the Laws of Nature /Donald Rutherford -- Sincerity and Skepticism in Pierre Bayle: Navigating the Bayle Enigma /Patricia Easton -- Berkeley and Locke on Real Knowledge /Margaret Atherton -- Berkeley on the Language of Vision and the Rules of Visual Signification /Martha Brandt Bolton -- Berkeley on Situation and Inversion /Lorne Falkenstein -- Bibliography -- Thomas M. Lennon Bibliography -- Index.The Battle of Gods and Giants Redux is a collection of 14 original essays by leading scholars in the field. Part One includes figures and topics associated with Descartes, the chief idealist in the story, including Leibniz, Spinoza, and Malebranche; Part Two includes figures and topics that fall on the Gassendist materialist side of the battle, including Hobbes, Bayle, and Locke. In organizing these varied discussions along these themes and lines, something more than the sum of the parts emerges. The reader will gain a breadth and depth of insight into the battle of ideas in early modern thought-historical, philosophical, and interpretive. Contributors are: Margaret Atherton, Martha Brandt Bolten, Patricia Easton, Lorne Falkenstein, Nicolas Jolley, José Maia Neto, Steven Nadler, Alan Nelson, Lawrence Nolan, Donald Rutherford, Tad Schmultz, Kurt Smith, Julie Walsh, and Richard Watson.Brill's Studies in Intellectual History248.Philosophy, Modern17th centuryPhilosophy, ModernfastPhilosophy, ModernPhilosophy, Modern.190Lennon Thomas M901148Easton Patricia Ann1964-1526932Smith Kurt1961-1526933NL-LeKBNL-LeKBBOOK9910797566103321The battle of the Gods and Giants redux3769356UNINA