03625 am 2200865 n 450 9910136978803321201605182-7535-4573-110.4000/books.pur.33265(CKB)3710000000749529(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-33265(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/60649(PPN)267955855(EXLCZ)99371000000074952920160718j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLe temps des lettres Quelles périodisations pour l'histoire de la littérature française du 20e siècle ? /Francine Dugast-Portes, Michèle TouretRennes Presses universitaires de Rennes20161 online resource (338 p.) 2-86847-588-4 La question du « temps des lettres », de la périodisation en histoire littéraire, se pose particulièrement en ce qui concerne l'époque contemporaine. En lançant la réflexion sur ce thème, la Société d'étude de la littérature du XXe siècle (SELF XX) a suscité toute une série d'exposés très neufs, qui traitent des diverses modalités possibles de périodisation – relation à l'historiographie générale, place accordée aux guerres, choix de bornes et/ou de pôles, élaboration de critères d'homogénéité, durée des périodes envisagées, etc. Des exemples précis, choisis au fil du siècle et jusque dans l'immédiate contemporanéité, permettent de croiser des approches multiples, et fournissent aux enseignants comme aux étudiants des éléments de construction de grande qualité.HistoryLiterature (General)littérature françaiseXXème sièclehistoirehistoriographiehistoriographiehistoireXXème sièclelittérature françaiseHistoryLiterature (General)littérature françaiseXXème sièclehistoirehistoriographieDugast-Portes Francine1294411Touret Michèle1233684Alexandre Didier389020Andrieux Charlotte1294412Baudelle Yves174794Béhar Henri464394Bernard Jacqueline520178Bernard Michel375538Bikialo Stéphane1154569Blanckeman Bruno443557Bouju Emmanuel610376Breuille Jean-Yves De1294413Brunel Pierre153053Cousseau Anne152411Curatolo Bruno1284584Dambre Marc175111Denès Dominique1294414Dugast-Portes Francine1294411Dupouy Christine1290685Gontard Marc442280Hermetet Anne-Rachel1281345Larroux Guy684427Malaprade Anne1294415Massol Jean-François1281700Poirier Jacques506682Sainclivier Jacqueline959597Touret Michèle1233684Viart Dominique176315Zubiate Jean-Pierre1285725FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910136978803321Le temps des lettres3023209UNINA03092nam 2200445 a 450 991078944290332120230421053604.00-19-770276-70-19-987935-41-283-12141-797866131214170-19-987440-9(Au-PeEL)EBL716689(CaPaEBR)ebr10472325(CaONFJC)MIL312141(OCoLC)729244836(MiAaPQ)EBC716689(EXLCZ)99267000000009285319920204d1992 uy 0engur|n|---|||||Cultures in organizations[electronic resource] three perspectives /Joanne MartinNew York Oxford University Press19921 online resource (xi, 228 p.) ill0-19-507164-6 0-19-507163-8 Includes bibliographical references (p. [205]-218) and index.1. Seeing Cultures from Different Points of View; 2. OZCO: Gathering the Data; 3. OZCO: An Integration View; 4. The Integration Perspective: Harmony and Homogeneity; 5. OZCO: A Differentiation View; 6. The Differentiation Perspective: Separation and Conflict; 7. OZCO: A Fragmentation View; 8. The Fragmentation Perspective: Multiplicity and Flux; 9. Cultural Change: Moving Beyond a Single Perspective; 10. Giving Up the Authority Game: A Postmodern Critique of the Three-Perspective Framework; References; Index.This is essentially a textbook in organizational culture. But, unlike most textbooks authors, Professor Martin is making a contribution to the field in that she focuses on a way of looking at the field that is new. In the past, those who have studied organizational culture have usually done so from one of three perspectives: 1) "Integration" - all members of an organization share a consensus of values and purpose; 2) "Differentiation" - there are frequent conflicts among groups in organizations with limited consensus; 3) "Fragmentation" - there is considereable ambiguity in organizations with consensus coexisting with conflict, and much change among groups. The author argues that the best way to view organizations is to see them through all three perspectives - each revealing a different kind of truth. The author has done extensive research studying the organizational culture of a large California high technology firm (which is not identified in the book). She interviewed many employees at different levels and in different departments, and used surveys to extend the interviews. Her work is like an ethnography in which the researcher's own perspectives and cultural norms have to be accounted for. As a result, the book explores what she learned from her studies and how she learned it.Corporate cultureCorporate culture.302.3/5Martin JoannePh. D.116094MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910789442903321Cultures in organizations418554UNINA03230nam 22006493a 450 991036775970332120250203235433.09783039214723303921472110.3390/books978-3-03921-472-3(CKB)4100000010106120(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/61030(ScCtBLL)53c0c9b5-f939-4475-ac08-bf6b2607b0cb(OCoLC)1163820523(EXLCZ)99410000001010612020250203i20192019 uu engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierTourism Destination ManagementManuel Rodríguez-Díaz, Tomás F. Espino-RodríguezBasel, Switzerland :MDPI,2019.1 electronic resource (122 p.)9783039214716 3039214713 This book collected studies focused on the management of tourist destinations. Destinations are complex and adaptive systems, where the different elements that make them up have to be oriented towards achieving a common objective that improves the competitiveness of the destination. Five main lines of research on tourist destinations can be established: 1) the management, planning, and marketing of destinations, with special attention to the tourism supply chain, communication, and integral management; 2) the sustainability of resources and capabilities; 3) the renewal of destinations in order to update their offer and main resources to maintain competitiveness; 4) online reputation and communication through social media in order to create and enhance a strong brand image and customer loyalty; and 5) the application of new technologies in order to develop smart destinations. The book is made up of five research studies that focus on analyzing the transition towards a more circular tourist activity in hotels, image as a competitive factor of destinations, the value of cultural creativity, the coherence of online reputation, and the relationship between hotel prices and online reputation in different tourist destinations.Upper Silesian Conurbationpost-industrial cities developmentabstract and figurative cluesrating of online reputationpricehotel sector’s competitivenessregional imageinnovationlodgingonline reputationservice qualityonline customer reviewtourism destinationcustomer online reviewcommunity managersustainable tourismadded valuecultural and creative communitysocial media content explorationcircular economynegative stereotypesdestination imageRodríguez-Díaz Manuel1292435Espino-Rodríguez Tomás FScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910367759703321Tourism Destination Management3022305UNINA