04779nam 2200637 450 991045296160332120200520144314.01-59693-207-4(CKB)1000000000549558(EBL)338752(SSID)ssj0000278698(PQKBManifestationID)11212620(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000278698(PQKBWorkID)10246621(PQKB)10561745(MiAaPQ)EBC3002018(Au-PeEL)EBL3002018(CaPaEBR)ebr10240787(OCoLC)929146626(CaBNVSL)mat09101088(IEEE)9101088(EXLCZ)99100000000054955820200730d2007 uy engur|n|---|||||txtccrDielectric Resonator Antenna HandbookNorwood :Artech House,2007.[Piscataqay, New Jersey] :IEEE Xplore,[2007]1 online resource (322 p.)Artech House Antennas and Propagation LibraryDescription based upon print version of record.1-59693-206-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook; Contents v; Preface ix; Acknowledgments xi; Chapter 1 Introduction to Dielectric Resonator Antennas 1; 1.1 BRIEF HISTORY OF DIELECTRIC RESONATOR ANTENNAS 1; 1.2 MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS 3; 1.3 -- OUTLINE OF THE DRA HANDBOOK 4; References 5; Chapter 2 Simple-Shaped Dielectric Resonator Antennas 7; 2.1 THE HEMISPHERICAL DRA 8; 2.2 THE CYLINDRICAL DRA 17; 2.3 THE RECTANGULAR DRA 29; References 46; Appendix 48; Chapter 3 Coupling to DRAs 49; 3.1 COUPLING COEFFICIENTS 49; 3.2 FIELDS WITHIN RECTANGULAR AND CYLINDRICAL DRAS 51; 3.3 APERTURE COUPLING 55.3.4 PROBE COUPLING 673.5 MICROSTRIP LINE COUPLING 71; 3.6 COPLANAR COUPLING 77; 3.7 DIELECTRIC IMAGE GUIDE COUPLING 78; 3.8 SURVEY OF ANALYTICAL METHODS 79; References 82; Chapter 4 Survey of DRA Shapes 89; 4.1 DRAS DERIVED FROM HEMISPHERICAL SHAPES 89; 4.2 DRAS DERIVED FROM CYLINDRICAL SHAPES 90; 4.3 DRAS DERIVED FROM RECTANGULAR SHAPES 100; 4.4 DRAS WITH OTHER SHAPES 107; 4.5 HYBRID DRAS 111; References 114; Chapter 5 Bandwidth Enhancement of DRAs 119; 5.1 -- BANDWIDTH PERFORMANCE OF SIMPLE-SHAPED DRAS 119; 5.2 BANDWIDTH ENHANCEMENT FOR SIMPLE-SHAPED DRAs 123; 5.3 MULTIPLE DRAS 130.5.4 HYBRID ANTENNAS 1355.5 MODIFIED DRAS 138; 5.6 -- SUMMARY 143; References 144; Chapter 6 Low-Profile and Compact DRAs 149; 6.1 FUNDAMENTAL LIMITATIONS OF ANTENNAS 149; 6.2 DRAS WITH HIGH DIELECTRIC CONSTANTS 155; 6.3 LOW-PROFILE DESIGNS 156; 6.4 COMPACT DESIGNS 157; 6.5 FINITE GROUND PLANE EFFECTS 164; References 167; Chapter 7 Circular-Polarized and Dual-Polarized DRAs 171; 7.1 REVIEW OF POLARIZATION 171; 7.2 DUAL-POINT FEED 174; 7.3 SINGLE-POINT FEED 179; 7.4 SEQUENTIAL ROTATION 191; 7.5 DUAL-POLARIZED DRAS 193; References 194; Chapter 8 Ferrite Resonator Antennas 197.8.1 REVIEW OF THE PERMEABILITY TENSOR OF FERRITES 1978.2 FREQUENCY AGILITY 198; 8.3 POLARIZATION AGILITY 204; References 207; Chapter 9 DRA Arrays 209; 9.1 REVIEW OF ARRAY THEORY 209; 9.2 OVERVIEW OF FEED NETWORK DESIGN 213; 9.3 MUTUAL COUPLING 217; 9.4 -- LINEAR ARRAYS OF DRAS 219; 9.6 SUMMARY OF DRA ARRAYS 242; References 242; Chapter 10 Practical Considerations 247; 10.1 FREQUENCY LIMITATIONS 247; 10.2 DIELECTRIC MATERIAL 250; 10.3 FABRICATION 250; 10.4 DRA PATTERN MEASUREMENTS 255; 10.5 Measuring Radiation Efficiency of DRAs 266; References 269; Bibliography 271; List of Symbols 301.Today, more and more antenna engineers are viewing the dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) as a preferable alternative to conventional low-gain designs because of several attractive features, including high radiation, light weight, small size and low profile. This practical resource presents complete, up-to-date details on DRAs in a single volume. The book provides professionals with clear guidance on the mode of operation and radiation behavior of DRAs, the main methods of excitation, and the major advances in DRA technology. This hands-on reference equips engineers with simple equations and g.Artech House antennas and propagation library.Antennas (Electronics)Dielectric resonatorsElectronic books.Antennas (Electronics)Dielectric resonators.621.382/4Petosa Aldo933050CaBNVSLCaBNVSLCaBNVSLBOOK9910452961603321Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook2100094UNINA05147nam 22006251 450 991078914660332120230803201656.01-4619-5452-51-61705-190-X(CKB)3710000000077452(EBL)1580906(SSID)ssj0001082212(PQKBManifestationID)12457115(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001082212(PQKBWorkID)11091229(PQKB)11577156(MiAaPQ)EBC1580906(Au-PeEL)EBL1580906(CaPaEBR)ebr10818435(CaONFJC)MIL550414(OCoLC)866443858(EXLCZ)99371000000007745220131219d2014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrSexuality and dementia compassionate and practical strategies for dealing with unexpected or inappropriate behaviors /Douglas WornellNew York :Demos Health,2014.1 online resource (200 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-936303-55-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Is it Sex-or Something Else?; Part One: A Different View of Sexual Behavior; Chapter 1: An Unexpected Symptom: A Very Common Occurrence; A New Reality; The Need for Information; It's Time to Face the Other Reality of Dementia; What you will Find Out; Chapter 2: Relationships Revisited; Stepping Backward; Comparing the Personality Types; Paranoia and the Power Struggle; The Desperation of Misunderstanding; Hostages to Change; Mistaken Identity; The Partners' Abyss; No Looking Back; Chapter 3: The Neurobiology of Sex and DementiaWhat Happens in the BrainThe Three Basic Sexual Phases and the Dementia Effect; Neurotransmitters and the Dementia Effect; The Basic Categories of Abnormal Sexual Behavior; Men versus Women; A Path Forward; Chapter 4: Unexpected Bonds; The Group Shares its Pain; Mixed-up Messages; A Surprising Development; Until Death do us Part?; Outside the Group; Chapter 5: Sexuality in Long-Term Care; The Health Care Challenge; The Landscape of Long-Term Care; Assisted Living Facilities; Skilled Nursing Facilities; Adult Family Homes; Expectations versus Rights; Elder Sexual Abuse; Improving CarePart Two: Understanding what you are FacingChapter 6: Age-Related Dementia; Identifying Dementia; Alzheimer's Disease; Stroke-Related Dementia; Dementia with Lewy Bodies; Parkinson's Disease Dementia; The Treatments; Chapter 7: Other Dementias; Syphilis: The Great Pox; A Modern Day Plague; Frontotemporal Dementia; Brain Injury; Dementia Pugilistica; Life After Cardiac Arrest; Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; Tough Choices; Chapter 8: The Sexual Effects of Delirium, Drugs, and Other Substances; A Jekyll/Hyde Case; Medications and Sexual Symptoms in DementiaCaught between a Nurse and a Hard PlaceThe Tricyclics and Trazadone; Sex Hormones and Dementia; Substance Abuse and Dementia; Alcohol and Dementia; Sugar and Dementia; Cause and Effect; Chapter 9: Treating the Symptoms; The Golden Rule; The Four Passive Steps in Behavioral Management of Sexual Behaviors; The Four Active Steps in Behavioral Management of Sexual Behaviors; The Pharmacologic Management of Sexual Behaviors; Dementia Medication: When is the Right Time to Stop?; Being in the Mood: The Antidepressants; What are Mood Stabilizers?; Antianxiety MedicationsSex, Lies, and AntipsychoticsHormonal Therapy; An Inexact Science; Chapter 10: Where we go from Here; The Great American Contradiction; Sexuality is a Healthy Part of Growing Older; An Aging Population with a Changing Attitude; A New Awareness; Another Approach to Sex and Dementia; What can be Done; Dementia and Technology: Not Such Odd Bedfellows; A New Morality; The Blurry Line in the Sand; Into the Unexpected Future; Connections Always Matter; Notes; Acknowledgments; Index; About the AuthorIt is very common for a person with dementia to exhibit unexpected or inappropriate sexual behavior and yet few resources exist to help partners, family members, caregivers, and others address it. Now for the first time, esteemed geriatric neuropsychiatrist Dr. Doug Wornell provides a compassionate and detailed understanding of the issue and strategies for how to cope.Tackling a difficult subject without shame or embarrassment, Sexuality and Dementia offers essential information and practical solutions so that people with dementia and their partners can have stronger and happier relationships.DementiaPatientsSexual behaviorDementiaDementiaPatientsSexual behavior.Dementia.362.19683616.8/3616.83Wornell Douglas1573204MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910789146603321Sexuality and dementia3848828UNINA