03506oam 2200625M 450 991079722080332120230814232404.00-429-91098-30-429-89675-10-429-47198-X1-78241-405-3(CKB)3710000000433413(EBL)2068805(SSID)ssj0001535640(PQKBManifestationID)11919037(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001535640(PQKBWorkID)11501057(PQKB)11374095(MiAaPQ)EBC2068805(Au-PeEL)EBL2068805(CaPaEBR)ebr11067842(CaONFJC)MIL798885(OCoLC)911246584(FlBoTFG)9780429471988(FINmELB)ELB141712(OCoLC)1029236023(OCoLC-P)1029236023(EXLCZ)99371000000043341320180323d2018 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrArt, Psychoanalysis, and Adrian Stokes a Biography /Janet SayersFirst edition.London :Taylor and Francis,2018.1 online resource (341 p.)Includes index.0-367-10341-9 1-78220-283-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.COVER; CONTENTS; LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; ABOUT THE AUTHOR; ABBREVIATIONS; PREFACE; PART I CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH; CHAPTER ONE Early years; CHAPTER TWO Oxford; CHAPTER THREE East and west; CHAPTER FOUR Sitwell protégé; CHAPTER FIVE Sigismondo Malatesta and Ezra Pound; PART II PSYCHOANALYSIS AND FAME; CHAPTER SIX Treatment; CHAPTER SEVEN Stone alive; CHAPTER EIGHT Carving; CHAPTER NINE Ballets Russes; CHAPTER TEN Colour and form; CHAPTER ELEVEN Euston Road; PART III OUTER AND INNER LIFE; CHAPTER TWELVE Transforming St Ives; CHAPTER THIRTEEN Inside outCHAPTER FOURTEEN Love and divorce CHAPTER FIFTEEN Outside in; PART IV PSYCHOANALYTIC AESTHETICS; CHAPTER SIXTEEN Smooth and rough; CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Psychoanalysing Michelangelo; CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Klein's portrait; CHAPTER NINETEEN Hampstead again; CHAPTER TWENTY Chaos contained; CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Reflections on the nude; CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO More about Ariadne; CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Renewed fame; NOTES; INDEX"Illustrated with Barbara Hepworth's abstract stone carving, with other works of art, and with fascinating vignettes from Adrian Stokes's writing, this biography highlights his revolutionary emphasis on the materials-led inspiration of architecture, sculpture, painting, and the avant-garde creations of the Ballets Russes. In also detailing Stokes's role as catalyst of the transformation of St Ives in Cornwall into an internationally-acclaimed centre of modern art, and his falling in love again in his early forties, this biography shows how Stokes used all these experiences, together with his many years of psychoanalytic treatment by Melanie Klein, in forging insights about ways the outer world gives form to the inner world of fantasy and imagination."--Provided by publisher.Art criticsGreat BritainBiographyArt critics700.92Sayers Janet675381OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910797220803321Art, Psychoanalysis, and Adrian Stokes3772343UNINA