05435nam 2200685 450 991079562620332120230624191446.01-9788-1868-81-9788-1870-X10.36019/9781978818705(MiAaPQ)EBC6939948(Au-PeEL)EBL6939948(CKB)21425628400041(OCoLC)1309032495(MdBmJHUP)musev2_102474(DE-B1597)637820(DE-B1597)9781978818705(EXLCZ)992142562840004120230624d2022 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEqualiberty in the Dutch Caribbean Ways of Being Non/Sovereign /edited by Yvon van der Pijl and Francio Guadeloupe ; foreword by Linden Lewis ; epilogue by Anton AllaharFirst edition.New Brunswick, New Jersey :Rutgers University Press,[2022]©20221 online resourceCritical Caribbean StudiesIncludes index.Print version: Pijl, Yvon van der Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press,c2022 9781978818675 Includes bibliographical references and index.Foreword / Linden Lewis -- Introduction / Francio Guadeloupe and Yvon van der Pijl -- Stories of autonomy on non-sovereign Saba : flipping the script of postcolonial resistance / Nikki Mulder -- "Education must be more!" : imagining and (re)producing St. Martin/Sint Maarten belonging / Jordi Halfman -- People from outside : transnationalism and nationness on 21st century Curaçao / Guiselle Starink-Martha -- The Trinta di Mei labor revolt and its aftermath : anticipating a just and equitable Curaçaoan nation / Rose Mary Allen -- Some are more equal than others : human rights education at the University of Curaçao's School of Law / Lisenne Delgado -- Thinking, seeing, and doing like a kingdom : the making of Caribbean Netherlands statistics and the "native Bonairian" / Francisca Grommé -- After free markets and foundations : challenges to self-determination on St. Martin / Antonio Carmona Báez -- Sweet breakaway : where equality and liberty meet on Aruba / Gregory Richardson -- "We come out to free up" : movement, dance, and liberation in West Indian calypso / Charissa Granger -- "It's gonna be incredible" : lessons on being, becoming, and belonging from Statian youth / Nicole Sanches and Yvon van der Pijl -- Epilogue / Anton Allahar.Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean is a collection of essays that explores fundamental questions of equality and freedom on the non-sovereign islands of the Dutch Caribbean. Drawing on in-depth ethnographic research, historical and media analysis, the study of popular culture, and autoethnographic accounts, the various contributions challenge conventional assumptions about political non/sovereignty. While the book recognizes the existence of nationalist independence movements, it opens a critical space to look at other forms of political articulation, autonomy, liberty, and a good life. Focusing on all six different islands and through a multitude of voices and stories, the volume engages with the everyday projects, ordinary imaginaries, and dreams of equaliberty alongside the work of independistas and traditional social movements aiming for more or full self-determination. As such, it offers a rich and powerful telling of the various ways of being in and belonging to our contemporary postcolonial world.Critical Caribbean studies.LibertyLeeward AntillesEqualityLeeward AntillesSelf-determination, NationalLeeward AntillesPolitical participation Leeward AntillesPolitical participationLeeward AntillesLeeward AntillesHistoryAutonomy and independence movementsequality, freedom, non-sovereign, non-sovereign islands, Dutch Caribbean, ethnographic research, ethnography, media studies, media, media analysis, history, popular culture, autoethnographic, political, political sovereignty, sovereignty, sovereign, nationalist, nationalist independence movements, independence movements, autonomy, liberty, equaliberty, independistas, social movements, self-determination, postcolonial, belonging, Saba, resistance, Education, St. Martin, Sint Maarten, Transnationalism, transnational, transnational politics, nation, nationality, nationhood, The Trinta di Mei labor revolt, revolt, labor, equitable, just, Curaçaoan, equal, human rights, University of Curaçao, Caribbean Netherlands, native Bonairian, free market, Liberty Heights, Taxi Dances, West Indian calypso, youth, Statian, Statian youth.LibertyEqualitySelf-determination, NationalPolitical participation Leeward Antilles.Political participation320.011Pijl Yvon van der1970-Guadeloupe Francio1971-Lewis LindenAllahar AntonMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910795626203321Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean3784037UNINA