04336 am 2200949 n 450 9910137465303321201207252-917902-66-310.4000/books.inha.3245(CKB)3170000000061022(FrMaCLE)OB-inha-3245(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/63016(PPN)241289750(EXLCZ)99317000000006102220171205j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBronzes grecs et romains, recherches récentes. Hommage à Claude Rolley /Martine Denoyelle, Sophie Descamps-Lequime, Benoît Mille, Stéphane VergerParis Publications de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art20122-917902-17-5 Philologue, archéologue, historien, spécialiste des bronzes, Claude Rolley, disparu en 2007, occupa une place originale parmi les spécialistes du monde méditerranéen antique. Marqué par la découverte du cratère de Vix (en 1953) qu’il ne cessa d’étudier tout au long de sa carrière, il sut croiser recherches et approches sur les périodes à la fois classique et proto-historique, de la Laconie à la Bourgogne jusqu’à la Grande Grèce. Les bronzes, de toutes dimensions ou origines, dont il tint la chronique pendant près de 25 ans dans la Revue archéologique, étaient pour lui une source de réflexion multiple : stylistique, technique – il prenait en compte aussi bien les questions d’assemblage ou de fonte que la composition chimique des objets –, ou culturelle – ses travaux ont apporté des éclairages décisifs sur la formation des ateliers et la circulation des objets d’un centre de production à l’autre. À l’initiative de plusieurs de ses disciples, un colloque lui a rendu hommage (INHA, 16-17 juin 2009) : les textes qui suivent en sont le fruit.Collections électroniques de l'INHAArts & Humanitiesarchéologiebronzes antiquesmonde méditerranéenAntiquitésculpturemonde méditerranéenAntiquitésculpturebronzes antiquesarchéologieArts & Humanitiesarchéologiebronzes antiquesmonde méditerranéenAntiquitésculptureAdam Anne-Marie187211Aurigny Hélène1366466Barr-Sharrar Beryl154481Blanc-Bijon Véronique541496Bolla Margherita166539Castoldi Marina156274Cavé Anne1366467Darblade-Audoin Maria-Pia1324374Descamps-Lequime Sophie1366468Fabregat Raimon Graells i1366469Formigli Edilberto30810Franken Norbert1366470Giumlia-Mair Alessandra784892Hellmann Marie-Christine157879Jacquemin Anne176420Kaufmann-Heinimann Annemarie1366471Laroche Didier1303245Long Luc1283790Mattusch Carol C487834Mille Benoît1320261Naso Alessandro185115Pace Rossella1238118Pernot Michel165354Perrot Sylvain1316204Procelli Rosa Maria Albanese1297812Proskynitopoulou Rosa1366472Rolley (†) Claude218409Rossetti Loretta1366473Tassinari Suzanne172469Verger Stéphane389089Zimmer Gerhard218962Denoyelle Martine328738Descamps-Lequime Sophie1366468Mille Benoît1320261Verger Stéphane389089FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910137465303321Bronzes grecs et romains, recherches récentes. Hommage à Claude Rolley3389020UNINA04362oam 2200493I 450 991079604090332120230814232727.090-04-33029-110.1163/9789004330290(CKB)3710000001583393(MiAaPQ)EBC5013680(OCoLC)1006286464(nllekb)BRILL9789004330290(EXLCZ)99371000000158339320171004d2018 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierArchostemata-myxophaga-adephagaVolume 1 /edited by I. Lobl, D. LoblRevised and updated edition.Leiden, The Netherlands ;Boston, [Massachusetts] :Brill.c2018.1 online resource (1,477 pages) illustrationsCatalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera ;v. 190-04-33028-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front Matter -- Cover Illustration /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Copyright Page /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Preface /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Taxonomic Information /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Distributional Information /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Bibliographical Information /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Acknowledgements /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Editors and Authors /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Errata /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- New Nomenclatural and Taxonomic Acts, and Comments /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Catalogue /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Back Matter -- References /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Index to Family-group Names /I. Löbl and D. Löbl -- Index to Genus-group Names /I. Löbl and D. Löbl.This new edition of the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera gives a taxonomic overview of the most diverse group of all organisms living in the world-largest biogeographical area. The present volume is an updated edition of the first issue in 2003 but restricted to data published before the year 2000. It contains information about 33,914 taxa (together with synonyms), and increases the number of included species and other taxa by almost 5,000. In addition, thousands of species have their distributional data completed, and their ranks, systematic positions and nomenclature corrected. Almost two hundred new acts fix systematics and nomenclature, and numerous problems are discussed. Even such well known genera as Calosoma and Carabus , or tribes as Bembidiini and Panagaeini, are completely reorganized compared to the previously published catalogues. Thus, the work is a scaffold for biotic surveys, ecological studies, and nature conservation. It responds to the urgent need of an assessment of the still remaining forms of life, threatened by the on-going destruction of habitats. Taxonomy provides the basic building blocks of our understanding of the diversity of life. It stems from innate human curiosity: confronted with an unknown species we ask first “what is it”? Taxonomists recognize species and other systematic entities (taxa), define them and place them within the framework of known organisms, providing means for their subsequent identification. Contributors are: Antonio Tomás Tomas Andújar, Carmelo Fernández Andújar, Michael Balkenohl, Igor Belousov, Yves Bousquet, Boleslav Březina, Achille Casale, Hans Fery, Jan Farkač, Pier Mauro Giachino, Henri Goulet, Martin Häckel, Jiří Hájek, Oldřich Hovorka, Fritz Hieke, Jan Hrdlička, Charles Huber, Bernd Jaeger, Ilya Kabak, Boris M. Kataev, Erich Kirschenhofer, Tomáš Kopecký, Ivan Löbl, Werner Marggi, Andrey Matalin, Wendy Moore, Peter Nagel, Paolo Neri, Sergio Pérez González, Alexandr Putchkov, James A. Robertson, Joachim Schmidt, José Serrano, Luca Toledano, Uldis Valainis, Bernhard J. van Vondel, David W. Wrase, Juan M. Pérez Zaballos, Alexandr S. Zamotajlov.Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera1.BeetlesEurasiaBeetlesAfrica, NorthBeetlesBeetles595.76Lobl I877715Lobl D901724NL-LeKBNL-LeKBBOOK9910796040903321Archostemata-myxophaga-adephaga3807903UNINA05196nam 2200949 450 991082296960332120230807210117.00-520-28671-510.1525/9780520961807(CKB)2670000000608264(EBL)1882109(SSID)ssj0001458130(PQKBManifestationID)12540354(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001458130(PQKBWorkID)11451815(PQKB)11435976(MiAaPQ)EBC1882109(DE-B1597)518769(OCoLC)906699108(DE-B1597)9780520961807(Au-PeEL)EBL1882109(CaPaEBR)ebr11041372(CaONFJC)MIL763353(EXLCZ)99267000000060826420150416h20152015 uy 0engur|nu---|u||utxtccrBiodiversity in a changing climate linking science and management in conservation /edited by Terry L. Root [and three others]Oakland, California :University of California Press,2015.©20151 online resource (244 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-520-27885-2 0-520-96180-3 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Front matter --Contents --List of Contributors --Preface --CHAPTER 1. A New Era for Ecologists: Incorporating Climate Change into Natural Resource Management --CHAPTER 2. Climate Change from the Globe to California --CHAPTER 3. Climatic Influences on Ecosystems --CHAPTER 4. Modeling Krill in the California Current: A 2005 Case Study --CHAPTER 5. Shifts in Marine Biogeographic Ranges --CHAPTER 6. Integrating Global Climate Change and Conservation: A Klamath River Case Study --CHAPTER 7. Pollinators and Meadow Restoration --CHAPTER 8. Elevational Shifts in Breeding Birds in the Southern California Desert Region --CHAPTER 9. Conserving California Grasslands into an Uncertain Future --CHAPTER 10. Species Invasions: Linking Changes in Plant Composition to changes in Climate --CHAPTER 11. Evolutionary Conservation under Climate Change --CHAPTER 12. Fossils Predict Biological Responses to Future Climate Change --CHAPTER 13. Historical Data on Species Occurrence: Bridging the Past to the Future --Glossary --INDEX --Contributor BiosOne major consequence of climate change is abrupt, dramatic changes in regional biodiversity. Even if the most optimistic scenarios for mitigating climate change transpire, the fate of many wild species rests on the shoulders of people engaged in conservation planning, management, and policy. Providing managers with the latest and most useful climate change research is critical and requires challenging the conventional divide between scientists and managers. Biodiversity in a Changing Climate promotes dialogue among scientists, decision makers, and managers who are grappling with climate-related threats to species and ecosystems in diverse forms. The book includes case studies and best practices used to address impacts related to climate change across a broad spectrum of species and habitats-from coastal krill and sea urchins to prairie grass and mountain bumblebees. Focused on California, the issues and strategies presented in this book will prove relevant to regions across the West, as well as other regions, and provide a framework for how scientists and managers in any region can bridge the communication divide to manage biodiversity in a rapidly changing world. Biodiversity and a Changing Climate will prove an indispensable guide to students, scientists, and professionals engaged in conservation and resource management.BiodiversityClimatic factorsCaliforniaBiodiversity conservationCaliforniaamerican west.animal preservation.animal species.biodiversity.california.climate change.climatology.coastal krill.conservation science.conservation.earth sciences.ecology.endangered animals.environment.global warming.habitats.life sciences.mountain bumblebees.nature preserve.nature reserve.nature.nonfiction.prairie grass.preservation.public policy.regional biodiversity.science.sea urchins.wild animals.BiodiversityClimatic factorsBiodiversity conservation577.2/209794Root Terry LouiseMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910822969603321Biodiversity in a changing climate3954910UNINA