09365oam 22017774 450 991079079980332120230803022227.01-4755-2373-41-4843-1534-01-4755-3321-7(CKB)2550000001138432(EBL)1587765(SSID)ssj0001154385(PQKBManifestationID)11670059(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001154385(PQKBWorkID)11162138(PQKB)11470144(MiAaPQ)EBC1587765(Au-PeEL)EBL1587765(CaPaEBR)ebr10790025(CaONFJC)MIL538133(OCoLC)867927937(IMF)CRGFEE(IMF)CRGFEA(EXLCZ)99255000000113843220020129d2013 uf 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrChina's Road to Greater Financial Stability : Some Policy Perspectives /Udaibir Das, Jonathan Fiechter, Tao SunWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2013.1 online resource (245 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-61635-406-2 1-306-06882-7 Cover; Contents; Acknowledgments; Foreword; Introduction; Overview: China's Road to Greater Financial Stability; PART I: REFORMING THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM AND ENSURING FINANCIAL STABILITY; 1 Reform and Development of China's Financial Sector; Figures; Figure 1.1 Total Assets of Large Commercial Banks; Figure 1.2 Nonperforming Loan Ratios of Large Commercial Banks; Figure 1.3 Total Assets of Rural Credit Cooperatives; Figure 1.4 Owners' Equity of Rural Credit Cooperatives; Figure 1.5 Capital Adequacy Ratio of Rural Credit CooperativesFigure 1.6 Nonperforming Loan Ratios of Rural Credit Cooperatives Figure 1.7 Total Assets in the Financial Sector; Figure 1.8 Outstanding Bond Balances and Their Ratios to GDP; Figure 1.9 Bond Issuance; Figure 1.10 U.S. Dollar to Renminbi Exchange Rate; Figure 1.11 Daily Fluctuation Range of the Renminbi to U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate; 2 Financial Reform: An Essential Ingredient in Transforming China's Economic Development Model; Figure 2.1 Saving Decomposition; Figure 2.2 Sterilization by the People's Bank of China; Figure 2.3 House hold ConsumptionFigure 2.4 Average Employment Growth, 2004-10 Figure 2.5 Imputed "Subsidy" to Capital; Figure 2.6 Social Financing; Figure 2.7 Private Credit; Figure 2.8 Real Interest Rates; Figure 2.9 Distribution of the Returns to Bank-Intermediated Capital; Figure 2.10 Real Cost of Capital, 2005-09; Figure 2.11 Exchange Rate and Foreign Reserves; Figure 2.12 Short-Term Interest Rates; Figure 2.13 Inflation and the Deposit Rate; 3 Strengthening the Financial Stability Framework in China; PART II: MACROECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING FINANCIAL STABILITY4 China's Sovereign Balance Sheet Risks and Implications for Financial Stability Figure 4.1 Size and Composition of China's Sovereign Assets; TABLES; TABLE 4.1 Sovereign Balance Sheet of China, 2010; Figure 4.2 Size and Composition of China's Sovereign Liabilities; Figure 4.3 China's Sovereign Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth; Figure 4.4 China: Bonds and Loans; Figure 4.5 China: Debt Level by Sector; TABLE 4.2 International Comparison of China's Debt Structure and Overall Leverage Ratio; 5 Systemic Liquidity, Monetary Operations, and Financial Stability in ChinaTABLE 5.1.1 Stylized People's Bank of China Balance Sheet Boxes; Box 5.1 What Is Liquidity?; Figure 5.1 China: Benchmark Deposit Rate Structure; Figure 5.2 China: Benchmark Lending Rate Structure; Figure 5.3 China: Structural Liquidity and Foreign Reserves; Figure 5.4 Structural Liquidity and the People's Bank of China Sterilization Policy; Figure 5.5 Composition of Policy Sterilization; Figure 5.6 China: Interest Rate Structure; Figure 5.7 China: Interbank Funding; Figure 5.8 China: Estimated Excess Reserve Ratios; TABLE 5.1 China: Aggregated Bank Balance Sheet; Figure 5.9 China: Bank ReservesFigure 5.10 China: Responses to an Increase in the Total Excess Reserves RatioChina has reached a stage where further financial sector reforms appear essential. As the reform process progresses and macrofinancial linkages deepen, the preservation of financial stability will become a major policy preoccupation. This publication draws upon contributions from senior Chinese authorities and academics as well as staff from the IMF to discuss the financial policy context within China, macroeconomic factors affecting financial stability, and the critical role of financial system oversight. It seeks to improve the understanding of the financial sector policy processes underway and the shifts taking place among China’s economic priorities.BooksBanks and bankingChina21st centuryEconomic developmentChina21st centuryEconomic stabilizationChina21st centuryFinanceChina21st centuryMacroeconomicsAccountingimfBanks and BankingimfExports and ImportsimfFinance: GeneralimfMoney and Monetary PolicyimfIndustries: Financial ServicesimfFinancial Risk ManagementimfBanksimfDepository InstitutionsimfMicro Finance InstitutionsimfMortgagesimfGeneral Financial Markets: General (includes Measurement and Data)imfGeneral Financial Markets: Government Policy and RegulationimfPortfolio ChoiceimfInvestment DecisionsimfPublic AdministrationimfPublic Sector Accounting and AuditsimfMonetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: GeneralimfInternational InvestmentimfLong-term Capital MovementsimfBankingimfFinanceimfInternational economicsimfMonetary economicsimfFinancial reporting, financial statementsimfEconomic & financial crises & disastersimfCommercial banksimfLiquidityimfFinancial sector stabilityimfCapital flowsimfFinancial institutionsimfFinancial sector policy and analysisimfAsset and liability managementimfCapital marketsimfFinancial marketsimfCreditimfMoneyimfBalance of paymentsimfBanks and bankingimfFinancial services industryimfEconomicsimfCapital marketimfCapital movementsimfChinaEconomic policy2000-China, People's Republic ofimfBanks and bankingEconomic developmentEconomic stabilizationFinanceMacroeconomics.AccountingBanks and BankingExports and ImportsFinance: GeneralMoney and Monetary PolicyIndustries: Financial ServicesFinancial Risk ManagementBanksDepository InstitutionsMicro Finance InstitutionsMortgagesGeneral Financial Markets: General (includes Measurement and Data)General Financial Markets: Government Policy and RegulationPortfolio ChoiceInvestment DecisionsPublic AdministrationPublic Sector Accounting and AuditsMonetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: GeneralInternational InvestmentLong-term Capital MovementsBankingFinanceInternational economicsMonetary economicsFinancial reporting, financial statementsEconomic & financial crises & disastersCommercial banksLiquidityFinancial sector stabilityCapital flowsFinancial institutionsFinancial sector policy and analysisAsset and liability managementCapital marketsFinancial marketsCreditMoneyBalance of paymentsBanks and bankingFinancial services industryEconomicsCapital marketCapital movementsDas Udaibir1471463Fiechter Jonathan1575957Sun Tao1103303DcWaIMFBOOK9910790799803321China's Road to Greater Financial Stability3853375UNINA