01105nam0 2200289 i 450 VAN006040320110202115819.50388-15-01997-920070713d1988 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||La pietra vivacittà e natura nel MedioevoVito FumagalliBolognaIl mulino[1988]124 p.22 cm.001VAN00052762001 Intersezioni210 BolognaIl Mulino.55Uomo e ambiente naturaleEuropaSec. 5.-15.VANC021269FIBolognaVANL000003304.209421FumagalliVitoVANV01828238605Il Mulino <editore>VANV107886650ITSOL20230616RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALIIT-CE0103VAN07VAN0060403BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALI07CONS Fa 768 I 07 9425 20070713 Pietra viva563625UNICAMPANIA02019oam 2200517 450 991079328460332120210810113518.01-945349-96-4(OCoLC)1151146445(MiFhGG)GVRL66V2(EXLCZ)99410000000715630620180614h20192019 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierTeaching with the instructional cha-chas 4 steps to make learning stick /LeAnn Nickelsen & Melissa Dickson ; foreword by Rick WormeliBloomington, Indiana :Solution Tree Press,[2019]©20191 online resource (xv, 220 pages) illustrationsGale eBooks1-945349-95-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.pt. I. Setting up your classroom dance floor -- pt. II. Putting the cha-chas steps together.This book presents a four-step cycle that enables educators to break down content into relevant, meaningful, manageable pieces (chunk), provide opportunities for students to engage with the content (chew), check for understanding and mastery of a standard (check), and differentiate instruction to move students forward in their learning (change).TeachingLesson planningLearning, Psychology ofEducational tests and measurementsAcademic achievementTeaching.Lesson planning.Learning, Psychology of.Educational tests and measurements.Academic achievement.371.262Dickson Melissa1180076Nickelsen LeAnnWormeli RickMiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910793284603321Teaching with the instructional cha-chas3772841UNINA