04761nam 22007452 450 991079030160332120151005020622.01-107-22524-81-139-33402-61-280-87787-11-139-33738-697866137191881-139-04956-91-139-33983-41-139-34141-31-139-33651-71-139-33825-0(CKB)2670000000207476(EBL)866836(OCoLC)797919538(SSID)ssj0000677158(PQKBManifestationID)11414762(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000677158(PQKBWorkID)10683753(PQKB)11163205(UkCbUP)CR9781139049566(Au-PeEL)EBL866836(CaPaEBR)ebr10574302(CaONFJC)MIL371918(MiAaPQ)EBC866836(PPN)261286552(EXLCZ)99267000000020747620110307d2012|||| uy| 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCraniofacial identification /edited by Caroline Wilkinson and Christopher Rynn[electronic resource]Cambridge :Cambridge University Press,2012.1 online resource (vii, 263 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Title from publisher's bibliographic system (viewed on 05 Oct 2015).0-521-13971-6 0-521-76862-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Machine generated contents note: Part I. Identification of the Living: 1. Familiar face recognition Vicki Bruce; 2. Unfamiliar face recognition Peter J.B. Hancock; 3. EFIT-V: evolutionary algorithms and computer composites Chris Solomon, Stuart Gibson and Matthew Maylin; 4. Facial recall and computer composites Charlie Frowd; 5. Facial ageing David Hunter, Bernard Tiddeman and David Perrett; 6. Age progression and regression Joe Mullins; 7. Automated age progression Stuart Gibson; 8. Facial recognition from identification parades Catriona Havard and Amina Memon; 9. Virtual line-ups Kathryn Y. Segovia, Jeremy N. Bailenson and Carrie Leonetti; 10. Computer-generated face models Bernard Tiddeman; 11. Recognising faces in motion Karen Lander and Natalie Butcher; 12. Facial image comparison Josh P. Davis, Tim Valentine and Caroline Wilkinson; 13. Three-dimensional facial growth and imaging Stephen Richmond, Alexei Zhurov and Arshed Toma; Part II. Identification of the Dead: 14. Post-mortem prediction Caroline Wilkinson and Amy Tillotson; 15. Manual facial reconstruction Ludo Vermeulen; 16. The relationship between the face and the skull Christopher Rynn, Tatiana Balueva and Elizaveta Veselovskaya; 17. Automated facial reconstruction Dirk Vandermeulen, Peter Claes, Sven De Greef, Guy Willems, John Clement and Paul Suetens; 18. Computer-generated facial depiction Gregory Mahoney and Caroline Wilkinson; 19. Craniofacial superimposition Mineo Yoshino; 20. Juvenile facial reconstruction Caroline Wilkinson; Index.The promotion of CCTV surveillance and identity cards, along with ever heightened security at airports, immigration control and institutional access, has seen a dramatic increase in the use of automated and manual recognition. In addition, several recent disasters have highlighted the problems and challenges associated with current disaster victim identification. Discussing the latest advances and key research into identification from the face and skull, this book draws together a wide range of elements relating to craniofacial analysis and identification. It examines all aspects of facial identification, including the determination of facial appearance from the skull, comparison of the skull with the face and the verification of living facial images. With sections covering the identification of the dead and of the living, it provides a valuable review of the current state of play along with the latest research advances in this constantly evolving field.Facial reconstruction (Anthropology)FaceIdentificationFaceImagingBiometric identificationFacial reconstruction (Anthropology)FaceIdentification.FaceImaging.Biometric identification.599.9/48SOC002020bisacshWilkinson Caroline1965-Rynn ChristopherUkCbUPUkCbUPBOOK9910790301603321Craniofacial identification3823898UNINA05792nam 2200481 450 991077709810332120240112051722.03-96869-333-710.31819/9783968693330(MiAaPQ)EBC30291443(Au-PeEL)EBL30291443(CKB)25702509800041(DE-B1597)649454(DE-B1597)9783968693330(OCoLC)1368055381(EXLCZ)992570250980004120240112d2022 uy 0spaurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCoreografías Transculturales Liber Amicorum para Yvette Sánchez /edited by Claudia Franziska Brühwiler, Vanessa Boanada Fuchs, and Ana Esquinas RychenFirst edition.Madrid, Spain :Iberoamericana,[2022]©20221 online resource (439 pages)Print version: Esquinas Rychen, Ana Coreografías Transculturales Madrid : Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert,c2022 9788491922995 Frontmatter -- Contenidos — Inhaltsverzeichnis — Table of Contents -- Coreografías transculturales / Choreographien transkultureller Begegnungen / Choreographing Transcultural Encounters -- Coreografías transculturales / Choreographien transkultureller Begegnungen / Choreographing Transcultural Encounters -- RÉVÉRENCE I -- Figurae Etymologicae — Found In Translation -- El Asombro. Texto teatral en homenaje a Yvette Sánchez, celebrando su sesenta cumpleaños, inspirado -- When Sparks Fly : Notes on the unbound creativity and energy of Yvette Sánchez -- Dançando na plataforma do trem. Uma conversa sobre encontros e a consolidação dos Estudos Latino americanos na Suíça -- À LA BARRE -- Original/Kopie /Plagiat : Welche wissenschaftlichen Standards sind einzuhalten ? -- Penélope y las poetas en español -- Llega un preceptor. A propósito de Eterno Amor, novela corta De Pilar Adón -- La narratividad en la obra La vida que pensamos. Cuentos de fútbol de Eduardo Sacheri -- AU MILIEU -- Relatos cárnicos -- De márgenes y porno: La cámara te quiere (2020), de Pablo García Casado -- Algunos territorios míticos de la literatura española contemporánea: de la geografía a la metáfora -- Walking as a Choreography of More-Than- Transcultural Encounters -- Rendezvous mit den Paramilitärs. Auf den Spuren einer “Kultur der Gewalt” -- Von der Pirouette der Perspektive. Iterationen des Beweglichen -- RÉPERTOIRE -- Zona zombi-e: Ambivalencias y espectralidad del monstruo en el Caribe contemporáneo -- La Revolución Cubana y las mujeres: ¿un asunto de barbudos? -- ¿La “democracia real” como coreografía transcultural? -- Einfache Regeln zum Ausgleich von Stake holder-Interessen — Gemeinsamkeiten über verschiedene Organisationskulturen hinweg -- Cultura de Negócio, Meritocracia e Diversidade -- Las redes como creadoras de valor -- PAS DE DEUX -- Traducción como transculturación o las mil orillas del río: El abrazo de la serpiente de Ciro Guerra -- Transkulturelle Choreographien im Licht der Migration. Zwischenwelten Schreiben bei Melinda Nadj Abonji und Sherko Fatah -- It takes two to tango. (Auto )Ethnographic Reflections on Close Negotiations in Uncertain Times -- RÉVÉRENCE II -- The Yvette SÁnchez’ 5C approach: preliminary results -- Appenzell, territorio cherokee de la literatura -- Despedida -- Biografías — Biographien — BiographiesCoreografías transculturales es un homenaje a una vida de investigación interdisciplinar. A lo largo de su extensa carrera, Yvette Sánchez ha experimentado una y otra vez con las porosas fronteras entre disciplinas utilizando sus intersecciones para poner en escena audaces pas-de-deux alejados de lo convencional. De esta forma, ha enriquecido la investigación sobre cuestiones transculturales conectándola, entre otras cosas, con la práctica empresarial. Esta publicación conmemorativa busca reflejar las múltiples facetas de su obra y reúne contribuciones de campos tan diversos como la antropología o la lírica. Choreographien transkultureller Begegnungen feiert ein Leben für interdisziplinäre Forschung: In ihrer gesamten Karriere experimentierte Yvette Sánchez immer wieder mit den porösen Grenzen zwischen den Disziplinen und nutzte deren Schnittflächen, um unkonventionelle Pas-de-deux zu inszenieren. Dadurch konnte sie die Forschung zu transkulturellen Fragestellungen bereichern und mit der unternehmerischen Praxis verbinden. Diese Festschrift spiegelt die enorme Vielfalt von Yvette Sánchez’ Schaffen wider und vereint Beiträge aus so unterschiedlichen Bereichen wie der Anthropologie und der Lyrik. Choreographing Transcultural Encounters celebrates a life in academia: throughout her career, Yvette Sánchez experimented with the permeability of disciplinary boundaries and used overlaps to choreograph unconventional pas-de-deux. She thus enriched the field of transcultural studies not only with novel contributions, but also with her attempts at bringing research into a dialogue with business practice. This liber amicorum reflects the many facets of Yvette Sánchez oeuvre and combines contributions from anthropology to poetry and beyond.FestschriftenFestschriften.910.5Brühwiler Claudia FranziskaBoanada Fuchs VanessaEsquinas Rychen AnaMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910777098103321Coreografías Transculturales3819200UNINA