03541nam 2200553 450 991079686640332120230126215936.01-78533-801-310.1515/9781785338014(CKB)4100000004821204(MiAaPQ)EBC5399770(DE-B1597)635794(DE-B1597)9781785338014(EXLCZ)99410000000482120420180616d2018 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCare across distance ethnographic explorations of aging and migration /edited by Azra Hromadžić and Monika PalmbergerNew York ;Oxford :Berghahn Books,2018.1 online resource (191 pages)Life course, culture and aging. ;volume 41-78533-800-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction : care across distance / Monika Palmberger and Azra Hromadzic -- Recalibrating care : newly resettled Nepali-Bhutanese refugees in Upstate New York / Retika Desai -- Healthy aging, middle-classiness, and transnational care between Tanzania and the United States / Andrea Patricia Kaiser-Grolimund -- Intergenerational relationships and emergent notions of reciprocity, dependency : caregiving, and aging in Tuareg migration / Susan Rasmussen -- "Old people's homes", filial piety, and transnational families : change and continuity in elderly care in the Tibetan settlements in India / Namgyal Choedup -- Social embeddedness and care among Turkish labor migrants in Vienna : the role of migrant associations / Monika Palmberger -- Migrants of privilege : American retirees and the imaginaries of Ecuadorian care work / Ann Miles -- Some limits of caring at a distance : aging and transnational care arrangements between Suriname and the Netherlands / Yvon Van der Pijl -- "Where were they until now?" : aging, care and abandonment in a Bosnian town / Azra Hromadzic -- Epilogue / Sarah Lamb.World-wide migration has an unsettling effect on social structures, especially on aging populations and eldercare. This volume investigates how taken-for-granted roles are challenged, intergenerational relationships transformed, economic ties recalibrated, technological innovations utilized, and spiritual relations pursued and desired, and asks what it means to care at a distance and to age abroad. What it does show is that trans-nationalization of care produces unprecedented convergences of people, objects and spaces that challenge our assumptions about the who, how, and where of care.Life course, culture and aging.Older peopleSocial conditionsCase studiesOlder peopleCareSocial aspectsCase studiesAgingSocial aspectsCase studiesEmigration and immigrationSocial aspectsCase studiesImmigrant familiesCase studiesOlder peopleSocial conditionsOlder peopleCareSocial aspectsAgingSocial aspectsEmigration and immigrationSocial aspectsImmigrant families305.26Hromadžić AzraPalmberger Monika1977-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910796866403321Care across distance3867061UNINA