02400nam 2200457 450 991079532420332120230911110322.01-78821-214-21-78821-173-110.1017/9781788211734(CKB)4970000000122950(MiAaPQ)EBC5778709(UkCbUP)CR9781788211734(EXLCZ)99497000000012295020190207e20232019 fy| 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAlarums and excursions improving politics on the European stage /Luuk van Middelaar ; translated by Liz Waters[electronic resource]First English-language edition.Newcastle upon Tyne :Agenda Publishing,2023.1 online resource (xviii, 301 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Translated from the Dutch.Previously issued in print: 2019.1-78821-172-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Crisis after crisis has beset the European Union: the financial chaos of the euro and Greek sovereign debt; the conflicts with Russia over Crimea and Ukraine; unprecedented levels of refugees and migrants from across the Mediterranean; not to mention the turmoil created by Brexit and the threat of a trade war with Trump's America. A Europe, originally designed to regulate and enforce rules about fishing, wheat quotas, or product standards has found itself flung onto the global stage to grapple with problems of identity, sovereignty and solidarity without a script or prompt. From Paris to Berlin and London to Athens, European leaders have had to improvise on issues threatening to engulf their unique political entity. In a candid portrayal of a Europe improvising its way through a politics of events and not rules, Luuk van Middelaar gives us the insider's view of the EU's political metamorphosis.CrisesEuropean Union countriesEuropean Union countriesPolitics and governmentCrises341.2422Middelaar Luuk van1973-768826Waters LizStDuBDSStDuBDSBOOK9910795324203321Alarums and excursions3857004UNINA