02274nam 2200517 450 991079526470332120230814220306.0(CKB)4940000000148056(MiAaPQ)EBC5982424(EXLCZ)99494000000014805620191213d2018 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierA casebook on the enforcement of intellectual property rights /Harms, L. T. CFourth edition.Geneva, Switzerland :World Intellectual Property Organization,[2018]©20181 online resource (174 pages)WIPO publication ;Number 791E92-805-2982-X 1. Introduction: the world of intellectual property law -- 2. Trademark law principles -- 3. Infringement of registered trademarks -- 4. Trademarks: similar marks and confusion -- 5. Trademark infringement: well-known trademarks -- 6. Trademark infringement and unfair competition -- 7. Copyright principles -- 8. Enforcement of copyright: subsistence -- 9. Copyright: the infringing act -- 10. Patent principles -- 11. Patent infringement -- 12. Industrial designs -- 13. Unfair (unlawful) competition -- 14. Civil remedies -- 15. Criminal enforcement of IP rights -- 16. Enforcement of IPRs in the digital and internet age.WIPO publication ;Number 791E.Intellectual propertyCasesIntellectual property infringementIntellectual propertyActions and defensesActions and defensesCasesIntellectual property infringementCasesIntellectual propertyIntellectual property infringement.Intellectual property.Actions and defenses.Actions and defensesIntellectual property infringement346.048Harms L. T. C.1502107MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910795264703321A casebook on the enforcement of intellectual property rights3729654UNINA