02445nam 2200505 450 991079621820332120200520144314.01-57799-609-7(CKB)3790000000535899(MiAaPQ)EBC5153163(Au-PeEL)EBL5153163(CaPaEBR)ebr11472425(OCoLC)1013588314(EXLCZ)99379000000053589920190123d2014 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierConfronted by grace meditations of a theologian /John Webster ; edited by Daniel Bush & Brannon EllisBellingham, WA :Lexham Press,[2014]©20141 online resource (xii, 250 pages)1-57799-627-5 The lie of self-sufficiency, Matthew 21:33-39 -- The great contrast, Romans 5:12-21 -- Believe in the Lord Jesus, Acts 16:25-34 -- Dead to sin, Romans 6:8-14 -- He who comforts, Isaiah 40:1-11 -- Hearing the passion, Luke 23:26-30 -- Sin shattered within its stronghold, Isaiah 52:13-15 -- Lifted high in humiliation, Isaiah 53:1-3 -- Take this holy sacrament, Isaiah 53:4-5 -- The triumph of Divine resolve, Isaiah 53:6,10 -- Listen to him, Mark 9:2-10 -- Praising God, Psalm 95:1-5 -- Belonging to God, Psalm 95:6-7 -- Obeying God, Psalm 95:8-11 -- The hearing church, Revelation 3:13,14 -- God's sustaining presence, Psalm 121 -- The call to remembrance, Psalm 78:1-20 -- The nature of faith, Hebrews 11:1 -- The way of holiness, Isaiah 35 -- Yes in Christ, 2 Corinthians 1:15-22 -- The heart of perseverance, Revelation 2:1-7 -- Endurance, Matthew 10:16-23 -- Waiting patiently, James 5:7-11 -- Christian contentment, Philippians 4:11b-13 -- Do not be anxious, Matthew 6:25-34 -- The day of God, 2 Peter 3:8-14.Grace (Theology)Sermons, English21st centuryChristian life21st centurySermons.fastSermons.lcgftGrace (Theology)Sermons, EnglishChristian life230.04624Webster John65181Bush DanielEllis BrannonMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910796218203321Confronted by grace3747494UNINA