04724nam 2200709Ia 450 991079121590332120140116123515.01-78350-716-0(CKB)2550000001197884(EBL)1602362(SSID)ssj0001171812(PQKBManifestationID)11706438(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001171812(PQKBWorkID)11176746(PQKB)11271697(MiAaPQ)EBC1602362(Au-PeEL)EBL1602362(CaPaEBR)ebr10829871(OCoLC)868234594(UtOrBLW)bslw09183255(EXLCZ)99255000000119788420140116d2013 uy 0engurun|||||||||txtccrAnnual review of health care management[electronic resource] revisiting the evolution of health systems organization /edited by Jim Goes, Grant T. Savage, Leonard FriedmanFirst edition.United Kingdom :Emerald Group Publishing Limited,2013.1 online resource (232 p.)Advances in health care management,1474-8231 ;v. 15Includes index.1-78350-715-2 Includes bibliographical references.Preface / Jim Goes -- Health care organizations as complex systems : new perspectives on design and management / Reuben R. McDaniel, Dean J. Driebe, Holly Jordan Lanham -- Commentary on "Health care organizations as complex systems : new perspectives on design and management" by Reuben R. McDaniel, Dean J. Driebe, and Holly Jordan Lanham / Ruth A. Anderson -- Horizontal and vertical integration of physicians : a tale of two tails / Lawton Robert Burns, Jeff C. Goldsmith, Aditi Sen -- Commentary on "Horizontal and vertical integration of physicians : a tale of two tails" by Lawton Robert Burns, Jeff C. Goldsmith, and Aditi Sen / Stephen M. Shortell -- The evolution of integrated health care strategies / Jenna M. Evans ... [et al.] -- Hospital-physician relationships : implications from the professional service firms literature / Mona Al-Amin, Robert Weech-Maldonado, Rohit Pradhan -- Engaging employed physicians : reconceptualizing the role of collective identification / Gregory W. Stevens -- Concluding remarks / Jim Goes.Dramatic changes to the structure of health systems since the 1980s has seen the development of large, integrated health organizations designed to provide scale and scope advantages, improve the quality of care and health outcomes, and provide greater bargaining power relative to payers and large employers. This transition has led to greater interest in understanding hospitals and health systems as complex systems. Two important themes emerged from this effort: 1. Creation and organization of physician-health organizations, and alignment of these organizations with hospital or system structure; and 2. Viewing health care organizations as complex systems, leading to new perspectives on design and management of these organizations. In Volume 15, Reuben McDaniel and L. Robert Burns, authors of two influential articles on these themes from earlier volumes of AHCM, revisit the evolution of health systems organization in light of regulatory and organizational evolution in health care, including the Patient Protection and Accountable Care Act of 2010, and increasing consolidation of health systems. Five additional refereed papers assess the latest evidence on physician integration, complexity, and system redesign. Advances in health care management ;v. 15.MedicalHealth Care DeliverybisacshBusiness & EconomicsManagementbisacshBusiness & EconomicsManagement SciencebisacshHealth systems & servicesbicsscMedical administration & managementbicsscHealth services administrationHealth systems agenciesMedicalHealth Care Delivery.Business & EconomicsManagement.Business & EconomicsManagement Science.Health systems & services.Medical administration & management.Health services administration.Health systems agencies.362.1362.1068Goes Jim1541417Savage Grant T(Grant Theodore),1954-1163211Friedman Leonard H1541418UtOrBLWBOOK9910791215903321Annual review of health care management3793604UNINA