04455nam 22008053u 450 991078975720332120230725032156.00-19-991143-61-283-23213-897866132321370-19-972048-7(CKB)2670000000108089(EBL)746724(OCoLC)746747095(SSID)ssj0000537603(PQKBManifestationID)12176444(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000537603(PQKBWorkID)10554167(PQKB)11245928(MiAaPQ)EBC746724(EXLCZ)99267000000010808920140113d2011|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrHollywood Left and Right[electronic resource] How Movie Stars Shaped American PoliticsOxford Oxford University Press, USA20111 online resource (513 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-19-997553-1 0-19-518172-7 Cover; Contents; Acknowledgments; INTRODUCTION: MOVIE STARS AND POLITICS; 1 THE FIRST POLITICAL MOVIE STAR: CHARLIE CHAPLIN; 2 THE MAN WHO BROUGHT HOLLYWOOD INTO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: LOUIS B. MAYER; 3 LITTLE CAESAR AND THE HUAC MOB: EDWARD G. ROBINSON; 4 HOLLYWOOD AND THE CONSERVATIVE REVOLUTION: GEORGE MURPHY AND RONALD REAGAN; 5 POLITICS IN BLACK AND WHITE: HARRY BELAFONTE; 6 MOVEMENT LEADER, GRASSROOTS BUILDER: JANE FONDA; 7 MOSES AND THE RED TIDE: CHARLTON HESTON; 8 PRESIDENT BULWORTH, OR, WILL MR. BEATTY GO TO WASHINGTON? WARREN BEATTY9 GOVERNOR ARNOLD AND THE AGE OF CELEBRITY POLITICS: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGEREPILOGUE; Notes; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; Y; ZIn Hollywood Left and Right, Steven J. Ross tells a story that has escaped public attention: the emergence of Hollywood as a vital center of political life and the important role that movie stars have played in shaping the course of American politics. Ever since the film industry relocated to Hollywood early in the twentieth century, it has had an outsized influence on American politics. Through compelling larger-than-life figures in American cinema--Charlie Chaplin, Louis B. Mayer, Edward G. Robinson, George Murphy, Ronald Reagan, Harry Belafonte, Jane Fonda, Charlton Heston, Warren Beatty, aMotion picture actors and actresses -- Political activity -- United States -- History -- 20th centuryMotion picture industry -- United States -- InfluenceMotion picture producers and directors -- Political activity -- United States -- History -- 20th centuryUnited States -- Politics and government -- 20th centuryMotion picture industryInfluence20th centuryUnited StatesMotion picture producers and directorsPolitical activityHistory20th centuryUnited StatesMotion picture actors and actressesHistoryPolitical activityUnited StatesMusic, Dance, Drama & FilmHILCCRegions & Countries - AmericasHILCCHistory & ArchaeologyHILCCUnited States - GeneralHILCCFilmHILCCUnited StatesPolitics and government20th centuryMotion picture actors and actresses -- Political activity -- United States -- History -- 20th century.Motion picture industry -- United States -- Influence.Motion picture producers and directors -- Political activity -- United States -- History -- 20th century.United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century.Motion picture industryInfluenceMotion picture producers and directorsPolitical activityHistoryMotion picture actors and actressesHistoryPolitical activityMusic, Dance, Drama & FilmRegions & Countries - AmericasHistory & ArchaeologyUnited States - GeneralFilm322.0973Ross Steven J246381AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910789757203321Hollywood Left and Right3719422UNINA