04451oam 22005654a 450 991079635990332120180818104128.0979-88-908579-5-81-945234-13-X1-945234-17-2(CKB)3790000000544762(MiAaPQ)EBC5215301(OCoLC)1019861588(MdBmJHUP)muse66840(EXLCZ)99379000000054476220180112d2018 uy 0spaurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierEl movimiento obrero y las izquierdas en América LatinaExperiencias de lucha, inserción y organización (Volumen 2) /Volumen II [edited by] Hernán Camarero y Martín MangiantiniVolumen II Baltimore, Maryland :Project Muse,2018Baltimore, Md. :Project MUSE, 2018©20181 online resource (255 pages)Serie de historia y ciencias sociales"This work is published under the auspices of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at North Carolina State University."1-945234-14-8 Includes bibliographical references.Comunismo, peronismo y movimiento obrero en la Argentina durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. Un abordaje histórico-sociológico / Hernán Camarero -- Obreros e intelectuales en Colombia : el caso del Partido Socialista Democrático / Luz Ángela Núñez Espinel -- Izquierda, nacionalismo y movimiento obrero en Bolivia (1946-1971) / Juan Luis Hernández -- Esquerda e movimento sindical no Brasil : a experiência do PCB (1945-1992) / Marco Aurelio Santana -- Partido, masas y guerra revolucionaria del pueblo. La izquierda en Guatemala (1954-1996) / Carlos Figueroa Ibarra -- El maoísmo en Colombia : apuntes para una historia del Partido del Trabajo, 1959-1982 / Miguel Ángel Urrego -- Proletarización y militancia fabril de una corriente trotskista. La disputa por la clase obrera del PRT--La Verdad y el Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores en Argentina (1968-1976) / Martín Mangiantini -- Recabarrenismo y lucha de masas. El Partido Comunista de Chile y su vinculación con los movimientos sociales, 1965-1973 / Rolando Álvarez Vallejos -- Izquierda, revolución y ámbitos de masas en el Uruguay pre-dictadura (1966-1973) / Eduardo Rey Tristán -- Conflicto laboral, tensiones sindicales y el papel de la COB durante los dos primeros gobiernos del MAS (2006-2014) / Alejandro M. Schneider.El movimiento obrero y las izquierdas son parte de la historia de America Latina. Casi no existen dimensiones de la sociedad, la economia, la politica, la cultura o el campo intelectual de la mayoria de los paises del subcontinente que puedan comprenderse sin la intervencion de alguno de estos dos actores. El enfoque relacional es aqui esencial. Anarquistas, socialistas, comunistas, sindicalistas revolucionarios, trotskistas, maoistas y guevaristas, entre otras, fueron expresiones politico-ideologicas cuya indagacion no puede alcanzarse genuinamente sin un abordaje global de las clases trabajadoras. El presente libro pretende ser una contribucion en este sentido. Constituye una aproximacion a las mas recientes elaboraciones en torno a estos topicos. Reune textos elaborados por calificados investigadores de una decena de paises, ofreciendo, de manera conjunta y comparativa, elementos que aportan a una vision global y renovada sobre el tema a partir de estudios de casos en los cuales se abordan problematicas comunes.Serie de historia y ciencias sociales.Right and left (Political science)Latin AmericaHistoryLiberalismtLatin AmericaHistoryLabor movementLatin AmericaHistoryElectronic books. Right and left (Political science)History.LiberalismtHistory.Labor movementHistory.303.484098Mangiantini Martín1979-Camarero HernánNorth Carolina State University.Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures,MdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910796359903321El movimiento obrero y las izquierdas en América Latina3869471UNINA03682nam 2200601 a 450 991078335120332120230120041327.00-19-771283-51-282-32824-70-19-803652-397866105354221-280-53542-397866123282441-60256-686-0(CKB)1000000000029158(SSID)ssj0000149088(PQKBManifestationID)11162078(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000149088(PQKBWorkID)10235982(PQKB)10133546(Au-PeEL)EBL4963710(CaONFJC)MIL53542(OCoLC)1027155923(MiAaPQ)EBC279426(EXLCZ)99100000000002915820040213d2005 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrEscaping Salem[electronic resource] the other witch hunt of 1692 /Richard GodbeerNew York Oxford University Press2005xiv, 177 p. illNew narratives in American historyBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-19-516129-7 0-19-516130-0 Includes bibliographical references (p. 174-177).Few events in American history are as well remembered as the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. But there was another witch hunt that year, in Stamford, Connecticut, that has never been examined in depth. Now Richard Godbeer describes this "other witch hunt" in a concise, fascinating narrative that illuminates the colonial world and shatters the stereotype of early New Englanders as quick to accuse and condemn. That stereotype originates with Salem, which was in many ways unlike other outbreaks of witch-hunting in the region. Drawing on eye-witness testimony, Godbeer tells the story of Kate Branch, a seventeen-year-old afflicted by strange visions and given to blood-chilling wails of pain and fright. Branch accused several women of bewitching her, two of whom were put on trial for witchcraft. The book takes us inside the courtroom - and inside the minds of the surprisingly skeptical Stamford townfolk. Was the pain and screaming due to natural causes, or to supernatural causes? Was Branch simply faking the symptoms? And if she was telling the truth, why believe the demonic sources of the information, who might well be lying? For the judges, Godbeer shows, the trial was a legal thicket.; All agreed that witches posed a real and serious threat, but proving witchcraft (an invisible crime) in court was another matter. The court in Salem had become mired in controversy over its use of dubious evidence. In an intriguing passage, Godbeer examines Magistrate Jonathan Selleck's notes on how to determine the guilt of someone accused of witchcraft - an illuminating look at what constituted proof of witchcraft at the time. The stakes were high - if found guilty, the two accused women would be hanged. In the afterword, Godbeer explains how he used the trial evidence to build his narrative, an inside look at the historian's craft that enhances this wonderful accountof life in colonial New England.New narratives in American history.Trials (Witchcraft)ConnecticutStamfordHistory17th centuryTrials (Witchcraft)History133.4/3/097469Godbeer Richard715472MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910783351203321Escaping Salem3699325UNINA