04570nam 2200781Ia 450 991078989010332120111227123926.01-283-35469-197866133546930-85724-864-2(CKB)2670000000131887(EBL)823625(OCoLC)769342560(SSID)ssj0000613284(PQKBManifestationID)11407365(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000613284(PQKBWorkID)10583981(PQKB)11551322(MiAaPQ)EBC823625(Au-PeEL)EBL823625(CaPaEBR)ebr10520744(CaONFJC)MIL335469(UtOrBLW)bslw08111966(PPN)170244458(EXLCZ)99267000000013188720111227d2011 uy 0engurun|||||||||txtccrDroughts in Asian monsoon region[electronic resource] /edited by Rajib Shaw, Huy Nguyen1st ed.Bingley [England] Emerald Group Pub.20111 online resource (203 p.)Community, environment and disaster risk management,2040-7262 ;v. 8Description based upon print version of record.0-85724-863-4 Includes bibliographical references.ch. 1. Overview and characteristics of Asian monsoon drought / Rajib Shaw, Huy Nguyen, Umma Habiba, Yukiko Takeuchi -- ch. 2. Socioeconomic impact of droughts in Bangladesh / Umma Habiba, Rajib Shaw, Yukiko Takeuchi -- ch. 3. Adaptation to droughts in Cambodia / Huy Nguyen, Rajib Shaw -- ch. 4. Drought, its impacts and management : scenario in India / Jayanta Sarkar -- ch. 5. Overview of droughts in Myanmar / U Than Myint, San Hla Thaw, Ye Ye Nyein -- ch. 6. Drought risk reduction in the dry zone of Sri Lanka / Rekha Nianthi -- ch. 7. Thailand drought risk management : macro and micro strategies / Porranee Thanapakpawin, Surajate Boonya-aroonnet, Aisawan Chankarn, Royol Chitradon, Anond Snidvongs -- ch. 8. Drought risk management in Vietnam / Huy Nguyen, Rajib Shaw -- ch. 9. Proactive drought risk reduction approaches in the Asian monsoon region / Rajib Shaw, Huy Nguyen, Umma Habiba, Yukiko Takeuchi.Drought is a slow-onset disaster. The impacts are invisible and are often reflected as a complex socio-economic phenomenon. Due to changes in the climatic conditions droughts are increasingly occurring in non-traditional drought prone areas. The Asian monsoon region is one of these areas where consecutive years of droughts are causing severe problems for the lives and livelihoods of the communities. The impacts are becoming increasingly more visible, and drawing the attention of policy makers and professionals from national and international levels. In this context, this book outlines the characteristics and challenges of the Asian monsoon drought and highlights innovative solutions and approaches undertaken in different parts of the region. A ready-reference for field practitioners it combines academic research and field practices, and builds on actual implementation experiences of drought risk reduction. Providing a thorough examination of the subject and region, chapters cover droughts in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. It concludes with an article on cross-cutting experiences and drought risk reduction in the Asian Monsoon Region.Community, environment and disaster risk management ;v. 8.NatureEnvironmental Conservation & ProtectionbisacshNatureNatural DisastersbisacshNatureWeatherbisacshThe environmentbicsscDrought & water supplybicsscDroughtsAsiaDroughtsEconomic aspectsAsiaSouth AsiafastSoutheast AsiafastAsiengndNatureEnvironmental Conservation & Protection.NatureNatural Disasters.NatureWeather.The environment.Drought & water supply.DroughtsDroughtsEconomic aspects363.34929095Shaw Rajib1474599Nguyên Huy1584697UtOrBLWUtOrBLWBOOK9910789890103321Droughts in Asian monsoon region3868645UNINA