06290nam 2200721 450 99621716360331620221206104234.01-283-42915-297866134291553-11-022212-410.1515/9783110222128(CKB)3360000000433093(SSID)ssj0000559599(PQKBManifestationID)11367776(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000559599(PQKBWorkID)10567050(PQKB)10542599(MiAaPQ)EBC913211(WaSeSS)Ind00009125(DE-B1597)37385(OCoLC)979744982(DE-B1597)9783110222128(EXLCZ)99336000000043309320150919h20112011 uy 0gerurcnu||||||||txtccrBabylon Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident /herausgegeben von Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Margarete van Ess und Joachim MarzahnBerlin, [Germany] ;Boston, Massachusetts :Walter de Gruyter,2011.©20111 online resource (404 pages) illustrations, mapsTopoi - Berlin Studies of the Ancient World,2191-5806 ;Volume 1Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: MonographPrint version: 9783110222111 Includes bibliographical references and index. Frontmatter -- Berlin Studies of the Ancient World -- Berlin Studies of the Ancient World -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Einführung -- "Babylon - Wissenskulturen zwischen Orient und Okzident" - Programm, Referenten und Podiumsgäste -- Babylon - Heute -- The Present Condition of Babylon / Curtis, John -- The Situation of the Babylon Archaeological Site until 2006 / Musa, Maryam U. -- Excavated and Unexcavated Libraries in Babylon / Pedersén, Olof -- Babylon - Hauptstadt -- Babylon: Origins / Lambert, Wilfred G. -- Babylon in der altbabylonischen Zeit: eine Hauptstadt von vielen ... die als einzige übrig blieb / Charpin, Dominique -- Moving around Babylon: On the Aramean and Chaldean Presence in Southern Mesopotamia / Fales, Frederick M. -- L'écriture publique du pouvoir à Babylone sous Nabuchodonosor II / Joannès, Francis -- Babylon - Wissensort -- Reconstructing Babylon: Recycling Mythological Traditions Toward a New Theology / Katz, Dina -- Die Wissenschaft von der Zukunft. Überlegungen zur Bedeutung der Divination im Alten Orient / Maul, Stefan M. -- Die theoretische Grundlage der babylonischen Heilkunde / Geller, Mark J. -- Bemerkungen zu einigen Aspekten babylonischen Rechtsdenkens im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und Praxis / Neumann, Hans -- "Sieben Tafeln aus sieben Städten". Überlegungen zum Prozess der Serialisierung von Texten in Babylonien in der zweiten Hälfte des zweiten Jahrtausends v. Chr. / Heeßel, Nils P. -- The Role of Babylon in Western Peripheral Education / Soldt, Wilfred van -- Science in Action: Networks in Babylonian Astronomy / Ossendrijver, Mathieu -- Babylon - Wirkungsgeschichten -- Chaldäer im Platonismus / Erler, Michael -- The politai and the bīt tāmartu: The Seleucid and Parthian Theatres of the Greek Citizens of Babylon / Potts, Daniel T. -- Ḥarrān - die Stadt des Sin in islamischer Zeit / Strohmaier, Gotthard -- Die altorientalischen Denkmäler in den Museen in Polen. Geschichte und Bestand / Reiche, Andrzej -- Abstracts -- Abkürzungsverzeichnis -- Indices -- AbbildungsnachweiseIn diesem interdisziplinären Sammelband, der aus einer Tagung anläßlich der Berliner Ausstellung Babylon - Wahrheit und Mythos hervorgeht, diskutieren international renommierte Wissenschaftler aus den Altertumswissenschaften erstmals unter dem Fokus "Wissenskultur": Für die zeitgenössischen Kulturen der Alten Welt galt Babylon als Inbegriff von Gelehrsamkeit, in den Transformationsprozessen der Spät- und Nachantike hingegen wurde es in dem Maße, wie diese Wissenskultur nach dem Untergang der altorientalischen Reiche in Vergessenheit geriet, zum Sinnbild für Okkultismus, Magie und esoterisches Wissen. Als erstes gemeinsames Pilotprojekt von Topoi und dem Verlag De Gruyter für die zeitgleiche Publikation in Print und Open Access wird dieser Band bei Erscheinen über die Website www.reference-global.de auch als eBook "open access" verfügbar sein.In this collection of interdisciplinary papers, for the first time well-known scholars of Ancient Near Eastern Studies discuss Babylon from the point of view of the "culture of knowledge". The volume is the result of a conference that took place on the occasion of the exhibition Babylon - Truth and Myth in Berlin. For the contemporary cultures of the Ancient World, Babylon was the epitome of learned scholarship. Yet in the processes of transformation of Late and post-Antiquity, to the same extent to which this culture of knowledge was forgotten after the collapse of the old oriental empires, Babylon became symbolic for the occult, for magic and esoteric knowledge. As the first joint pilot project by Topoi and the publisher De Gruyter for the simultaneous publication in print and open access, this volume will, on publication, also be available via www.reference-global.de as an eBook "open access".Topoi ;Volume 1.Learning and scholarshipIraqBabylon (Extinct city)HistoryCongressesScienceIraqBabylon (Extinct city)HistoryCongressesEast and WestHistoryCongressesBabylon (Extinct city)Intellectual lifeCongressesBabylon.Science culture.Learning and scholarshipHistoryScienceHistoryEast and WestHistory935BC 7320rvkCancik-Kirschbaum Eva Christiane596911Cancik-Kirschbaum Eva ChristianeEss Margarete vanMarzahn JoachimMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK996217163603316Babylon2415317UNISA04721nam 2201117 450 991078930800332120230125211942.0(CKB)3580000000001209(CaPaEBR)ebrary10786069(SSID)ssj0001141692(PQKBManifestationID)12464285(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001141692(PQKBWorkID)11096965(PQKB)10151135(OCoLC)862232845(CaBNVSL)swl00402921(Au-PeEL)EBL1480186(CaPaEBR)ebr10786069(CaSebORM)9781606494455(MiAaPQ)EBC1480186(EXLCZ)99358000000000120920131105d2013 fy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrIntegrated management of processes and information /Kenneth A. ShawFirst edition.New York, New York (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017) :Business Expert Press,2013.1 online resource (204 p.) Quantitative approaches to decision making collection,2163-9582Part of: 2013 digital library.1-60649-444-9 1-60649-445-7 Includes bibliographical references (pages 171-176) and index.Contents -- List of illustrations -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1. Changing role of processes and information -- 2. Nature of information -- 3. Modeling integrated information and processes -- 4. Use and acquisition of information -- 5. Alphabet soup, big data, cloud computing, DSS, ERP, VoIP -- 6. Managerial considerations -- Appendix A. Glossary -- Appendix B. Acronym and symbol definitions -- Appendix C. Excel tips and useful functions -- Notes -- References and bibliography -- Index.Each step in a company's manufacturing, service, and information processes uses, creates, supplies, and stores information. In many businesses, the information processes are managed separately from other business processes. However, they should be considered together with other operations in a process to develop more effective and less-expensive methods for acquiring and using that information. Using a conversational tone, the author discusses a number of the procedural and managerial policy considerations for small and large businesses regarding information technology, process management, and business choices. The discussion focuses more on informing the reader about process-oriented concepts and management options available rather than providing specific recommendations regarding which process or information strategy to use.2013 digital library.Quantitative approaches to decision making collection.2163-9582Business information servicesInformation resources managementDecision support systemsManagement information systemsinformation processesservice processesmanufacturing processesprocess managementinformation technologyenterprise software solutionsstochastic datadeterministic dataservice blueprintblock diagramcross- functional diagraminformation flowinformation transferinformation standardizationinformation mediumcyber securityvalue-added stepdematerializationfood service information processesDSSERPMRPCRMSPCPDMSaaSBig Datadata miningSMBdecision support systemsbusiness intelligenceShannon theory of communicationcloud computingBYODVoIPbarcodeOCRRFIDinventory trackingBusiness information services.Information resources management.Decision support systems.Management information systems.658.4038Shaw Kenneth A(Kenneth Alan),1941-,1563084MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910789308003321Integrated management of processes and information3831227UNINA