01281nam 2200385 450 991079497390332120230808205711.03-7369-8201-1(CKB)4340000000201299(MiAaPQ)EBC5023378(EXLCZ)99434000000020129920170927h20162016 uy 0spaurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierLa Educación basada en competencias y su contribución para el desarrollo sustentable /Patricia Aguirre Mejía, editorGöttingen, [Germany] :Cuvillier Verlag,2016.©20161 online resource (210 pages) illustrations, tablesSustentabilidad ;Volume 23-7369-9201-7 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters.Competency-based educationCompetency-based education.372.1264Aguirre Mejía PatriciaMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910794973903321La Educación basada en competencias y su contribución para el desarrollo sustentable3784400UNINA04020oam 2200721I 450 991079080220332120230803022735.01-136-85810-50-415-76002-X1-315-02900-61-136-85803-210.4324/9781315029009 (CKB)2550000001171311(EBL)1581691(SSID)ssj0001162768(PQKBManifestationID)11962684(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001162768(PQKBWorkID)11136090(PQKB)11661986(MiAaPQ)EBC1581691(Au-PeEL)EBL1581691(CaPaEBR)ebr10824086(CaONFJC)MIL552711(OCoLC)866446124(OCoLC)958106071(OCoLC)868928867(FINmELB)ELB137740(EXLCZ)99255000000117131120180706d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrLiteracy, narrative and culture /edited by Jens Brockmeier, Min Wang and David R. OlsonLondon ;New York :Routledge,2013.1 online resource (329 p.)World of writingWorld of writingFirst published in 2002 by Curzon Press.0-7007-1497-9 1-306-21460-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; 1 Introduction: What is a culture of literacy?; Part 1: Written culture; 2 The literacy episteme: The rise and fall of a cultural discourse; 3 Literacy and the future of writing: An integrational perspective; 4 The construction of mind and self in an interpretive community; 5 Hunting, tracking and reading; 6 Narrative distancing: A foundation of literacy; Part 2: The shaping of modern written culture; 7 Letters and pictures in seventeenth-century education; 8 Painters and literacy9 ""Dumb significants"" and Early Modern English definition10 The spread of culture: Subscription libraries in France in the nineteenth century; 11 The essay as a literary and academic form: Closed gate or open door?; Part 3: Literacy as cultural learning; 12 Writing as a form of quotation; 13 Children's conceptions of name: A study on metalinguistic awareness in Italian children; 14 The distinction between graphic system and orthographic system and their pertinence for understanding the acquisition of orthography; 15 Children's analysis of oral and written words16 Young children's ""clever misunderstandings"" about print17 Literacy and metalinguistic thought: Development through knowledge construction and cultural mediation; 18 Making new or making do: Epistemological, normative and pragmatic aspects of reading a text; Contributors; Subject Index; Name IndexAn important contribution to the multi-disciplinary study of literacy, narrative and culture, this work argues that literacy is perhaps best described as an ensemble of socially and historically embedded activities of cultural practices. It suggests viewing written language, producing and distributing, deciphering and interpreting signs, are closely related to other cultural practices such as narrative and painting. The papers of the first and second parts illustrate this view in contexts that range from the pre-historical beginnings of tracking signs' in hunter-gatherer cultuWorld of writing.Language and cultureLiteracyLanguage and culture.Literacy.302.2244Brockmeier Jens775022Olson David R.1935-164565Wang Min699462MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910790802203321Literacy, narrative and culture3853398UNINA02806nam 2200397 450 991074131710332120240215214318.01-80355-535-110.5772/intechopen.98102(CKB)5680000000346602(NjHacI)995680000000346602(EXLCZ)99568000000034660220240215d2023 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGlaucoma Recent Advances and New Perspectives /Pinakin Gunvant DaveyLondon :IntechOpen,2023.1 online resource (210 pages)1-80355-534-3 1. Introductory Chapter: Glaucoma Beyond 2020--By Pinakin Gunvant Davey and Jason D. Duncan--51--2. The Molecular Mechanisms of Trabecular Meshwork Damage in POAG and Treatment Advances--By Li Tang, Chao Tang, Ying Wang and Xiaolong Shi--260--11 citation on Dimensions.--VIEW ABSTRACT--3. Optic Nerve and Retinal Ganglion Cell Protection, Rejuvenation, and Regeneration as Glaucoma Treatment Strategies--By Najam A. Sharif--79--VIEW ABSTRACT--4. Factors Affecting Intraocular Pressure Measurement and New Methods for Improving Accuracy: What Can IOP Tell Us about Glaucoma? How Can Practitioners Improve IOP Utility and Glaucoma Outcomes?--By Sean J. McCafferty, Khin P. Kilgore and Jason M. Levine--188--Article has an altmetric score of 3--VIEW ABSTRACT--5. Perspective Chapter: Management of Secondary Glaucoma, a Rising Challenge--By Julie Pegu, Prerna Garg, Tripti Johri, Shanu Mittal, Surbhi Arora and Suneeta Dubey--43--VIEW ABSTRACT--6. Molecular Genomics of Glaucoma: An Update--By Govindasamy Kumaramanickavel, Siddhita Jadhav, Sugirdhana Parthiban Ramsait and Pinakin Gunvant Davey--153--22 total citations on Dimensions.--VIEW ABSTRACT--7. Perspective on Gene Therapy for Glaucoma--By Mariana Santana Dias, Victor Guedes de Araujo, Rafael Lani-Louzada, Rafael Linden, Vinicius Toledo Ribas and Hilda Petrs-Silva.Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness. Glaucoma is challenging to treat and poses a significant socioeconomic burden on society. New techniques and methods for both diagnosis and treatment are sorely needed. Glaucoma - Recent Advances and New Perspectives provides a comprehensive overview of glaucoma with chapters on topics ranging from diagnostic techniques to genetic testing and biomarkers.GlaucomaGlaucomaTreatmentGlaucoma.GlaucomaTreatment.617.741Davey Pinakin Gunvant1600061NjHacINjHaclBOOK9910741317103321Glaucoma3923016UNINA