02247nam 2200565 450 991078860280332120170821170812.01-4704-0019-7(CKB)3360000000464311(EBL)3113653(SSID)ssj0000910351(PQKBManifestationID)11496480(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000910351(PQKBWorkID)10931834(PQKB)11326949(MiAaPQ)EBC3113653(RPAM)0000000703(PPN)195409558(EXLCZ)99336000000046431120750522d1967 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAlgebraic groups and modular Lie algebras /by James E. HumphreysProvidence :American Mathematical Society,1967.1 online resource (80 p.)Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ;number 71Cover title."A revision of the author's doctoral dissertation (Yale University, 1966)".0-8218-1271-8 Bibliography: pages 75-76.""Contents""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. Roots of a semisimple group""; ""3. Cartan decomposition of L(G)""; ""4. Groups and algebras of rank two""; ""5. The Lie algebra of a semisimple group""; ""6. The induced adjoint representation""; ""7. Isogenies""; ""8. Chevalley's Theorem""; ""9. Groups of type PA""; ""10. Ideals of L(G) Applications""; ""11. Reductive groups""; ""12. Solvable groups Preliminaries""; ""13. Maximal tori""; ""14. Borel subgroups""; ""15. Cartan subgroups""; ""16. A conservation theorem""; ""17. Algebraic Lie algebras""; ""Bibliography""Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ;no. 71.Group theoryLie algebrasModular fieldsGroup theory.Lie algebras.Modular fields.510Humphreys James E.47861MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788602803321Algebraic groups and modular Lie algebras3838598UNINA