01397nam0-2200325 --450 991016655750332120170626154708.020170328d1831----kmuy0itay5050 baitaITy 001yyScelte poesie italiane di Gabriello Chiabrera, Alfonso Varano, Giovanni Della Casa e Antonio GuadagnoliNapoliR. Marotta e Vanspandoch1831189 p.14 cmIn appendice: Epistola di Camillo Picciarelli all'amico F. M. per la più estesa propagazione del divino romantico gusto, con alcune osservazioni del Signor C. Mallio Pelliciari2001Epistola di Camillo Picciarelli all'amico F. M. per la più estesa propagazione del divino romantico gusto, con alcune osservazioni del Signor C. Mallio PelliciariPoesia italianaAntologie85020Varano,Alfonso<1705-1788>PicciarelliCamilloDella Casa,Giovanni<1503-1556 >GuadagnoliAntonioChiabrera,Gabriello<1552-1638>ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK9910166557503321SG 850/A 113BIBL.2016/ 56FLFBCFLFBCScelte poesie italiane di Gabriello Chiabrera, Alfonso Varano, Giovanni Della Casa e Antonio Guadagnoli1468942UNINA03775 am 2200673 n 450 9910228949603321201708032-7574-1900-510.4000/books.septentrion.14872(CKB)4100000000927501(FrMaCLE)OB-septentrion-14872(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/53307(PPN)221485279(EXLCZ)99410000000092750120171114j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLes méthodes de recherche en didactiques /Marie-Jeanne Perrin-Glorian, Yves ReuterVilleneuve d'Ascq Presses universitaires du Septentrion20171 online resource (224 p.) 2-85939-949-6 Cet ouvrage rassemble une sélection de contributions issues du premier séminaire international consacré aux méthodes de recherche dans le domaine des didactiques, organisé par les laboratoires DIDIREM et THEODILE et par l'IUFM du Nord/Pas-de-Calais. Leurs auteurs, appartenant à plusieurs pays différents, représentent diverses didactiques : disciplines scientifiques et techniques, français, histoire, mathématiques, STAPS… Ces contributions sont regroupées autour de trois axes de questionnement : celui des intérêts et des problèmes liés aux comparaisons et aux croisements des méthodes de recueil et de traitement des données ; celui de la détermination des indicateurs pertinents et des significations qu'on peut leur accorder ; celui des modalités possibles des techniques de retraitement des données, tels que scripts, chronologies ou synopsis. L'ensemble de ces textes est présenté par Marie-Jeanne Perrin-Glorian et Yves Reuter, ce dernier proposant dans la contribution inaugurale un programme de recherches possibles pour définir et questionner les méthodes de recherche en didactiques, pour justifier aussi les intérêts d'un tel chantier de travail. En effet, en raison des enjeux épistémologiques attachés aux problèmes abordés, qu'ils concernent la définition même des didactiques en tant que disciplines de recherche ou la validité des résultats produits, le séminaire mis en place est appelé à se reproduire régulièrement. Cet ouvrage constitue, en conséquence, le premier d'une série à venir.Humanities, MultidisciplinaryrecherchedidactiquedidactiquerechercheHumanities, MultidisciplinaryrecherchedidactiqueCariou Didier1299350Chappet Paries Monique1299351Constant-Berthe Nathalie1299352Crindal Alain1299353Dolz Joaquim1287200Donahue Christiane1203981Fluckiger Annick1299354Forest Dominique1298717Léziart Yvon1299355Le Paven Maël1287468Loquet Monique1299356Perrin-Glorian Marie-Jeanne1290577Reuter Yves457625Robert Aline1290579Roessle Sophie1299357Rogalski Janine1299358Roncin Emmanuelle1299359Ronveaux Christophe1284984Schneuwly Bernard1288896Perrin-Glorian Marie-Jeanne1290577Reuter Yves457625FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910228949603321Les méthodes de recherche en didactiques3025130UNINA03547nam 2200985z- 450 991055766590332120231214133718.0(CKB)5400000000044847(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76761(EXLCZ)99540000000004484720202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPlant EmbryogenesisBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (124 p.)3-0365-1461-9 3-0365-1462-7 Despite intense investigation of plant embryogenesis, there are still various open questions in this fascinating field. For example, our knowledge is still poor in relation to the spatiotemporal dynamics and the regulatory mechanisms of various embryonic events at all levels of whole plants, organs, tissues, cells, and molecules. We also need to understand the generality and diversity of embryonic features in a diverse range of species and also the bioengineering technologies to improve reproductive traits. Therefore, in this Special Issue, we show various articles, including original research papers and reviews, to expand our knowledge on plant embryogenesis, including works spanning from the various novel protocols of model plants to the regulations of somatic embryogenesis in agricultural plants.Research & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicssctobaccoembryogenesissuspensorprogrammed cell deathTUNELlow-fluencered lightshoot regenerationWUSNPAantioxidative enzymesarabinogalactan proteinscentauryGentianaceaein vitro culturemorphogenesisplant growth regulatorssomatic embryotissue cultureclearing3D imagingArabidopsis thalianaembryoconfocal microscopycell wall stainingfluorescent reporterGFPcyclic somatic embryogenesisdirect somatic embryogenesisindirect somatic embryogenesisleaf explanthistology2,4-DCPPUauxinscytokininsregenerationpicloramcryoplatevitrification solutionslong-term preservationfertilizationmale excessparental genomepaternal genomepolyspermyriceepidermal developmentATML1transcriptional regulationpost-transcriptional regulationResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesUeda Minakoedt1314793Kurihara DaisukeedtUeda MinakoothKurihara DaisukeothBOOK9910557665903321Plant Embryogenesis3031973UNINA05329nam 2200865 450 991079660520332120220907153634.01-78920-845-910.1515/9781785337772(CKB)4100000001593334(MiAaPQ)EBC5216954(DE-B1597)637052(DE-B1597)9781785337772(EXLCZ)99410000000159333420180208h20182018 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierCommunist parties revisited sociocultural approaches to party rule in the Soviet Bloc, 1956-1991 /edited by Rüdiger Bergien and Jens GiesekeNew York ;Oxford, [England] :Berghahn,2018.©20181 online resource (383 pages) illustrations (some color), tables, graphs1-78533-776-9 1-78533-777-7 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Communist parties revisited: cultural approaches to party rule in the Soviet Bloc, 1956-1991 / Rüdiger Bergien and Jens Gieseke -- The paradox of party discipline in the Khrushchev-era Communist Party / Edward Cohn -- "It Is not possible to allow past mistakes to come again": recruitment policy in the CPCS in the 1970s and 1980s / Michel Christian -- Behind closed doors: the erosion of SED party life in the 1980s / Sabine Pannen -- The successive dissolution of the "uncivil society": tracking SED party members in opinion polls and secret police reports, 1969-1989 / Jens Gieseke -- On the way to party pluralism?: the PZPR and the reform of the socialist party system in 1988-1989 / Frédéric Zalewski -- Communist Party apparatuses as steering organizations: paths of development in East Central Europe / Christoph Boyer -- The Central Committee Department of Party Organs under Khrushchev / Alexander Titov -- True believers becoming funded experts?: personnel profile and political power in the SED Central Committee's Sectoral Apparatus, 1946-89 / Rüdiger Bergien -- Paternalism in local practice: the logic of repression, ideological hegemony and the everyday management of society in an SED local secretariat / Andrea Bahr -- The SED Bezirk secretaries as brokers of territorial interests in the GDR / Jay Rowell -- The idea of social unity and its influence on the mechanisms of a totalitarian regime in the years 1956-1980 / Krzysztof Dąbek -- Foreign policymaking and party-state relations in the Soviet Union during the Brezhnev era / Mark Kramer -- Erich Honecker, the "leading representative": a generational perspective / Martin Sabrow -- Inside the system: the CPSU Central Committee, Mikhail Gorbachev's Komanda, and the end of Communist rule in Russia / Jan C. Behrends -- The ironies of membership: the ruling Communist Party in comparative perspective / Padraic Kenney."The ruling communist parties of the postwar Soviet Bloc possessed nearly unprecedented power to shape every level of society; perhaps in part because of this, they have been routinely depicted as monolithic, austere, and even opaque institutions. Communist Parties Revisited takes a markedly different approach, investigating everyday life within basic organizations to illuminate the inner workings of Eastern Bloc parties. Ranging across national and transnational contexts, the contributions assembled here reconstruct the rituals of party meetings, functionaries' informal practices, intra-party power struggles, and the social production of ideology to give a detailed account of state socialist policymaking on a micro-historical scale"--Provided by publisher.CommunismSoviet UnionHistoryEurope, EasternSocial conditions20th centuryEurope, EasternPolitics and government20th centuryCommunist countriesSocial conditions20th centuryCommunist countriesPolitics and government20th centurycivic.communist parties.eastern bloc countries.engaging.european history.everyday life.history.ideology.inner workings.marx.monolithic government.opaque institutions.political parties.political process.political science.political.politics.postwar europe.revolutionaries.russia.russian history.social issues.social problems.socialism communism.socialism.society.sociocultural approach.soviet bloc.transnational contexts.unprecedented power.CommunismHistory.335.430947Bergien RüdigerGieseke JensMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910796605203321Communist parties revisited3706944UNINA03204nam 2200829 a 450 991013919240332120240607092141.097866126817079780470888308047088830X978128268170512826817029781118257807111825780497804708802960470880295(CKB)2560000000011996(EBL)542999(SSID)ssj0000404052(PQKBManifestationID)11265978(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000404052(PQKBWorkID)10437938(PQKB)11113205(Au-PeEL)EBL542999(CaPaEBR)ebr10394854(CaONFJC)MIL268170(CaSebORM)9780470584767(MiAaPQ)EBC542999(OCoLC)761319830(OCoLC)670428507(OCoLC)ocn670428507(OCoLC)ocn670428507 (EXLCZ)99256000000001199620100511d2010 uy 0engurunu|||||txtccrAdobe Creative Suite 5 bible /Ted Padova, Kelly L Murdock1st ed.Indianapolis Wiley20101 online resource (1275 p.)BibleIncludes index.9780470584767 0470584769 pt. 1. Getting started with workflow solutions -- pt. 2. Getting started with design workflows -- pt. 3. Working with objects and images -- pt. 4. Working with type -- pt. 5. Using Creative Suite and Microsoft Office -- pt. 6. Integrating Creative Suite documents -- pt. 7. Preparing documents for deployment -- pt. 8 Deploying documents -- pt. 9. Printing and digital prepress.Learn to use CS5 to produce better work and become a more productive designer The newest release of Adobe Creative Suite boasts a world of must-have features and enhancements to each of its applications: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, Acrobat, and Version Cue. Written by a duo of Adobe experts, this thorough reference focuses on the collection of programs that comprise the Creative Suite and shows you how to efficiently integrate and manage your workflow between these applications. Padova and Murdock address common issues and explain how to handle typical challenges with thBibleAdobe Creative Suite five bibleCreative Suite 5 bibleComputer graphicsWeb sitesAuthoring programsDesktop publishingGraphic artsComputer programsComputer graphics.Web sitesAuthoring programs.Desktop publishing.Graphic artsComputer programs.006.686006.7006.786Padova Ted878478Murdock Kelly854559MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910139192403321Adobe Creative Suite 5 bible1961398UNINA