04038nam 2201057z- 450 991055751030332120231214133322.0(CKB)5400000000044453(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/77081(EXLCZ)99540000000004445320202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSustainable Consumer Behavior and Food MarketingBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (264 p.)3-0365-2594-7 3-0365-2595-5 In light of the considerable impact of global food supply chains on climate change, more sustainable ways of producing, distributing, and consuming food appear critical for sustainable development. With the aim of contributing to this topic, this Special Issue on sustainable food consumption and food marketing addresses various relevant issues related to food consumption, including innovative and sustainable forms of food production and consumption, animal welfare and meat consumption, price transmission, social media communication, alternative food production, and organic agriculture, among others. As such, this Special Issue sheds light on more sustainable and carbon-friendly food production and consumption systems from various angles. It delivers valuable scientific evidence for the transformation of current carbon-based food supply chains to more eco-friendly, fair, and future-oriented food supply chains.Research & information: generalbicsscaquaponicsStructural Equation Modelingconsumer behaviorpurchase intentionwillingness to paysustainabilityfood marketveganicvegan-organicveganstocklessattitudesenvironmental marketinggreen productgreen consumergreen purchase decisionconsumer behaviourtheory of planned behavioursustainable consumptionBangladeshout-of-home cateringsustainable nutritionvariety seekingspontaneous choicecompany canteenstrustsocial mediasmall and medium enterprisesBresse Gauloisechoice experimentdual-purpose breedsfaba beansKollbecksmoortheory of planned behaviorVorwerkhuhnWhite Rockgreen productspalm oil freestructural equation modelingSEMsustainable food consumptionfood wastetheoretical frameworkfood tourismcommunity-based tourismsustainable developmentcommunity engagementrural developmentfood heritagecarbon-friendly foodemotionsanimal welfarecured hamdiscrete choice experimentlatent construct modelmarket instabilitynonlinear empirical dynamicsResearch & information: generalMeixner Oliveredt1329475Riefler PetraedtSchanes KarinedtMeixner OliverothRiefler PetraothSchanes KarinothBOOK9910557510303321Sustainable Consumer Behavior and Food Marketing3039484UNINA04455oam 2200649 450 991079431610332120230629234532.01-000-21052-90-429-34401-51-000-21064-2(CKB)4100000011470138(OCoLC)1156414951(OCoLC)1198017757(MiAaPQ)EBC6357469(OCoLC-P)1156414951(FlBoTFG)9780429344015(EXLCZ)99410000001147013820200519h20212021 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierArtificial intelligence and the law cybercrime and criminal liability /edited by Dennis J. Baker and Paul H. RobinsonAbingdon, Oxon ;New York, NY :Routledge,2021.©20211 online resource (ix, 270 pages)Print version: Artificial intelligence and the law Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2021. 9780367347970 (DLC) 2020023089 Includes bibliographical references and index.Emerging technologies and the criminal law / Dennis J. Baker and Paul H. Robinson -- Financial technology : opportunities and challenges to law and regulation / the Right Hon. Lord Hodge P.C. -- Between prevention and enforcement : the role of 'disruption' in confronting cybercrime / Jonathan Clough -- Preventive cybercrime and cybercrime by omission in China / He Ronggong and Jinglijia -- Criminal law protection of virtual property / Zhang Mingkai and Wang Wenjing -- Criminalising cybercrime facilitation by omission and its remote harm form in China / Liang Genlin and Dennis J. Baker -- Rethinking personal data protection in the criminal law of China / Lao Dongyan -- Using conspiracy and complicity for criminalising cyber-fraud in China : lessons from the common law / Li lifeng, Tianhong Zhao and Dennis J. Baker -- Sadie Creese -- AI v IP : criminal liability for intellectual property offences of artificial intelligence entities / Gabriel Hallevy -- Do not panic : artificial intelligence and criminal law 101 / Mark Dsouza."This volume presents new research in Artificial Intelligence and Law with special reference to criminal justice. It brings together leading international experts including computer scientists, lawyers, judges, and cyber-psychologists. The book examines some of the core problems that technology raises for criminal law ranging from privacy and data protection, to cyber-warfare, through to the theft of virtual property. Focusing on the West and China, the work considers the issue of AI and the law in a comparative context presenting the research from a cross-jurisdictional and cross-disciplinary approach. As China becomes a global leader in AI and technology, the book provides an essential in-depth understanding of domestic laws in both Western jurisdictions and China on criminal liability for cybercrime. As such, it will be a valuable resource for academics and researchers working in the areas of AI, technology and criminal justice"--Provided by publisher.Artificial intelligenceLaw and legislationArtificial intelligenceLaw and legislationCriminal privisionsComputer crimesLaw and legislationCriminal liabilityPrivacy, Right ofData protectionLaw and legislationArtificial intelligenceLaw and legislationArtificial intelligenceLaw and legislationChinaData protectionLaws and legislationChinaArtificial intelligenceLaw and legislation.Artificial intelligenceLaw and legislationCriminal privisions.Computer crimesLaw and legislation.Criminal liability.Privacy, Right of.Data protectionLaw and legislation.Artificial intelligenceLaw and legislation.Artificial intelligenceLaw and legislationData protectionLaws and legislation340.028563Baker Dennis J.Robinson Paul H.1948-OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910794316103321Artificial intelligence and the law3843536UNINA03641nam 2200889z- 450 991036756950332120231214133526.03-03921-260-5(CKB)4100000010106051(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/54903(EXLCZ)99410000001010605120202102d2019 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNucleic Acid Architectures for Therapeutics, Diagnostics, Devices and MaterialsMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20191 electronic resource (186 p.)3-03921-259-1 Nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) and their chemical analogs have been utilized as building materials due to their biocompatibility and programmability. RNA, which naturally possesses a wide range of different functions, is now being widely investigated for its role as a responsive biomaterial which dynamically reacts to changes in the surrounding environment. It is now evident that artificially designed self-assembling RNAs, that can form programmable nanoparticles and supra-assemblies, will play an increasingly important part in a diverse range of applications, such as macromolecular therapies, drug delivery systems, biosensing, tissue engineering, programmable scaffolds for material organization, logic gates, and soft actuators, to name but a few. The current exciting Special Issue comprises research highlights, short communications, research articles, and reviews that all bring together the leading scientists who are exploring a wide range of the fundamental properties of RNA and DNA nanoassemblies suitable for biomedical applications.cotranscriptional foldingRNAconditionally activatedi-motif DNAspinal cord tumorfluorescencedynamicstabilityfunctional RNAribozymebiological mediaRNA aptamersgene therapybiosensorsviral vectorganciclovirRNA self-assemblyRNA nanoparticlegene deliveryriboswitchnon-viral gene deliveryNANPssilver nanoclusterssmall-angle neutron scatteringcontrast variationaptamersRNA logicfluorogenic RNAglioblastoma multiformeRNA interferencenucleic acid nanoparticlesimmunostimulationaggregationsmall-angle X-ray scatteringnon-viral vectorlight-up aptamernucleic acid therapeuticlive-cell imagingDNA nanotechnologynucleic acid computingnanoporesstructural characterizationsiRNAsuicide gene therapynucleic acid nanoparticlecytosine rich sequencesRNA nanotechnologylogic gatesserumconditional activationAfonin Kirillauth1305966BOOK9910367569503321Nucleic Acid Architectures for Therapeutics, Diagnostics, Devices and Materials3028074UNINA