04655nam 2200601Ia 450 991078989790332120200520144314.01-61942-329-4(CKB)2670000000135200(EBL)3017822(SSID)ssj0000694592(PQKBManifestationID)12278633(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000694592(PQKBWorkID)10667829(PQKB)11135487(MiAaPQ)EBC3017822(Au-PeEL)EBL3017822(CaPaEBR)ebr10654793(OCoLC)923653888(EXLCZ)99267000000013520020101207d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrWind tunnels[electronic resource] aerodynamics, models and experiments /Justin D. Pereira, editorNew York Nova Science Publishersc20111 online resource (241 p.)Engineering tools, techniques and tablesDescription based upon print version of record.1-61209-204-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.""WIND TUNNELS: AERODYNAMICS, MODELS AND EXPERIMENTS ""; ""WIND TUNNELS: AERODYNAMICS, MODELS AND EXPERIMENTS ""; ""CONTENTS ""; ""PREFACE""; ""DESIGN, EXECUTION AND NUMERICAL REBUILDING OF SHOCK WAVE BOUNDARY LAYER INTERACTION EXPERIMENT IN A PLASMA WIND TUNNEL""; ""ABSTRACT ""; ""1. INTRODUCTION""; ""1.1. EXPERT Capsule ""; ""2. MATHEMATICAL MODEL ""; ""3. PWT SCIROCCO EXPERIMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN""; ""3.1. PWT “Scirocco� Facility Description ""; ""3.2. Facility Performance Evaluation ""; ""3.3. Definition of PWT Model""; ""3.3.1. Nose Radius ""; ""3.3.2. Flap Dimensions """"3.4. Final Configuration and Materials """"4. EXTRAPOLATION FROM FLIGHT PROCEDURE ""; ""4.1. Facility Operating Conditions ""; ""4.1.1. Pressure and Heat Flux Reference Values""; ""4.1.2. Pressure and Heat Flux Peak Values ""; ""4.1.3. Angle of Attack ""; ""4.2. Definition of the Experimental Conditions ""; ""4.2.1. Point P1-PWT ""; ""4.2.2. Point P2-PWT""; ""5. MODEL THERMO-STRUCTURAL DESIGN ""; ""5.1. Flat Plate ""; ""5.1.1. Thermal Analysis ""; ""5.1.2. Structural Analysis ""; ""5.2. Deflected Flap""; ""5.2.1. Thermal Analysis ""; ""5.2.2. Structural Analysis """"5.3. Lower and Lateral Panels """"5.4. Water Cooled Leading Edge ""; ""5.5. Model Frame ""; ""5.6. Final Material Selection ""; ""6. PWT SCIROCCO EXPERIMENT DETAILED DESIGN ""; ""6.1. Computational Grids ""; ""6.2. Two-Dimensional Numerical Results ""; ""6.2.1. Wall Catalycity Effects ""; ""6.2.2. Nose Temperature Effects ""; ""6.2.3. Base Flow Effects ""; ""6.3. Three-Dimensional Numerical Results ""; ""6.3.1. Condition P2-PWT ""; ""6.4. Model Instrumentation ""; ""7. TEST EXECUTION ""; ""8. POST TEST ANALYSIS AND NUMERICAL REBUILDING""; ""8.1. Comparison with Pre-Test and Flight Data """"9. CONCLUSION """"REFERENCES ""; ""THE MAINZ VERTICAL WIND TUNNEL FACILITY� A REVIEW OF 25 YEARS OF LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS ON CLOUD PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY ""; ""ABSTRACT ""; ""1. INTRODUCTION ""; ""2. DESCRIPTION OF THE MAINZ VERTICAL WIND TUNNEL ""; ""2.1. History ""; ""2.2. Construction ""; ""2.3. Experiments ""; ""2.3.1. Experiments in Laminar Air Stream""; "" Basic Cloud Physical Processes ""; ""Internal Circulation, Shape, and Oscillation of Raindrops ""; ""Collisional Drop Growth and Riming ""; ""Melting of Snow Flakes ""; "" Cloud Chemistry Processes""""Scavenging of Sulfur Dioxide by Large and Small Raindrops""""Scavenging of Ammonia by Raindrops ""; "" Aerosol-Cloud Interactions ""; ""Heterogeneous Drop Freezing in the Immersion and Contact Mode ""; ""Drop-to-Particle Conversion ""; ""Radiation Properties of Polluted Droplets ""; ""2.3.2. Experiments in Turbulent Air Stream ""; "" Basic Cloud Physical Processes ""; ""Collisional Drop Growth""; "" Cloud Chemistry Processes ""; ""Sulfur Dioxide ""; "" Aerosol Cloud Interactions ""; ""Impaction scavenging by water drops ""; ""SUMMARY ""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS """"REFERENCES ""Engineering Tools, Techniques and TablesWind tunnelsAerodynamicsWind tunnels.Aerodynamics.629.134/52Pereira Justin D1584750MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910789897903321Wind tunnels3868717UNINA