02495nam 2200565 450 991079659350332120230809225916.01-4629-1961-8(CKB)3840000000329170(MiAaPQ)EBC5333559(Au-PeEL)EBL5333559(CaPaEBR)ebr11536205(OCoLC)1030819102(EXLCZ)99384000000032917020190103d2017 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEssential Korean phrasebook & dictionary speak Korean with confidence! /Soyeung Koh & Gene BaikSecond edition.Tokyo ;Rutland, Vermont ;Singapore :Tuttle Publishing,2017.1 online resource (191 pages) illustrations"Speak Korean with confidence.""With new manga illustrations!"--Cover.0-8048-4680-4 Teaches you the practical phrases and expressions needed for common, everyday interactions in Korea in a way that's clear, concise, accessible and enjoyable. All Korean words and phrases are in romanized form as well as the Korean "hangul" script. Basic grammar and pronunciation notes get you speaking right away, and tips on culture and etiquette allow you to interact with Korean without making serious blunders. Whether you're a novice or have some experience with the language, this is a reference you'll turn to again and again when visiting Korea and interacting with Korean people.Korean languageSelf-instructionKorean languageConversation and phrase booksEnglishKorean languageGlossaries, vocabularies, etcKorean languageDictionariesEnglishEnglish languageDictionariesKoreanKorean languageStudy and teachingForeign speakersKorean languageKorean languageEnglish.Korean languageKorean languageEnglish.English languageKorean.Korean languageStudy and teachingForeign speakers.495.783421Koh Soyeung1534473Baik GeneMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910796593503321Essential Korean phrasebook & dictionary3782087UNINA