03552nam 22006611 450 991078917560332120230803034238.0(CKB)3710000000075675(EBL)3239143(SSID)ssj0001158901(PQKBManifestationID)11748929(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001158901(PQKBWorkID)11107839(PQKB)10796780(MiAaPQ)EBC3239143(Au-PeEL)EBL3239143(CaPaEBR)ebr10815944(OCoLC)923762684(EXLCZ)99371000000007567520130328d2013 uf 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrGAIN methodology diagnosis and design of change processes within producer organizations /by Aziz Elbehri, Maria Lee, Carina Hirsch, Marwan BenaliRome :Economic and Social Development Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,2013.1 online resource (110 p.)"I3127E/1/11.12".92-5-107415-1 ""Preface and acknowledgements""; ""Table of contents""; ""Tables and figures""; ""Acronyms""; ""Introduction""; ""DESCRIPTION OF THE GAIN METHODOLOGY ""; ""APPLICATION OF THE GAIN METHODOLOGY IN BURKINA FASO WITH THE TIENTIEETAA UNION ""; ""APPLICATION OF THE GAIN METHODOLOGY IN CAMEROON WITH THE NOUN DEPARTMENT PRODUCERS UNION ""; ""APPLICATION OF THE GAIN METHODOLOGY IN MALI WITH THE COOPERATIVE UNION ""WOMEN IN ACTION"" ""; ""GENERAL CONCLUSION """Constraints faced by smallholders--be they women or men--in accessing markets and improving their revenues are well known and easy to enumerate. Finding workable solutions to these constraints remain a challenge. The situation is very similar in many developing countries, particularly in Africa. A major obstacle to achieving agricultural development and inclusive value chains is the lack of effective and self-reliant producer organizations. In West and Central Africa, most farmer organizations are structurally weak, lack good governance and the endogenous capacity to be self-reliant and sustainably deliver the economic services required by their members. In most cases, these organizations remain too dependent on external support that often lacks safeguards to ensure long term sustainability"--FAO website.FarmersBurkina FasoSocieties, etcFarmersCameroonSocieties, etcFarmersMaliSocieties, etcAgricultureBurkina FasoSocieties, etcAgricultureCameroonSocieties, etcAgricultureMaliSocieties, etcNon-governmental organizationsDeveloping countriesFarmersSocieties, etc.FarmersSocieties, etc.FarmersSocieties, etc.AgricultureSocieties, etc.AgricultureSocieties, etc.AgricultureSocieties, etc.Non-governmental organizationsElbehri Aziz1200552Lee Maria1505231Hirsch Carina1505232Benali Marwan1505233Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.Economic and Social Development Department.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910789175603321GAIN methodology3734701UNINA01565nam0 2200349 i 450 VAN0000358220240806100220.55488-02-04948-3IT96 843020020711d1995 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Protagonisti e comprimari del processo penalecontributi di Gianfranco Bonetto ... [et al.]coordinati da Mario ChiavarioTorinoUTET1995XIX, 425 p.25 cmIndicazione di A. sul dorso: M. Chiavario, E. MarzaduriFondo TribunaleIT-IT-CE0105 CONSXVII.F.14001VAN000036262001 Giurisprudenza sistematica di diritto processuale penale210 TorinoUtet.Processo penaleGiurisprudenzaVANC002464FITorinoVANL000001345.4507Diritto penale. Processi. Italia21BonettoGianfrancoVANV003472ChiavarioMarioVANV001632MarzaduriEnricoVANV003434UTET <editore>VANV107949650ITSOL20240906RICAVAN00003582BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS XVII.F.1 00 7598 20020711 BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS XVII.F.14 00FT 36582 20100524 Fondo TribunaleProtagonisti e comprimari del processo penale197838UNICAMPANIA