03358oam 2200589Ia 450 991079135500332120190503073353.00-262-29153-31-282-63829-797866126382990-262-26609-1(CKB)2560000000014308(SSID)ssj0000429308(PQKBManifestationID)11249699(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000429308(PQKBWorkID)10430281(PQKB)10913528(MiAaPQ)EBC3339124(OCoLC)646068759(OCoLC)608376559(OCoLC)620103778(OCoLC)647923447(OCoLC)743201095(OCoLC)747305675(OCoLC)763093347(OCoLC)816563050(OCoLC)961604459(OCoLC)962611178(OCoLC)966248267(OCoLC)971458256(OCoLC)975598694(OCoLC)988459068(OCoLC)991995007(OCoLC)992003039(OCoLC)994497961(OCoLC)1011934055(OCoLC)1017998398(OCoLC)1037943840(OCoLC)1038662962(OCoLC)1042321820(OCoLC)1045535003(OCoLC)1066440692(OCoLC)1081216783(OCoLC-P)646068759(MaCbMITP)8694(Au-PeEL)EBL3339124(CaPaEBR)ebr10384054(CaONFJC)MIL263829(OCoLC)646068759(PPN)170260275(EXLCZ)99256000000001430820100706d2010 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrTaking economics seriously /Dean BakerCambridge, Mass. MIT Press©201087 pA Boston review book"A Boston Review Book."0-262-01418-1 The myth of the free market -- Malpractice: on health care, economists ignore their own rules -- Title TK -- An economy for everyone.'There is nothing wrong with economics, Dean Baker contends, but economists routinely ignore their own principles when it comes to economic policy. What would policy look like if we took basic principles of mainstream economics seriously and applied them consistently? In the debate over regulation, for example, Baker--one of the few economists who predicted the meltdown of fall 2008--points out that ideological blinders have obscured the fact there is no "free market" to protect. Modern markets are highly regulated, although intrusive regulations such as copyright and patents are rarely viewed as regulatory devices. If we admit the extent to which the economy is and will be regulated, we have many more options in designing policy and deciding who benefits from it. On health care reform, Baker complains that economists ignore another basic idea: marginal cost pricing. Unlike all other industries, medical services are priced extraordinarily high, far above the cost of production, yet that discrepancy is rarely addressed in the debate about health care reform. What if we applied marginal cost pricing--making doctors' wages competitive and charging less for prescription drugs and tests such as MRIs? ..."--Product Description.EconomicsECONOMICS/GeneralEconomics.330Baker Dean1958-1484407OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910791355003321Taking economics seriously3862642UNINA