02677oam 2200649I 450 991079063910332120230802010731.01-134-00765-50-367-08975-01-315-06484-71-134-00758-210.4324/9781315064840(CKB)2550000001136394(StDuBDS)AH25718912(SSID)ssj0001153246(PQKBManifestationID)11683900(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001153246(PQKBWorkID)11150601(PQKB)10326413(OCoLC)868970972(MiAaPQ)EBC1486852(Au-PeEL)EBL1486852(CaPaEBR)ebr10783279(CaONFJC)MIL536097(OCoLC)870591617(OCoLC)958104183(FINmELB)ELB132079(EXLCZ)99255000000113639420180331e20122003 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrBasic skills for childcare- numeracy tutor pack /June GreenAbingdon, Oxon :Routledge,2012.1 online resource (208 p.)Excellence in childcareFirst published 2003 by David Fulton Publishers Ltd."A David Fulton book"--cover.1-84312-023-2 1-306-04846-X Includes bibliographical references.1. Entry level one -- 2. Entry level two -- 3. Entry level three -- 4. Level one -- 5. Level two -- 6. Schemes of work, lesson plans and individual learning plans.This series covers the Basic Skills curriculum in literacy and numeracy specifically for childcare students at Further Education level.This tutor pack and accompanying student guide covers the Basic Skills curriculum in numeracy specifically for childcare students at further education (FE) level. The pack offers the busy tutor all they need to teach their childcare students numeracy. This tutor pack and accompanying student guide covers the Basic Skills curriculum in numeracy specifically for childcare students at further education (FE) level. The pack offers the busy tutor all they need to teach their childcare students numeracy.NumeracyStudy and teaching (Elementary)NumeracyStudy and teaching (Elementary)314Green June Blumenthal1494233MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910790639103321Basic skills for childcare- numeracy3866186UNINA