01172nas 2200385 c 450 991014240880332120210215033340.0(CKB)1000000000529142(DE-599)ZDB2437407-6(OCoLC)405845643(DE-101)989580199(EXLCZ)99100000000052914220080714a19939999 |y |engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierUS import and export price indexesUnited States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor StatisticsWashington, DC1993-Online-RessourceGesehen am 06.11.19US IMPORT & EXPORT PRICE INDEXES / UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICSZeitschriftgnd-contentStatistikgnd-content310380USABureau of Labor Statisticsisb0206DE-1019999JOURNAL9910142408803321US import and export price indexes2144258UNINA04050nam 2200805 450 991079318010332120230124200222.01-78533-949-410.1515/9781785339493(CKB)4100000005878425(MiAaPQ)EBC5490713(DE-B1597)636421(DE-B1597)9781785339493(EXLCZ)99410000000587842520180831d2018 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierRoma activism reimagining power and knowledge /edited by Sam Beck and Ana IvasiucNew York ;Oxford :Berghahn,2018.1 online resource (242 pages)New Directions in Romani Studies ;11-78533-948-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter -- CONTENTS -- ILLUSTRATIONS -- ABBREVIATIONS -- PREFACE -- Introduction. Renewing Research and Romani Activism -- PART I. RENEWING METHODS, RENEWING SITES -- Chapter 1. Neoliberalism and the Spirit of Nongovernmentalism: Toward an Anthroposociology of Roma-Related Engagement and Activism -- Chapter 2. Emotions and Procedures: Contradictions of Early Romani Activism in a Postconflict Intervention -- Chapter 3. Encounters at the Margins: Activism and Research in Romani Studies in Postsocialist Romania -- PART II. RENEWING EPISTEMOLOGIES -- Chapter 4. Paradigm Shift and Romani Studies: Research “on” or “for” and “with” the Roma -- Chapter 5. Transgressing Borders: Challenging Racist and Sexist Epistemology -- Chapter 6. Alter-Narratives: Seeing Ordinary Agency -- PART III. RENEWING ACTIVISMS -- Chapter 7. Policy Input on the Front Line: Dilemmas of the Ethical Academic -- Chapter 8. Between Global Solidarity and National Belonging: Th e Politics of Inclusion for Romanlar in Turkey -- Chapter 9. “Be Young, Be Roma”: Modern Roma Youth Activism in the Current Panorama of Romani Affairs -- INDEX"Exploring contemporary debates and developments in Roma-related research and forms of activism, this volume argues for taking up reflexivity as practice in these fields, and advocates a necessary renewal of research sites, methods, and epistemologies. The contributors gathered here - whose professional trajectories often lie at the confluence between activism, academia, and policy or development interventions - are exceptionally well placed to reflect on mainstream practices in all these fields, and, from their particular positions, envision a reimagining of these practices."--Provided by publisher.RomaniesPolitics and governmentRomaniesSocial conditionsacademia.academic studies.activism.conflict studies.critical debates.critical romani studies.cultural anthropology.eastern europe.engaging.ethnic groups.ethnic studies.ethnography.european studies.government and governing.history.human condition.international relations.policy development.politics.race relations.racial studies.reflexivity.research methods.romania.social activism.social science.yugoslavia.RomaniesPolitics and government.RomaniesSocial conditions.305.8914/97LB 47005rvkBeck SamIvasiuc AnaMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910793180103321Roma activism3758176UNINA