01712oam 2200457zu 450 991016470380332120210807002057.00-8031-4805-4(CKB)3170000000045127(SSID)ssj0001490790(PQKBManifestationID)11918673(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001490790(PQKBWorkID)11488449(PQKB)10282775(NjHacI)993170000000045127(EXLCZ)99317000000004512720160829d1981 uy engur|||||||||||txtccrFerroalloys and Other Additives to Liquid Iron and Steel[Place of publication not identified]American Society for Testing & Materials19811 online resource ([vii], 207 pages) illustrationsASTM STP 739Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8031-0744-7 "ASTM Publication Code Number (PCN) 04-739000-01. - "ASTM special technical publication 739. - Includes bibliographical references and indexes. - Electronic reproduction; W. Conshohocken, Pa; ASTM International; 2011; Mode of access: World Wide Web; System requirements: Web browser; Access may be restricted to users at subscribing institutions.Iron alloysSteel alloysIron alloys.Steel alloys.669.96141Lampman J. R937617Peters A. T.PQKBBOOK9910164703803321Ferroalloys and Other Additives to Liquid Iron and Steel2112009UNINA03431nam 2200421za 450 991079715920332120230126212923.01-4462-9061-1(CKB)3710000000410585(EBL)1191085(MiAaPQ)EBC1191085(EXLCZ)99371000000041058520151012d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||Doing your Master's dissertation[electronic resource] from start to finish /Inger Furseth and Euris Larry EverettLos Angeles, Calif. SAGE20131 online resource (xiii, 157 p.) illSAGE study skills series1-4462-6399-1 1. Help! How do I find a research topic? -- 2. Overcoming barriers and getting started -- 3. Basic rules of writing -- 4. Who can help you? Establishing support networks -- 5. A guide for searching the literature -- 6. Reviewing research literature -- 7. How do I formulate research questions? -- 8. Easier said than done – choosing a suitable research design and method -- 9. The art of keeping a steady course – structuring the analysis -- 10. Beginning and end – introduction and conclusion -- 11. Chaos and order - editing and referencing -- 12. When is it finished? Checklist summary -- References -- Index.Just starting your Master′s? Worried about your dissertation? This book is an indispensible guide to writing a successful Master′s dissertation. The book begins by addressing issues you′ll face in the early stages of writing a dissertation, such as deciding on what to research, planning your project and searching for literature online. It then guides you through different aspects of carrying out your research and writing up, helping you to: write a research proposal; choose one or more methods; write the introduction and conclusion; discuss the literature; analyse your findings; edit and reference; formulate research questions; build your argument. The book offers guidance that other books often miss, from dealing with emotional blocks, to ways of identifying your strengths and weaknesses, and improving your writing. It addresses the social aspects of the writing process, such as choosing and working with an advisor, using social media and forming student work groups for added help and inspiration. Each chapter ends with an action plan, which is a resource section that features exercises and reflection questions designed to help you apply what you′ve read to your own work. The Student Success series are essential guides for students of all levels. From how to think critically and write great essays to planning your dream career, the Student Success series helps you study smarter and get the best from your time at university.SAGE study skills series.Social sciencesResearchMethodologyDissertations, AcademicAcademic writingDissertations, AcademicAuthorshipSocial sciencesResearchMethodology.Dissertations, Academic.Academic writing.Dissertations, AcademicAuthorship.808.066Furseth Inger942955Everett Euris Larry1577275BOOK9910797159203321Doing your Master's dissertation3855756UNINA