04451nam 2200529 450 991079745760332120230617013035.01-4833-6296-5(CKB)3710000000456177(EBL)1656305(OCoLC)923707545(SSID)ssj0001530150(PQKBManifestationID)12544415(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001530150(PQKBWorkID)11530636(PQKB)10312144(MiAaPQ)EBC1994862(EXLCZ)99371000000045617720150819h20042004 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccr20 biggest mistakes principals make and how to avoid them /Marilyn L. Grady ; cover designer, Michael DuboweThousand Oaks, California :Corwin Press,2004.©20041 online resource (145 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-7619-4600-4 Includes bibliographical references.Cover -- Contents -- Introduction -- Acknowledgments -- About the Author -- Chapter 1 - The People Skills -- Mistake 1: Interpersonal Shortcomings -- Scenario 1: Forgetting to Say Hello -- Scenario 2: The Cold Fish -- Scenario 3: Playing Favorites -- Scenario 4: The Invisible Woman -- Mistake 2: Communication Flaws -- Scenario 5: Open the Door -- Scenario 6: Secretary Snicker -- Scenario 7: Fear of Groups -- Scenario 8: Strong Undercurrent -- Scenario 9: Listen -- Chapter 2 - The People -- Mistake 3: Neglecting the Professionals -- Scenario 10: Abandoned -- Scenario 11: We're Forgotten -- Scenario 12: One Piece of the Puzzle -- Mistake 4: Mismanaging Parents -- Scenario 13: Jump, Jump -- Scenario 14: Active Parents -- Chapter 3 - The Principal -- Mistake 5: Being Too Bossy -- Scenario 15: It's My Way or the Highway -- Scenario 16: Beware the Sophist Principal -- Scenario 17: Treat Adults as Adults -- Scenario 18: Slash and Burn -- Scenario 19: Out of the Loop -- Mistake 6: Inconsistency -- Scenario 20: Pick it and Stick with it -- Scenario 21: Both Sides of Your Mouth -- Mistake 7: Displaying Weakness -- Scenario 22: No Backbone - But Nice- -- Scenario 23: Zigzag Master -- Chapter 4 - The Job -- Mistake 8: Endless Work -- Scenario 24: Overwhelmed -- Scenario 25: Learning on the Job -- Mistake 9: Mismanaging Time -- Scenario 26: Open Door -- Scenario 27: Endless -"To Do" Lists -- Chapter 5 - Tasks -- Mistake 10: Ignoring the Preparation -- Scenario 28: Doing Your Homework -- Scenario 29: Insiders vs. Outsiders -- Mistake 11: Displacing Goals -- Scenario 30: High Expectations -- Scenario 31: The Leaderless Group -- Scenario 32: Instructional Leadership -- Mistake 12: Decision-Making Dilemmas -- Scenario 33: Quick Draw -- Scenario 34: Avoidance -- Scenario 35: The Center of the Universe -- Scenario 36: Emotions -- Mistake 13: Change Dilemmas -- Scenario 37: Tradition -- Scenario 38: Easy (and Careful) Does it -- Mistake 14: Professional Development Vacuum -- Scenario 39: Assuming -- Scenario 40: Stagnation -- Mistake 15: Failing to Supervise -- Scenario 41: Going through the Motions -- Scenario 42: Escape Route -- Scenario 43: Who's Incompetent? -- Chapter 6 - Personal Issues -- Mistake 16: Forgetting the Family -- Scenario 44: Family Time -- Scenario 45: Who Am I? -- Mistake 17: Ignoring Health Issues -- Scenario 46: Good Health -- Scenario 47: Health Risk -- Mistake 18: Succumbing to Stress -- Scenario 48: Anger Alert -- Scenario 49: Increasing Expectations -- Mistake 19: Etiquette Gaffes -- Scenario 50: The Clothes Make the Man and the Woman -- Scenario 51: Talk Less, Hear More -- Chapter 7 - Fatal Attractions -- Mistake 20: Errors of Judgment -- Scenario 52: Leave the Girls Alone -- Scenario 53: Watch Out for That Car!Twenty biggest mistakes principals make and how to avoid themSchool principalsProfessional relationshipsEducational leadershipSchool principalsProfessional relationships.Educational leadership.371.2012Grady Marilyn L.1506233Dubowe MichaelMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK991079745760332120 biggest mistakes principals make and how to avoid them3754375UNINA