03911nam 2200745 a 450 991079038860332120161219111331.01-283-88001-61-4462-6402-5(CKB)2670000000204225(EBL)1024061(OCoLC)823384421(SSID)ssj0000685910(PQKBManifestationID)11390876(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000685910(PQKBWorkID)10717603(PQKB)10495533(MiAaPQ)EBC1024061(OCoLC)1007859056(StDuBDS)EDZ0000072135(OCoLC)797831789(FINmELB)ELB136477(EXLCZ)99267000000020422520120412d2006 fy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrCircle time[electronic resource] a resource book for primary and secondary schools /Teresa Bliss and Jo Tetley2nd ed.London Paul Chapman20061 online resource (x, 82 p.) illLucky Duck Books"A Lucky Duck book".1-4462-1336-6 1-4129-2026-4 Includes bibliographical references (p.81-82).Cover; Title Page; Contents; Preface; Introduction; Developmental Aspects of Circle Time through Key Stages 1 to 3; Part I; Chapter 1: Introducing Games; My Name and Variations; Up Down Up; Ball Rolling; Web Masters; Name Association; Name Chain; Action Mime; Chapter 2: All Change Games; Postman; Follow Me; Trains,Boats and Planes; My Eyes Are; The Sun Will Come Out; New Friends; Silent Statements; Chapter 3: Games to Encourage Self-awareness; Statement Line; I Am Special; It's My Day; This Is Me; Bin It; Chapter 4: Games to Encourage Awareness of Others; Partners; A Brick in the WallHow are they Feeling?Finishing the Sentence; Wishing Well; Guess Who; Chapter 5: Enjoying and Achieving Games; 50 Ways of Moving; Follow the Leader; Sleepmaker Detective; Guarding the Keys; Expressions; Listen and Touch; Thunder; The Wave; Magic Box; Let's Laugh; Don't Smile!; Chapter 6: Finishing Games; Pass the Smile; Pass the Squeeze; Blind Squeeze; Part 2; The Development of Circle Time; Themes; Developing a Sense of 'Us': Relationships in Class; Managing Feelings and Developing Relationships; Developing a Vocabulary for Emotions; Friendships; Arguing and Fighting; Stealing; BullyingOther ThemesSmall Group Work in Circle Time for Dealing with Difficult Situations.; ReferencesThis text aims to reflect the changes that have occurred including Every Child Matters and The National Standard for Healthy Schools. It features various themes, learning outcomes and extended sections on bullying, arguing and fighting. It also includes 'helpful hints' to support the smooth running of the sessions.Lucky Duck BooksGroup work in educationSocial interaction in childrenSelf-esteem in childrenEarly childhood educationActivity programsGreat BritainEducation, ElementaryActivity programsGreat BritainEducation, SecondaryActivity programsGreat BritainGroup work in education.Social interaction in children.Self-esteem in children.Early childhood educationActivity programsEducation, ElementaryActivity programsEducation, SecondaryActivity programs371.3028Bliss Teresa1544171Tetley Jo1544172Bliss Teresa1544171StDuBDSStDuBDSBOOK9910790388603321Circle time3798142UNINA