01385oam 2200337z 450 991079358410332120230124234816.00-522-85921-6(CKB)4100000007759132(MiAaPQ)EBC5718734(EXLCZ)99410000000775913220190317d2009 uy 0engtxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAfter the celebration Australian fiction 1989-2007 /Ken Gelder, Paul SalzmanCarlton, Vic.Melbourne University Press Digital20091 online resource (xii, 292 pages)Takes off where Gelder and Salzman's previous book ends. It looks at the major genres of Australian fiction that have flourished in Australia since 1988, from the popular crime fiction, science fiction, fantasy, romance and the action blockbuster to the literary.Australian fiction20th centuryHistory and criticismAustralian fiction21st centuryHistory and criticismAustralian fictionHistory and criticism.Australian fictionHistory and criticism.A823.309Gelder Ken1955-458349Salzman Paul449403BOOK9910793584103321After the celebration3841903UNINA