04685nam 2200721 450 991013680270332120240118021642.010.3389/978-2-88919-695-1(CKB)3710000000631104(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/42444(EXLCZ)99371000000063110420160411d2015uuuu fy| 0engurc|#---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBreaking the cycle attacking the malaria parasite in the liver /edited by Ute Frevert, Urszula Krzych, Thomas L. RichieFrontiers Media SA2015[Place of publication not identified] :Frontiers Media SA,2015.1 online resource (173 pages) illustrations, charts; digital, PDF file(s)Frontiers research topicsFrontiers in Human Neuroscience,1664-87142-88919-695-X Includes bibliographical references.Despite significant progress in the global fight against malaria, this parasitic infection is still responsible for nearly 300 million clinical cases and more than half a million deaths each year, predominantly in African children less than 5 years of age. The infection starts when mosquitoes transmit small numbers of parasites into the skin. From here, the parasites travel with the bloodstream to the liver where they undergo an initial round of replication and maturation to the next developmental stage that infects red blood cells. A vaccine capable of blocking the clinically silent liver phase of the Plasmodium life cycle would prevent the subsequent symptomatic phase of this tropical disease, including its frequently fatal manifestations such as severe anemia, acute lung injury, and cerebral malaria. Parasitologists, immunologists, and vaccinologists have come to appreciate the complexity of the adaptive immune response against the liver stages of this deadly parasite. Lymphocytes play a central role in the elimination of Plasmodium infected hepatocytes, both in humans and animal models, but our understanding of the exact cellular interactions and molecular effector mechanisms that lead to parasite killing within the complex hepatic microenvironment of an immune host is still rudimentary. Nevertheless, recent collaborative efforts have led to promising vaccine approaches based on liver stages that have conferred sterile immunity in humans – the University of Oxford's Ad prime / MVA boost vaccine, the Naval Medical Research Center’s DNA prime / Ad boost vaccine, Sanaria, Inc.'s radiation-attenuated whole sporozoite vaccine, and Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre’s chemoprophylaxis with sporozoites vaccine. The aim of this Research Topic is to bring together researchers with expertise in malariology, immunology, hepatology, antigen discovery and vaccine development to provide a better understanding of the basic biology of Plasmodium in the liver and the host’s innate and adaptive immune responses. Understanding the conditions required to generate complete protection in a vaccinated individual will bring us closer to our ultimate goal, namely to develop a safe, scalable, and affordable malaria vaccine capable of inducing sustained high-level protective immunity in the large proportion of the world’s population constantly at risk of malaria.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,1664-8714.Plasmodium falciparumMalariaImmunological aspectsMalariaPreventionMalariaResearchLiverImmunologyLiverParasitesHepatologyPlasmodislemacCD8 T cellPlasmodiumB cellantigen-presenting cellimmune responseMalaria vaccinehepatic microenvironmentCD4 T cellanimal modeladjuvantsPlasmodium falciparum.MalariaImmunological aspects.MalariaPrevention.MalariaResearch.LiverImmunology.LiverParasites.Hepatology.PlasmodisRichie Thomasauth1461104Frevert UteKrzych UrszulaRichie ThomasauthUkMaJRUNZ-WeVULBOOK9910136802703321Breaking the cycle3663112UNINA03595nam 2200625 450 991079632540332120230808202610.00-8229-8141-6(CKB)3840000000036883(SSID)ssj0001681644(PQKBManifestationID)16507672(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001681644(PQKBWorkID)15024376(PQKB)10481478(OCoLC)952145994(MdBmJHUP)muse50991(MiAaPQ)EBC5568526(Au-PeEL)EBL5568526(EXLCZ)99384000000003688320181119d2016 uy 0engur|||||||nn|ntxtccrBridges, borders, breaks history, narrative, & nation in twenty-first-century Chicana/o literary criticism /edited by William Orchard & Yolanda PadillaPittsburgh, Pa :University of Pittsburgh Press,[2016]©20161 online resourceLatino and Latin American profilesChiefly based on papers presented at the 2010 conference of the American Comparative Literature Association, held in New Orleans.0-8229-6414-7 Includes bibliographical references (pages 213-228) and index.Introduction: Chicana/o narratives, then and now / William Orchard and Yolanda Padilla -- The Diachronics of Difference: Chicano Narrative Then, Now, and before -- Chicanidad / Jesse Alemán -- The Transnational Imaginaries of Chicano/a Studies and Hemispheric Studies: Polycentric and Centrifugal Methodologies / David Luis-Brown -- The "Other" Novel of the Mexican Revolution / Yolanda Padilla -- Desiring History in Sabina Berman's and Sandra Cisneros's Narratives of the Mexican Revolution / Belinda Linn Rincón -- Finding Mexican Chicago on Mango Street: A Transnational Production of Space and Place in Sandra Cisneros's The House on Mango Street and Caramelo / Olga L. Herrera -- Resisting the Interpretive Schema of the Novel Form: Rereading Sandra Cisneros's The House on Mango Street / Paula M. L. Moya -- Chicano Narrative's Hidden Print Cultures and the Chicano/a Literary Counterpublic / John Alba Cutler -- I Digress: Reading Chicano Narrative and Manuel Muñoz's "Monkey, S?" / Ralph E. Rodriguez -- Chicano Narrative Now: Literary Discourses in an Age of Transnationalism / Ramón Saldívar -- You Choose Your Space and You Fight There": An Interview with Ramón Saldívar.Latino and Latin American profiles.American literatureMexican American authorsHistory and criticismTheory, etcCongressesAmerican literatureMexican American authorsHistory and criticismCongressesMexican AmericansIntellectual lifeCongressesMexican Americans in literatureCongressesTransnationalism in literatureCongressesAmerican literatureMexican American authorsHistory and criticismTheory, etc.American literatureMexican American authorsHistory and criticismMexican AmericansIntellectual lifeMexican Americans in literatureTransnationalism in literature810.9/86872Padilla YolandaOrchard William(William E.),MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910796325403321Bridges, borders, breaks3864474UNINA