04701 am 2200949 n 450 9910597171503321202107092-7351-2595-510.4000/books.editionsmsh.40043(CKB)4100000012897037(FrMaCLE)OB-editionsmsh-40043(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/95041(PPN)265623863(EXLCZ)99410000001289703720221006j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierL’environnement des églises et la topographie religieuse des campagnes médiévales /Michel Fixot, Elisabeth Zadora-RioParis Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme20211 online resource (180 p.)Documents d’archéologie française2-7351-0504-0 Ce volume réunit les actes d’un congrès organisé par la Société d’archéologie médiévale et le Groupement de recherche 94 du CNRS qui s’est tenu à Aix-en-Provence du 28 au 30 septembre 1989. Les contributions ont été regroupées autour de trois thèmes qui jouent un rôle essentiel dans l’étude du peuplement rural au Moyen Âge. Le premier a trait à l’influence de l’Antiquité tardive sur la topographie religieuse des campagnes médiévales et à la question de la continuité de l’utilisation religieuse et funéraire des sites. Le deuxième porte sur le rôle des églises en tant que pôles d’organisation de l’habitat ; ce phénomène, favorisé par les institutions de paix, est à l’origine d’un réseau de peuplement qui semble parfois en concurrence avec le système castral en formation. Le dernier thème, enfin, concerne l’organisation des domaines ecclésiastiques. This volume comprises the published proceedings of a conference organized by the Société d’archéologie médiévale and the Groupement de recherche 94 of the CNRS which was held at Aix-en-Provence between September 1989 28th and 30th. The papers were grouped according to three themes which play a leading part in the study of medieval rural settlement. The first deals with the influence of late Antiquity on the religious topography of the medieval countryside and the problem of continuity of the ecclesiastical and funerary use of sites. The second adresses the role of churches as foci for the organisation of settlement; this phenomenon, which was promoted by the interests of the Peace of God movement, formed the basis of units of population which appear sometimes to have been in competition with the emergent system of castellanies. The last theme concerns the organisation of ecclesiastical estates.ArchaeologyhabitatMoyen Âgechâteauprieuréabbayeéglisecastrumbourgcimetière habitéhabitatMoyen Âgechâteauprieuréabbayeéglisecastrumbourgcimetière habitéArchaeologyhabitatMoyen Âgechâteauprieuréabbayeéglisecastrumbourgcimetière habitéBaudreu Dominique1280021Bonde Sheila457304Bonnassie Pierre152024Bonnet Charles68999Bourin Monique166959Boyden Edward1324117Cazes Jean‑Paul1324118Crubézy Eric488010Cursente Benoît1288062Durand Aline459702Feller L1324119Fixot Michel183538Le Maho Jacques1286471Maines Clark1324120Parodi Anne1324121Provence Paul‑Albert Février Professeur à l’université de1324122Riu Manuel495058Swan Leo1324123Valdepeñas Pilar1324124Zadora‑Rio Elisabeth1324125Fixot Michel183538Zadora-Rio Elisabeth157720FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910597171503321L’environnement des églises et la topographie religieuse des campagnes médiévales3035917UNINA04246oam 2200877I 450 991078943540332120230725031353.01-136-82488-X1-283-15142-197866131514211-136-82489-80-203-83080-610.4324/9780203830802 (CKB)2670000000093627(EBL)692389(OCoLC)730151724(SSID)ssj0000521500(PQKBManifestationID)11330811(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000521500(PQKBWorkID)10518181(PQKB)10125907(MiAaPQ)EBC692389(Au-PeEL)EBL692389(CaPaEBR)ebr10477501(CaONFJC)MIL315142(OCoLC)742514674(EXLCZ)99267000000009362720180706d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCities, borders, and spaces in intercultural American literature and film /Ana Ma. Manzanas and Jesus BenitoNew York :Routledge,2011.1 online resource (177 p.)Routledge transnational perspectives on American literature ;14Description based upon print version of record.1-138-84966-9 0-415-88721-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction : lingering on Times Square -- Chiastic spaces: ports of entry, ports of exit -- The migrational city in Chuck Palahniuk's "Slumming" : a story by lady baglady, and Helena Viramontes's "The Cariboo Cafe" -- Unbound cities, concentric circles : Karen Tei Yamashita's Tropic of orange -- Borderlands : middle spaces, hybrid bodies -- The rhetoric of spatial cutting : borders, scars, open wounds -- Terminal thinking : border narratives, airport narratives, and the logic of detention -- Postscript conclusion : from The Great Wall to Babel.Thus book examines the spatial morphologies represented in a wide range of contemporary ethnic American literary and cinematic works. Drawing from Henri Lefebvre's theorization of space as a living organism, Edward Soja's writings on the postmetropolis, Marc Augé's notion of the non-place, Manuel Castells' space of flows, and Michel de Certeau's theories of walking as a practice, the volume extends previous theorizations by examining how spatial uses, appropriations, strictures, ruptures, and reconfigurations function in literary texts and films that represent inhabitants of racial-ethnic bRoutledge transnational perspectives on American literature ;14.American literatureMinority authorsHistory and criticismAmerican literature21st centuryHistory and criticismAmerican literature20th centuryHistory and criticismCities and towns in literatureSpace in literaturePlace (Philosophy) in literatureBorderlands in literatureCities and towns in motion picturesSpace in motion picturesPlace (Philosophy) in motion picturesBorderlands in motion picturesAmerican literatureMinority authorsHistory and criticism.American literatureHistory and criticism.American literatureHistory and criticism.Cities and towns in literature.Space in literature.Place (Philosophy) in literature.Borderlands in literature.Cities and towns in motion pictures.Space in motion pictures.Place (Philosophy) in motion pictures.Borderlands in motion pictures.810.9/358209732Manzanas Calvo Ana Ma(Ana Maria),610856Benito Sanchez Jesus610855MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910789435403321Cities, borders, and spaces in intercultural American literature and film3807377UNINA