02925nam 2200613Ia 450 991079243530332120230725023256.01-282-54398-997866125439820-19-970999-8(CKB)2670000000013978(EBL)497593(OCoLC)607554843(SSID)ssj0000364076(PQKBManifestationID)11296352(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000364076(PQKBWorkID)10394703(PQKB)10524614(MiAaPQ)EBC497593(Au-PeEL)EBL497593(CaPaEBR)ebr10376698(CaONFJC)MIL254398(EXLCZ)99267000000001397820090520d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrOxford American handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation[electronic resource] /edited by Lyn Weiss, Jay Weiss, Thomas PobreOxford ;New York Oxford University Press20101 online resource (482 p.)Oxford American handbooksDescription based upon print version of record.0-19-536777-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; 1 General principles; 2 Head and neck; 3 Spine; 4 Upper extremity; 5 Lower extremity; 6 Pain syndromes; 7 Procedures and medications; 8 Neurological disorders; 9 Rheumatological disorders; 10 Prosthetics and orthotics; 11 Spinal cord injury; 12 Traumatic brain injury; 13 Stroke; 14 Pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation; 15 Pediatrics; 16 Common complications; 17 Rehabilitation issues; IndexWritten by leading American practitioners, the Oxford American Handbooks of Medicine each offer a pocket-sized overview of an entire specialty, featuring instant access to guidance on the conditions that are most likely to be encountered. Precise and prescriptive, the handbooks offer up-to-date advice on examination, investigations, common procedures, and in-patient care. These books will be invaluable resources for residents and students, as well as a useful reference for practitioners. The Oxford American Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is the essential ready reference guideOxford American handbooks.Medicine, PhysicalHandbooks, manuals, etcMedical rehabilitationHandbooks, manuals, etcMedicine, PhysicalMedical rehabilitation617.03Weiss Lyn D771346Weiss JayMD.771347Pobre Thomas1556207MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910792435303321Oxford American handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation3818728UNINA