02703oam 22004695 450 991079282720332120170801175807.010.1596/978-1-4648-0977-4(CKB)3710000001178923(MiAaPQ)EBC4857498(The World Bank)210977(US-djbf)210977(EXLCZ)99371000000117892320020129d2017 uf 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBetter Neighbors : Toward a Renewal of Economic Integration in Latin America /Chad P BownWashington, D.C. :The World Bank,2017.1 online resource (196 pages)Latin America and Caribbean Studies1-4648-0977-1 1-4648-0978-X This book proposes a renewal of 'Open Regionalism' in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) aimed at achieving the region's goals of high growth with stability. The LAC region experienced a growth spurt with equity during the first decade of the 21st Century. It is well understood that an unsustainable demand boom fueled by terms-of-trade improvements drove this growth acceleration episode, especially in South America. Unfortunately, terms of trade are no longer fueling growth, and the region's policymakers are in search of new sources of growth with stability. With the experience of East Asia and the Pacific in mind, many policymakers in LAC are looking to international economic ties as a potential source of stable growth. The challenge highlighted in this book lies in designing an integration agenda comprising trade and factor market integration that is conducive to region-wide efficiency gains, which can help LAC enhance its global competitiveness. The forces of geography imply that pro-growth global integration cannot be achieved without building a strong neighborhood. Thus, this volume argues that LAC's regional economic integration agenda needs to go well beyond the current spaghetti bowl of preferential trading arrangements.World Bank e-Library.Economic developmentLatin AmericaForeign trade regulationLatin AmericaLatin AmericaEconomic integrationEconomic developmentForeign trade regulationLatin America.338.98Bown Chad P617069Bown Chad P(Chad Philips),1972-World Bank Group,DJBFDJBFBOOK9910792827203321Better Neighbors3828937UNINA