05008oam 22011654 450 991078851910332120230828232541.01-4623-9219-91-4527-2694-91-282-59020-097866138226041-4519-0843-1(CKB)3360000000443295(EBL)3014547(SSID)ssj0000940137(PQKBManifestationID)11563712(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000940137(PQKBWorkID)10946292(PQKB)10763608(OCoLC)694141255(MiAaPQ)EBC3014547(IMF)WPIEE2006047(EXLCZ)99336000000044329520020129d2006 uf 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDomestic Taxes and International Trade : Some Evidence /Michael Keen, Murtaza SyedWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2006.1 online resource (30 p.)IMF Working Papers"February 2006."1-4518-6307-1 Includes bibliographical references.""Contents""; ""I. INTRODUCTION""; ""II. TAX STRUCTURE AND NET EXPORTS: ANALYTICS""; ""III. THE DATA: A FIRST LOOK""; ""IV. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS""; ""V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS""; ""References""The effects on trade performance of corporate taxes and the value-added tax (VAT) continue to excite controversy but have received little empirical attention. This paper uses panel data for OECD countries from 1967 to 2003 to examine the effects of these taxes on export performance, paying particular attention to the potentially complex dynamic effects to which theory points. It finds that increased reliance on VAT revenue tends to be associated with a sharp reduction in net exports, which quickly fades. This may reflect unrelated movements in consumption, and our preferred specifications point to no trade effects of the VAT in either the short or the long run. Our results also point, however, to powerful and complex effects from the corporate tax, the pattern of which is as theory would predict from a source-based tax of this kind. Increases in corporate taxation-whether measured by revenues or the statutory rate-are associated with sharp short-run increases in net exports (consistent with induced capital flows abroad); these are then subsequently and quickly reversed (consistent with increased income from investments abroad), leaving an increase in net exports that converges to zero.IMF Working Papers; Working Paper ;No. 2006/047Value-added taxEconometric modelsCorporationsTaxationEconometric modelsInternational tradeEconometric modelsExports and ImportsimfMacroeconomicsimfPublic FinanceimfTaxationimfCorporate TaxationimfBusiness Taxes and SubsidiesimfTrade: GeneralimfTaxation, Subsidies, and Revenue: GeneralimfMacroeconomics: ConsumptionimfSavingimfWealthimfCorporate & business taximfPublic finance & taxationimfInternational economicsimfCorporate income taximfValue-added taximfExportsimfRevenue administrationimfConsumptionimfCorporationsimfSpendings taximfRevenueimfEconomicsimfUnited StatesimfValue-added taxEconometric models.CorporationsTaxationEconometric models.International tradeEconometric models.Exports and ImportsMacroeconomicsPublic FinanceTaxationCorporate TaxationBusiness Taxes and SubsidiesTrade: GeneralTaxation, Subsidies, and Revenue: GeneralMacroeconomics: ConsumptionSavingWealthCorporate & business taxPublic finance & taxationInternational economicsCorporate income taxValue-added taxExportsRevenue administrationConsumptionCorporationsSpendings taxRevenueEconomicsKeen Michael125941Syed Murtaza1462061International Monetary Fund.Fiscal Affairs Dept.DcWaIMFBOOK9910788519103321Domestic Taxes and International Trade3670914UNINA