07135oam 22014054 450 991079081280332120230803220653.01-4755-2047-61-4755-7031-71-4755-3408-6(CKB)2550000001178115(EBL)1588245(SSID)ssj0001158721(PQKBManifestationID)11986129(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001158721(PQKBWorkID)11106245(PQKB)10121268(MiAaPQ)EBC1588245(Au-PeEL)EBL1588245(CaPaEBR)ebr10825501(CaONFJC)MIL558283(OCoLC)867075845(IMF)FOEUEE(IMF)FOEUEA(EXLCZ)99255000000117811520020129d2013 uf 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrFrom Fragmentation to Financial Integration in Europe /Charles Enoch, Luc Everaert, Thierry Tressel, Jianping ZhouWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2013.1 online resource (525 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4843-8766-X 1-306-27032-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Contents; Foreword; Foreword; Acknowledgments; 1 Securing a Safer Financial System for Europe; PART I: FROM INTEGRATION TO CRISIS MANAGEMENT; 2 Institutional Setup for the Single Market and Economic and Monetary Union; 3 European Union Financial Integration before the Crisis; 4 Financial, Sovereign, and Macro Risk in the European Union: Contingent Claims Approach; 5 Crisis Management; 6 Risks and Vulnerabilities; 7 Progress with Bank Resolution and Restructuring in the European Union; 8 Fragmentation of the Financial SystemPART II: UNDERPINNING FINANCIAL STABILITY IN THE ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION AND THE EUROPEAN UNION9 Banking Union and Single Market: Consistent Setup and Risk Mitigation; 10 Legal Underpinnings of an EU Banking Union; 11 The Single Supervisory Mechanism; 12 The Single Resolution Mechanism; 13 Bank Recapitalization; 14 Deposit Insurance in the European Union; 15 Governance and Transparency of EU-Wide Institutions; 16 European Union Banking Regulatory Framework and Authorities: An Overview; 17 Stress Testing European Banks; 18 An Assessment of Markets and Credit Rating Agency Regulation19 European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority20 Macroprudential Oversight and the Role of the European Systemic Risk Board; 21 Addressing Cross-Border Aspects of Securities Clearing and Settlement Systems in the European Union; 22 Mortgage Markets and Foreclosure Processes in Europe and the United States; 23 Resolving Systemically Important Financial Institutions: Mandatory Recapitalization of Financial Institutions Using "Bail-Ins"; PART III: BEYOND THE CRISIS; 24 Structural Measures for the New European Architecture; 25 Some Wider Challenges; Contributors; Index; A; B; C; D; EFG; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; WFrom Fragmentation to Financial Integration in Europe is a comprehensive study of the European Union financial system. It provides an overview of the issues central to securing a safer financial system for the European Union and looks at the responses to the global financial crisis, both at the macro level—the pendulum of financial integration and fragmentation—and at the micro level—the institutional reforms that are taking place to address the crisis. The emerging financial sector management infrastructure, including the proposed Single Supervisory Mechanism and other elements of a banking union for the euro area, are also discussed in detail.BooksFinanceEuropean Union countriesFinancial crisesEuropean Union countriesBanks and BankingimfFinance: GeneralimfFinancial Risk ManagementimfMoney and Monetary PolicyimfIndustries: Financial ServicesimfBanksimfDepository InstitutionsimfMicro Finance InstitutionsimfMortgagesimfFinancial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and RegulationimfGeneral Financial Markets: Government Policy and RegulationimfMonetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: GeneralimfFinancial CrisesimfBankingimfEconomic & financial crises & disastersimfFinanceimfMonetary economicsimfInternational economicsimfFinancial services law & regulationimfBank resolution frameworkimfDeposit insuranceimfFinancial sector stabilityimfBank resolutionimfFinancial crisesimfFinancial sector policy and analysisimfBanks and bankingimfCrisis managementimfFinancial services industryimfCreditimfFinancial risk managementimfUnited StatesimfFinanceFinancial crisesBanks and BankingFinance: GeneralFinancial Risk ManagementMoney and Monetary PolicyIndustries: Financial ServicesBanksDepository InstitutionsMicro Finance InstitutionsMortgagesFinancial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and RegulationGeneral Financial Markets: Government Policy and RegulationMonetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: GeneralFinancial CrisesBankingEconomic & financial crises & disastersFinanceMonetary economicsInternational economicsFinancial services law & regulationBank resolution frameworkDeposit insuranceFinancial sector stabilityBank resolutionFinancial crisesFinancial sector policy and analysisBanks and bankingCrisis managementFinancial services industryCreditFinancial risk management332.094Enoch Charles865326Everaert Luc1463684Tressel Thierry1463685Zhou Jianping1462125International Monetary Fund.DcWaIMFBOOK9910790812803321From Fragmentation to Financial Integration in Europe3673068UNINA