03317nam 2200745 a 450 991078999890332120220329030926.01-283-16580-597866131658003-11-023907-810.1515/9783110239072(CKB)2670000000088778(EBL)690654(OCoLC)723945554(SSID)ssj0000530912(PQKBManifestationID)11367136(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000530912(PQKBWorkID)10571367(PQKB)10892800(MiAaPQ)EBC690654(WaSeSS)Ind00010659(DE-B1597)122882(OCoLC)840436087(DE-B1597)9783110239072(Au-PeEL)EBL690654(CaPaEBR)ebr10486518(CaONFJC)MIL316580(PPN)202066428(PPN)175498946(EXLCZ)99267000000008877820100924d2011 uy 0grcurnn#---|u||utxtccrDescriptio Sanctae Sophiae[electronic resource] Descriptio ambonis /Pavlvs Silentiarivs ; edidit Clavdio De StefaniBerlin De Gruyterc20111 online resource (212 p.)Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana,1864-399XCritical edition.3-11-022126-8 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Front matter --HOC VOLVMINE CONTINENTVR --Praefatio --Conspectus siglorum --Conspectus librorum --Descriptio Sanctae Sophiae --Descriptio Ambonis --Codicis Palatini ortographia et menda leviora --Index locorum similium et in apparatu laudatorum --Index verborumThe two poems Descriptio S. Sophiae and Descriptio Ambonis of Paul the Silentiary, composed for the inauguration (562 AD) of the church of St. Sophia (Istanbul) after its partial rebuilding, are an invaluable source for the history of Byzantine arts and a beautiful piece of late Greek poetry. Silentiary's poems respectively describe the church and its (now lost) pulpit. The Descriptio S. Sophiae also contains a lavish praise of emperor Justinian and of the patriarch Eutichius. De Stefani's edition is based on a collation of the witness of the text, Heid. Pal. gr. 23, and takes into account all previous bibliography. Some corrupted passages of the poems have been emendated, the few false readings still present in the text printed by the last, authoritative editor, P. Friedländer (1912), have been corrected.Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.Greek poetryByzantium.Greek Poetry.Hagia Sophia.Justinian.Paul the Silentiary.Greek poetry.881/.02FK 46301rvkPaulthe Silentiary,6th cent.539284De Stefani Claudio754616Paulthe Silentiary,6th cent.539284MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910789998903321Descriptio Sanctae Sophiae3850868UNINA