04347nam 2200613 450 991078873100332120170821171900.01-4704-0178-9(CKB)3360000000464777(EBL)3113781(SSID)ssj0000888839(PQKBManifestationID)11465743(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000888839(PQKBWorkID)10867688(PQKB)10519417(MiAaPQ)EBC3113781(RPAM)1635415(PPN)195414756(EXLCZ)99336000000046477720140903h19961996 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCompletely positive hypergroup actions /Ajit Iqbal SinghProvidence, Rhode Island :American Mathematical Society,1996.©19961 online resource (87 p.)Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,0065-9266 ;Volume 124, Number 593"November 1996, volume 124, number 593 (fourth of 5 numbers)."0-8218-0539-8 Includes bibliographical references.""Contents""; ""Introduction""; ""Chapter 1. Presentations""; ""1.1. Admissible pairs of normed linear spaces and compatible pairs of Banach spaces""; ""1.2. Admissible pairs of spaces of operators""; ""1.3. A compatible pair of spaces of functions and measures""; ""1.4. Presentations and opresentations""; ""1.5. Actions and opactions""; ""Chapter 2. Complete Positivity and Other Properties for Presentations and Opresentations""; ""2.1. The C*â€?algebra M[sub(n)](A) and completely positive maps""; ""2.2. Matrix ordered and matricially normed spaces""""2.3. Matrix ordered and matricially normed spaces of linear maps""""2.4. Interconnections amongst different notions of positivity and complete positivity""; ""2.5. Matricially order or norm admissible and compatible pairs""; ""2.6. Examples of matricially norm admissible and compatible pairs""; ""2.7. Matricially order or norm admissible and compatible pairs of spaces of linear maps""; ""2.8. Completely positive and completely bounded presentations and opresentations""; ""2.9. Topological structures on spaces of presentations""""2.10. Properties of the dual presentation and opresentation""""2.11. Completely positive and completely bounded actions and opactions""; ""2.12. Examples and remarks""; ""Chapter 3. Presentations of Hypergroups and Associated Actions""; ""3.1. (M(K), C[sub(b)]K)) as a natural matricially order compatible pair""; ""3.2. Matricially order compatible structures on (M(K), C[sub(b)]K)) through representations""; ""3.3. Special matrix orders on M(K) for commutative K""; ""3.4. Role of conjugate representations in Fourier transform""""3.5. Positive definite presentations and completely positive opresentations of hypergroups""""3.6. The spectral subspaces of a presentation of a hypergroup""; ""3.7. Quantized positiveâ€?definite presentations and opresentations of hypergroups""; ""3.8. Completely positive instruments with values in K and their characteristic functions""; ""3.9. Completely positive hypergroup actions and opactions""; ""Chapter 4. Some Concrete Presentations and Actions of Hypergroups""; ""4.1. Presentations and opresentations arising from the left regular representation""""4.2. The situation in 2â€?fold absolutely continuous hypergroups""""4.3. Amenability for hypergroups""; ""4.4. Folner hypergroups""; ""4.5. Isometry condition on Î?(Î?)""; ""4.6. Actions and opactions arising from the left regular representation""; ""4.7. The special case X = L[sup(2)](K) = X[sub(*)]""; ""References""Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ;Volume 124, Number 593.HypergroupsRepresentations of groupsMeasure algebrasHypergroups.Representations of groups.Measure algebras.512/.55Singh Ajit Iqbal1944-1580663MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788731003321Completely positive hypergroup actions3861751UNINA