04151oam 22007215 450 991079113100332120230124184411.01-282-42228-697866124222870-8213-8134-210.1596/978-0-8213-8133-5(CKB)2560000000008039(EBL)476191(OCoLC)535814281(SSID)ssj0000333530(PQKBManifestationID)12131772(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000333530(PQKBWorkID)10377447(PQKB)10962149(MiAaPQ)EBC476191(Au-PeEL)EBL476191(CaPaEBR)ebr10356789(CaONFJC)MIL242228(The World Bank)2009035428(US-djbf)15888770(EXLCZ)99256000000000803920090901d2009 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierInformation and communication technologies for women's socio-economic empowerment /written by Samia Melhem and Nidhi Tandon ; edited and contributions by Claudia MorrellWashington, DC :World Bank,2009.ix, 85 pages illustrations ;26 cmWorld Bank working paper ;no. 176Description based upon print version of record.0-8213-8133-4 Includes bibliographical references (p. 40-53).Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Executive Summary; 1. Overview; Box 1: Introductory Notes to Keep in Mind; 2. Women, Gender, and ICTs: Why Does It Matter?; Figure 2.1: Proportion of Females in New Entrants at Tertiary Level by Field of Education; Figure 2.2: Women and Internet Access; 3. Outcomes and Impacts of ICT Policies and Projects for Women; Figure 3.1: Internet Usage in China by Gender; Box 2: Key Collections on Gender-Sensitive Polices and Programs; Box 3: Considering ICTs as General Purpose Technologies; 4. The Threat of ICTs for WomenBox 4: Public Policy: Gender-Transformative StrategiesBox 5: Women Encounter Technology; 5. Implementation Issues for Women and ICTs; Box 6: Bridging the Rural Digital Divide: Livelihood Approaches Policy Framework; Box 7: Eight Habits of Highly Effective ICT-Enabled Development Initiatives; Box 8: Ways in Which ICTs Can Contribute to Women's Economic Opportunities; References; Appendix 1. Potential Action Plan Matrix for Gender-Sensitive Approaches to ICTs; Appendix 2. List of Case Studies To Be Reviewed; Appendix 3. Recent ICT Evaluation Studies (Not Necessarily Gender Focused)The report will provide a brief overview of major themes for women and ICTs, including issues for girls versus women; the ICT workforce; and opportunities versus the threat of ICTs for women's lives. The report will discuss as well the issue of women and Sciences and Technologies. Several policy recommendations will be drawn, amongst whichThe economic opportunities women can bring to development through ICTs will not be realized unless policies for all mainstream efforts take gender considerations into account.Policy makers should host forums that allow gender experts to debate the issues anWorld Bank e-Library.Computers and womenDeveloping countriesInformation technologyDeveloping countriesTechnology and womenDeveloping countriesWomen in computer scienceDeveloping countriesWomenEmploymentDeveloping countriesComputers and womenInformation technologyTechnology and womenWomen in computer scienceWomenEmployment004.082Melhem Samia1527186Morrell Claudia855669Tandon Nidhi1527187DLCDLCBOOK9910791131003321Information and communication technologies for women's socio-economic empowerment3769764UNINA